Jennatx23 awful session

sixxbach's Avatar
actually, i have let it go......... knavharr, had a post and i replied. to those who mentioned about letting it go, I DID...... simply replied to a posters comment..... geeee
Guest062716's Avatar
Sorry. I didn't know that my chance to opine had a deadline that is based on other's opinion.

Knav. Originally Posted by Knavharr
I did not previously close the thread, so obviously, you have exercised your chance to opine. However, in the spirit of staying on topic, being thought provoking and entertaining, this thread appears to run that course.

The original poster and the lady in question have both had their say and nothing new is being added. Several threads are running close to thread hijacking and certainly it is not simply one person's opinion that this thread seems to have run its course, to include the thread originator.

Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to opine on any other topic.

  • #6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
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