
caroline!'s Avatar
Dude, wtf are you doing outing a provider's incall?!

and this is WM fault, can u blame that she's mad? I'd be FURIOUS! Can you guys ever shut up!?
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I have never ever met you. I have declined seeing you ...

I told you then that I will not meet. I told you months ago when you yet again claimed to of met me. That I have never ever met you.
And I and others who have actually seen me. Can attest that I have NEVER EVER EVER had an incall at the location that you mention.

You were declined by me.... Your claims are based on false facts, gossip and or rumors.
I want you to show me proof of the false allegations that you've made...
. Tell who/when/where/and how I've been doing such harassing.[/B]

You sir have never ever met me.

<snipped> Originally Posted by Guest020110
There was no outing of WM's incall. WM allegedly never had an incall where the guy mentioned much less ever met the guy (allegedly) so how is this outing?

It's kind of difficult to out someone in such a situation if all he's got is faulty information, isn't it?

Regardless, any sensitive info has been edited-out.
handyGiraffe's Avatar
I think this tread is truly the example of a gift that keeps on there a violin player handy?
swwaustin's Avatar
I think this tread is truly the example of a gift that keeps on there a violin player handy? Originally Posted by handyGiraffe
Indeed it is.....
Bad DaysSo So DaysGood Days GREAT Days.....It fluxuates continually!!!

ammonite's Avatar
Oh great it looks like the eye of the hurricane may be re-forming. Better buy some more popcorn.
Oh great it looks like the eye of the hurricane may be re-forming. Better buy some more popcorn. Originally Posted by ammonite
caroline!'s Avatar
If he didn't OUT her location, then good.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
No ma'am. Didn't out her location NOR her person NOR her ALLEGED multiple personalities.

WM was merely an apparition... no friends (err...a few, I guess)... no longer long goodbyes....and no lost sleep.
Wayward's Avatar
Just as philosophical question, could a poster out the alleged former incall of a guested provider with alleged multiple handle disorder that she says she has never seen? After it has been edited out?

Even the voices in my head want to consult the magic 8-Ball.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Since we're getting all philosophical and stuff...Could God do anything? Could he make a rock too heavy for him to pick-up?

Wayward, you forgot the part where she emphatically stated that she allegedly never had an incall in that alleged general area (edited out)... allegedly in the first place. Allegedly.

9 out of the 3 Dentists that I surveyed agreed "...lavarse los dientes inmediatamente después de comer y usar el hilo dental regularmente", and no you can't out una phantasma. Es impossible.
To quote the immortal thespian Keanu Reeves . . . "Whoa".
TexasBoy's Avatar
Jezabelle is a class act, as I imagine anyone that has had the joy of meeting her would attest to. Unfortunately, I haven't seen her in a while, but hope to have the opportunity to rectify that soon. Besides, she has her dog Winston to take care of her!
TexasBoy's Avatar
Jezabelle is a class act, as I imagine anyone that has had the joy of meeting her would attest to. Unfortunately, I haven't seen her in a while, but hope to have the opportunity to rectify that soon. Besides, she has her dog Winston to take care of her!
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Oh texas, I don't have Winston anymore, he went to live with a family with a yard.. so I just have me and my kitty kat to take care of me. lol thanks for your support although.. looking forward to seeing you again.. You are bound to be in need of your fix