Susan Rice to Serve as Obama’s National Security Advisor

flghtr65's Avatar
Fluffy, you seem satisfied that the Benghazi debacle is just about "politics". Shouldn't our foreign policy be about America? Four people are dead, but it's ok, it's "just politics."

You are a moron. That's not namecalling, it's simply stating a fact. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I have gone from a brave Obamatron and Rhodes Scholar to Moron. I think I am going to cry in my beer tonight. COF you idiot, how many people died from Embassy attacks when Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and Condi Rice were in charge? Congress had three hearings on those attacks, nothing evolved from them. Yes, it should be about America, the republicans are not concerned about how to protect the embassy better, they are concerned with POLITICS. Congress knows what the solution is. Spend more money and add troops at every embassy. They are not going to do that the defense budget is already at 1 TRILLION DOLLARS. They are trying to bring Scandal to Hillary Clinton. A former Ambassador and General did a full investigation, there was no coverup. Normal protocol and procedures were followed during the attack. Panatta did not send a jet (F14) for protection, because he thought it would not get there in time. The republicans know this, it's not about the 4 people with the republicans. It's just politics for the republicans, why else would this be blown up 50 million times? Embassy's were attacked during Bush's term more than once.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have gone from a brave Obamatron and Rhodes Scholar to Moron. Originally Posted by flghtr65
No, you've always been a moron. The rest of your post has been refuted and proven stupid on several occasions. Enjoy your delusion.
flghtr65's Avatar
The rest of your post has been refuted and proven stupid on several occasions. Enjoy your delusion. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This is a false statement. Did you see the Panatta's testimony before congress? What was the outcome of the investigation from the Former Ambassador and General. Even with Hillary's infamous ('What difference does it make now') comment the republicans still have nothing other than the Talking Points were revised. You are the libertard moron. Didn't you say in another post that Ron Paul only got 66 delegates because the voters were brainwashed by the liberal media?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-10-2013, 02:20 AM
This is a false statement. Did you see the Panatta's testimony before congress? What was the outcome of the investigation from the Former Ambassador and General. Even with Hillary's infamous ('What difference does it make now') comment the republicans still have nothing other than the Talking Points were revised. You are the libertard moron. Didn't you say in another post that Ron Paul only got 66 delegates because the voters were brainwashed by the liberal media? Originally Posted by flghtr65

tell COF to kiss your ass
LexusLover's Avatar
... the Panatta's testimony before congress? Originally Posted by flghtr65
be careful ... the spelling police are out in full force.....

....... if they don't have any substantive, they will attack your spelling as "ignorance" ..

....... even when they type "Rhode Scholar" ...

Just type "Leon" if you can't spell his last name correctly. It also looks like you know him.

No charge.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... how many people died from Embassy attacks when Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and Condi Rice were in charge? .... Originally Posted by flghtr65
You forgot Clinton's watch .... why?

THE primary difference is, if I recall correctly, neither the Clinton nor Bush administrations attempted a lame-ass excuse for the source of the bombings ....

it is not about "body counts" ... although one is too much for me ...

....... it is about lying and trying to cover up the source to get re-elected.

Clinton was trying to handle the attacks and OBL as a "law enforcement" effort ...

Bush called it what it was .... war....

The British pulled out of Benghazi months before the Ambassador was killed when their Ambassador was almost killed ... the bottom line is given the hostile environment if we were going to stay security should have been beefed up with Marines with heavy weapons (with ammunition unlike Cairo) OR we should have pulled out like the Brits.

All this "timeline" ... "communication" .... video ...... "riot" .... crap is just that ... crap.

Monday morning quarterbacking excuses for incompetence and attempting to bullshit the U.S. voters right before election time .... which apparently worked. Unfortunately the media didn't want to call their rising star out on the lying ... and neither did his opponent.

Now Obaminable is going to reward the lying sack of shit.

Bush called it what it was .... war.... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Until he lost focus on the "war" and shifted America's attention from the perpetrators of 9/11 to a war with Iraq!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Genuis, Road-Scholar, you gonna instruct me on the Agency?

ahem ...

Rhode Scholar Originally Posted by CJ7
Ahem, CBJ7!

Rhoades scholars don't bode well with republicans Originally Posted by CJ7
You are obviously not a "Rhodes Scholar," CBJ7.

Did Bush and Cheney care about you or the American people? Bush cared enough to lie to the American people about the WMD's and fabricated one of the two wars he started. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Repeating your lies and distortions doesn't make them true, flighty. Check the record, flighty, Bush also listed justifications other than WMD for countering Saddam's covert actions with force.

No, you've always been a moron. The rest of your post has been refuted and proven stupid on several occasions. Enjoy your delusion. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-10-2013, 11:17 AM
I B Hankering's Avatar
yawnnnnnnnnnn Originally Posted by CJ7
Sleeping in class is why you cannot spell "Rhodes" correctly, CBJ7; yet, you presume to correct others.
LexusLover's Avatar
Until he lost focus on the "war" and shifted America's attention from the perpetrators of 9/11 to a war with Iraq! Originally Posted by bigtex
You mean the war on which you wanted him to focus ....

.. this new guy needs to focus .... period.... even if it's on Michelle's butt.

I have given him A+'s when he gives "green" for killing the varmin ...

.... and exterminating pests .... "we" need to stay a bit ahead of the "power curve" ...

... and he drifts into some sort of liberal agenda trance to pacify his contributors, who get a little overwhelmed with the dirty and necessary work that still is left to be done.

This move (the thread topic) is outrageously ignorant and ...

.... stinks of affirmative action cronyism .. of the 1st order.

Her lips are chapped from ass kissing ... her way to a job. She sure isn't qualified, and has demonstrated her incompetence.
LexusLover's Avatar
Sleeping in class is why you cannot spell "Rhodes" correctly, CBJ7; yet, you presume to correct others. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
NiceGuy53's Avatar
This is a false statement. Did you see the Panatta's testimony before congress? What was the outcome of the investigation from the Former Ambassador and General. Even with Hillary's infamous ('What difference does it make now') comment the republicans still have nothing other than the Talking Points were revised. You are the libertard moron. Didn't you say in another post that Ron Paul only got 66 delegates because the voters were brainwashed by the liberal media? Originally Posted by flghtr65

Are you talking about the investigation where they conveniently forgot to interview the SOS Clinton?

And you keep harping on "the talking points". Talking points are what politicians use to spin their own BS. I could care less about "the talking points". How about the truth?

In post 28, you said: "Bush cared enough to lie to the American people about WMDs..." But in post #40, you contradict yourself by saying "Benghazi was an example of poor intelligence, just like Bush with the WMDs". So were the WMDs a lie or was it poor intelligence? You can't have it both ways, whatever suits your purpose at the time.

FYI, the F14 was retired in 2006 and is no longer in service.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-10-2013, 04:52 PM
yeah how about the truth rather than political talking points, take Benghazi for instance ..