Review: Cameron0908 - The end of a Legend

damn is it not time to close this thread. This bird has been plucked,tarred and feathered. Cameron has spoken thru her fans, Chris has had his say, and the rest of us have chimed in. ijs
I have missed nothing. I do see you've decided to finally use some private tags for the ROS info. I hope you got a nice warning message with some points. If it was meant to be public, the mods would make it so, they do have both the authority and ability to edit posts. The truth is that the decision is up to the mods, not you. So until the information is removed from private tags, you were clearly in the wrong, and should not have disclosed the info. It is that simple... I missed absolutely nothing. Originally Posted by 69er
I see you doing plenty of bitching, but it is all one-sided. Why is that? I think you lost perspective in trying to white knight the OP, which goes to show, people should remain impartial when they don't know what truly took place. Here is a hint, read his post #47:

Now this violation is golden, but you don't see anyone asking that he get a message with a warning and some points. Revealing alleged private communication:

SHE ASKED ME NOT GIVE UP ON HER...LITERALLY. Because I did ask her...should I should assume this is not going to happen, and she literally said (Copied from P411)" you are not wasting your time honey i got busy with family things the past two days sorry let me know when we can find some time that fits us both " and later "i know you said this was last try and i am sorry it did not work my phone went dead and i got stuck with a family emergency i really hope to make up all this to you with a super fun time please let me know when we can babe i just got home and im open all weekend and next week " So it was NOT ME PUSHING. I did not pressure anybody
Are you going to have the same wish for the perpetrator of this violation? I think not. Look 69er, I don't think you are a bad guy or would intentionally be unfair when involved in these drama threads. Your raw emotions over this topic ( posting of NC/NS reviews ), clouds your judgment. You start liberally calling WK anyone who dares to challenge the assessment of the OP. You use the term freely, and then become a WK yourself as if you had solid knowledge as to the character of the OP. Why go to that extreme?

Your initial reply may have been well-intentioned, yet ill-conceived. As part of the thread you just were piling on. I have said in the past, I don't like getting involved in reviews, because only the two people in the room truly know what happened, so I do my best to stay away from them. I was going to stay away from this one, and did for a while, but the piling on continued, and then he went from just "reporting the facts"(?), and got arrogant about it, as if it were a badge of honor; that kind of gave me incentive to chime in:

I will keep my fucking chin up because I absolutely think I did the right thing!!
I knew from day one he was embellishing his story.

He was also Pompous in his choice of title Cameron0908, The End of a Legend

I mean damn, he truly wanted a dramatic effect, so he was looking for attention

Did he have a set appointment, and when confirmed was told to drive to the location of her incall? Yes or No?

Did he arrive at her incall and when calling her to be let in/ give him her exact location, she stopped answering his calls? Yes or No?

Did she make him drive to one location, then told him to drive to a second location, etc. , etc. giving him the run around? Yes or No?

If you can't answer Yes to any of the above questions, how can you or anyone else defend this as a legit NC/NS? Seriously?

I stuck to what I knew to be facts, and didn't take any artistic freedom to make him look bad. Had I taken his approach, I could have embellished my story easily:

[start enormous embellishment]"The prospective client asked her if she could see him that evening. Cameron replied that she was busy that evening going to the movies, and couldn't see him. He asked her to squeeze him after the movie. Cameron revealed to him, she had a gentleman friend coming over to spend the night, so she wasn't open. We were in the middle of an overnight date. The guy got pushy on the phone and asked her to consider pushing the overnighter back by a couple of hours, so that he could have her company. Cameron showed frustration on her face, and told the guy that she would contact him the next day after verifying his references. We proceeded to her incall.

A second call came in a few minutes later. It was the same male voice. He offered to pay $50.00 over her regular rate, if she would consider seeing her, she told him no. He immediately upped the offer to 100.00 over her regular rate, and then she firmly told him no, and then she would call him back, but to please not bother her the rest of the night. At the movies, he started texting her, and he just wouldn't give up, so she finally had to turn her phone off.

We made it back to her place, and after taking her pictures, she decided to feed her cat COLT. After she was done, she seductively said to me, "Matador, my cat has been fed, now is your turn to feed my pussy" and with that the intimate part of our overnighter was on.

After giving her what seemed like two dozen orgasms, we fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to the rich aroma of coffee and cinnamon. I got up and Cameron had cooked me breakfast. She made a comment that the guy had sent her multiple emails, over the last few hours. I told her he was obsessed, and she said she would check her references. I left her place and got home fully satisfied. In conclusion, the guy would not take NO for an answer from the initial contact. That didn't feel right to her, so she chose not to see him I can't believe he hasn't given up in over a month. Everyone should be careful of this guy. He was obsessed on the phone and through email, he could go psycho on you if you are in his presence
[/end of enormous embellishment]

Now that would have been fucked up of me to do, wouldn't you agree? I had the timeline to show my company with her, going out, at the movies, back at her place, all the makings of an overnighter. I just chose to stick to what I knew were facts. We already have plenty of bullshitters on the board, and while I'm no saint, I simply won't stoop to that level.

I would address the OP, but he is now HIDING behind private tags.This just shortly after bragging about keeping his fucking chin up. Who knew that a little challenge would make him shy? Best thing that he could do, as a manly action, is to request that the mods remove the ROS tags from his original post.
  • T-Can
  • 01-13-2012, 01:11 PM
Matador, you're killing me
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 01-13-2012, 01:26 PM
I hate threads like this. Can't see why anyone would put a whole post in quote to make a point about one line in it.

Pass me the aspirin please.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Matador, are you the dude in the movie 'Seven' that wrote in all those notebooks?

LazurusLong's Avatar
Did he have a set appointment, and when confirmed was told to drive to the location of her incall? Yes or No?

Did he arrive at her incall and when calling her to be let in/ give him her exact location, she stopped answering his calls? Yes or No?

Did she make him drive to one location, then told him to drive to a second location, etc. , etc. giving him the run around? Yes or No?

If you can't answer Yes to any of the above questions, how can you or anyone else defend this as a legit NC/NS? Seriously? Originally Posted by Matador
Thanks for boiling down what I posted into less words.

I agree that the OP never had a confirmed appointment with Cameron. He had several expectations of having an appointment the next day or so but as your simple questions can explore, the OP cannot answer YES to any of them.

That is part of the problem but not the only part I had trouble wihth.

Failing Cameron's screening (which is a short summary of what finally happened) is not a NCNS.

Each Provider has her own way of screening and to most I know, P411 is only one tool they use. Just because a client has P411 doesn't entitle him to see anyone.
JackFlanders's Avatar
"It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If 'is' means 'is and never has been' that's one thing - if it means 'there is none', that was a completely true statement,"
Torito's Avatar
This thread has gone so far off track that for quite some time I have seen nothing vaguely related to the original post.

If anyone has a pertinent comment that has not already been made adnausium (sp), please feel free to do so. That does not include long winded personal arguements. If the off track comments continue I will assume that the subject has been run out and it will close.

Bestman200600's Avatar
Chris27 go find another girlfriend. If she doesn't want to see you, she doesn't want to see you.
Torito's Avatar
Chris27 go find another girlfriend. If she doesn't want to see you, she doesn't want to see you. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
I agree completely. In my experience, if the girl does not at least appear to be as eager as I am, it will not be a fullfilling meeting.

It can be tough knowing that no matter how much money you offer, some girls just really don't want to fuck you.
Torito's Avatar
It can be tough knowing that no matter how much money you offer, some girls just really don't want to fuck you. Originally Posted by TheBizz
Actually, I am OK with that. What pisses me off is when they take my money and then barely fuck me. I could have stayed home, saved my $$, and had more fun.

Actually, I am OK with that. What pisses me off is when they take my money and then barely fuck me. I could have stayed home, saved my $$, and had more fun.

Torito Originally Posted by Torito

My thoughts too, sometimes it really isn't worth the trouble. The "GFE" isn't even close to GFE, and this doesn't relate to Cameron, since I have never seen her. Just a general observation I have noticed personally.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 01-13-2012, 11:45 PM

I would respond to your posting, but it would be totally lost on you. This is about a poster being able to post what happened to him, without a WK as yourself saying what he experienced cannot be true. Plenty of others see this lack of objectivity in your comments. They've made up their minds, no need for me to comment further.
WTF, Cameron is probably at home thinking: I just decided to ward off a crazy obsessed hobbyists and tell him NO. Other providers are thinking: yeah, you go girl. Go with your gut girl, he might be one of those hobbyist that can't take a NO. What does he do, he creates a thread on Eccie whinning about my NO then, the hobbyists of Eccie string this thing out for 8 pages. WTF. Do Ya'll need drama that bad? Did Ya'll forget this is in Coed section and the providers are watching? Ya'll are fucking up our image.
