This country is in a better/worse place

this is turning into a rocbritney thrAD..


reality is a tough place to live , I know,

but the best part is we still have three more years of this Obummer disaster,,, so

theres really nothing to do but sit back,, watch and laugh....

..and we'll bump this puppy in three years,, Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Ah Reality ...

I WON'T be drawn into this again ALL I will say is that the Poll reflects only those who have chosen to actually identify their position/leaning. It is interesting though, so again I want to thank GP for drawing out some very interesting thoughts/points of view/and of course me recognizing that I am so conservative that I'm dancing on the feet of the liberal masses ... but I'm not 'Pissing' them off ... I hope

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness

Amen Brother Amen!

It STILL doesn't matter if your a Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, "PEE" Party Pussy (woops sorry about that ) a Socialist, a Communist, a Green Party Member or a fucking Moderate! We are ALL screwed because of the unconscionable inept behavior of our elected officials!

Look I've already said my piece way back on like page three or something like that but the reality is that this poll was a sample and what it proves is that the individuals who participated feel this way or that. Its a reflection of a small segment of the membership, a very small membership, and RB I agree with you! Are we better or worse off because of BOTH parties ... neither one is doing us much good right now!

DAMN I either need a drink oR I need something else ... And if you can't see that perhaps you can see this

OR ...

I'll take the something else ...

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
Are these posts from a man that believes this thread was started as "clearly a joke"? if it is , could you explain what the joke is in this thread.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

LOL Originally Posted by JONBALLS
fixed it for you
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BURP, FART Originally Posted by drluv1
Are these posts from a man that believes this thread was started as "clearly a joke"? if it is , could you explain what the joke is in this thread. Originally Posted by drluv1

"you" are a gift from Taint Tebow
i think this says it best...