Do gentlemen in the Deep South enjoy a woman with all-natural hairy pussy, armpits, etc.?

dannyboy13's Avatar
I'm not sure how "Deep South" Dallas is, but I have never been a huge fan of bare kitties. Especially since my daughter was born (20+ years ago). It always takes me a second to acclimate! I don't particularly like having to negotiate an overgrown jungle, but I really like some hair down there. Pretty much any style is a turn-on for me: landing strip, triangle, arrow, full but trimmed. I love grown women!!!
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I'm all natural and do not trim. However, I don't have a lot of hair.

I have been writing, for several years, that hair is the new cool. I just hope that men shaving "down there" becomes less of a norm here in Texas.

I swear, one of the reasons why I used to LOVE going to Chicago is men didn't do any manscaping, unless they were submissives or were into certain sports that required such.

I really like hair on a man. And hair on a woman? It's natural. Has pheromones associated with it.

If a woman is/was very hirsute, I could see her wishing to do some cleaning up and trimming her hair. However, I've never understood why men prefer a woman to have a pubis that doesn't look like an adult.

I "get it". No one has to slam me. But my preferences are more inline to the original poster.

Go girl!!!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
+1 I agree with you Liz
I like a hairy man, chest hair, dick hair, especially gray dick hair lol really turns me on! (Gray pubic hair makes me feel so naughty lol I get off on getting older men off) Hair is what kind of defines a man, his bread, his chest hair peaking out his polo. So HOT!

I have grown up in a time when the bush was never popular. Instead completely hairless has been the preference for many men. Don't get me wrong though what I would love to be able to just let my pubis hair be lol I often wish I was born back in the 60-70's lol it seems like things were less crucial back then.

I have began laser hair removel treatment and I am very excited. Shaving for me is a pain! Trying to keep up as a provider makes it even worse; sometimes having to shave 2-3 times in week. I would be afraid to let my hair grow out too much as most men see that as a sign of being lazy in the hobby.

Since I plan on being a provider for atleast the next 10 years I figure getting it lasered off is the best thing to do. Now I am just sitting back waiting on a perfectly smooth hairless cooch lol. I can already tell its working too but it takes like a year to be complete.
runner_ja's Avatar
Some of us old school southern men do like the hair. You just let us know next time your down in ole New Orleans.
SCBOY's Avatar
  • 03-30-2014, 12:54 AM
I like 'em bare. It just feels and looks better.
I shave my kitty everyday while in the shower. It takes me a whole 20 seconds to do so. It prevents stubble that men don't like to feel. When it comes to my men, I prefer hairless. There is nothing worse than kissing a man down below and getting a few hairs in your mouth to cause you to have to stop only to pick those hairs out or even getting one stuck in your throat. Usually if I am with a man who has a lot of hair below, I won't stay there very long for that reason. Due to the fact that I like ladies as well, the same thing can be said about them too. I have actually got a hair stuck in-between my tooth before and was very irritating to get out. Also, I have been told that I have a very attractive and nicely shaped pussy. I like to keep my shaven so the gentleman who I am spending time with can enjoy viewing all of it without it being covered up by hair.
Kinsey Pink's Avatar
Some of us old school southern men do like the hair. You just let us know next time your down in ole New Orleans. Originally Posted by runner_ja
I'll be back in town May 12-15
I hate to burst your bubble but your information is incorrect. The current standard of "beauty" was just recently introduced in the past 20 years by society. Before that women were considered beautiful with hair for millions of years. Now you are wanting us to follow like passive little sheep and do whatever society says? Well if that were the case then we wouldn't even be on this forum.

Women are waking up more and realizing how beautiful they are naturally. I am one of them.

I my bush and it's not going anywhere.

I also love guys with hair. Makes me hot.

Well fuck! I'm sure glad we got that worked out!

You obviously understand where the standard of beauty today comes from, and further, you understand exactly what it is, because you've chosen to rebel against it and try to "decide your own" why are you surprised when I commented that your "standard" is the one only held by old, outdated people (by far the largest hobby segment) who haven't changed to what society deems beautiful now?

Your derision of my comment only proves it to be more true...

As I said...these fucking baby boomers need to die off already so that hopelessly outdated "standard" dies out with them... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Kinsey Pink's Avatar
I my bush and it's not going anywhere.

I also love guys with hair. Makes me hot. Originally Posted by The_Succubus
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I'm just curious because I've recently gone all-natural. It is a popular choice for me in NYC, but my recent visit to NOLA was very quiet. I only saw regulars, who enjoyed the change, but I didn't meet any new clients. Is it just a quiet time of year, or is there less interest in my kitty in the Deep South now that it's furry?

Also, no reason to make this thread all about me. Any other southern ladies go All-Natural?

Originally Posted by spicyzoey
I don't mind hair but I like it trimmed.
NotWhoUThink's Avatar
I'm just curious because I've recently gone all-natural. It is a popular choice for me in NYC, but my recent visit to NOLA was very quiet. I only saw regulars, who enjoyed the change, but I didn't meet any new clients. Is it just a quiet time of year, or is there less interest in my kitty in the Deep South now that it's furry?

Also, no reason to make this thread all about me. Any other southern ladies go All-Natural?

Originally Posted by spicyzoey
Well, I like fur... Next time you're in NOLA...
Originally Posted by spicyzoey
Come down to Albuquerque. Lol. We sure do need some diversity with the selection of providers we currently have. Love the natural look by the way.
I like my ladies bare as can be. long locks on the head, long eyelashes, short eyebrows, and nothingelse.

I like the silkiness of Smith skin.
The Slut's Avatar
All these posts about pussy makes me miss my Mistresses sweet pussy even more. Been far too long since I have seen her.
tttalinky's Avatar
I like a "jungle" to explore!