Trump legal going ons

Zollner's Avatar
Trump never does anything wrong. (always somebody else's fault)
George Washington
etc etc etc
And he NEVER lies.
How he convinces his followers of this is just beyond me. Originally Posted by newcpl
That's why he loves the poorly educated so. They are the easiest to BS!

The next Jan 6 committee hearing will be great, with all the new treason about to be exhibited.

Lock loser Don, his family and friends up, so he can endlessly blabber from his cell...LOL

I find it amazing that the Dem's on this board talk about how stupid the Trump followers are for believing him, yet they believe everything the Dem leaders are feeding them. Although I guess I shouldn't be that amazed, they are just the dumb on the other side.
Members we are drifting off the threads subject.

Let’s get back on track

Thanks Originally Posted by Dr-epg
funny how that happens every time z shows up.....
Zollner's Avatar

Actually nobody does that better than you....
Zollner's Avatar
rooster's Avatar
Ya know what's great? ....

. Originally Posted by rooster
I mean, other than everythin ol roo has posted (of course)....Tain't nuthin greater than sexman alternating between posting juvenile memes and quoting Baruch Spinoza. That's some deep shit, fer sure. But his flat-Earth buddies gonna be pissed if he keeps tryin to pretend like he's a intaleckshul...

Zollner's Avatar
'Giant Backfire': Trump's Demand for Special Master Is Looking Like a Mistake
— Former President Donald Trump’s request that a judge intervene in the criminal investigation into his hoarding of government documents by appointing a special master increasingly looks like a significant blunder, legal experts say.

“Maybe from Trump’s point of view, creating delay and chaos is always a plus, but this has the feel of a giant backfire,” said Peter M. Shane, a legal scholar in residence at New York University and a specialist in separation-of-powers law.
Full article:

Haha, the "legal expert" is a kid in college
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Willie Wanker's Avatar
Trump Tries to Get Supreme Court to Bail Him Out of Mar-a-Lago Docs Mess

CNN is getting under his orange skin bigly! So he's going to sue CNN!

Trump sues CNN for defamation, seeks $475 million in damages Originally Posted by Zollner
How will you handle it if Trump is re-elected?
He will cry, just all the others that can't handle having a real person in office. Someone that hasn't hidden their entire existence or protects every word they say so they don't hurt anyones feelings.
Presj22's Avatar
The same could be said about y’all Trumpers… storming the Capitol lol the biggest cry babies known to man.
rooster's Avatar
He will cry, just all the others that can't handle having a real person in office. Someone that hasn't hidden their entire existence or protects every word they say so they don't hurt anyones feelings. Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
He ain't a "real person" any more than Pinocchio....

How DO y'all sleep at night, supporting this lyin fuck? You have been played and misled by this asshole from Day One....exactly like despots have done with the ignorant masses throughout history. Ya really shoulda known better. But instead, you have embraced it. Talk about history repeatin itself.... Whew.

History will not be kind to you. Assuming that they live long enough, your grandkids and great-grandkids are gonna judge you very harshly for these times.
