If you had to bet who do you see winning the GOP nod???

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Oh....and one more thing...

surcher's Avatar

Our muslim president made it up to his brothers in arms
for his approval to kill sheik bin laden.
A chopper full of the kefir soldiers who killed ubl
were placed where they could be easily reached.
The mahdi is just in his ways,
Peace be upon him. Originally Posted by anaximander
Have you checked with your shrink lately? When you go, tell him/her that Obama told his generals to put seal teams in a chinook chopper and fly them over a taliban group so his muslim brothers could get revenge for OBL. Your shrink will want to increase your meds and you'll be afraid they're going to report you to the DOD, DOJ, NSA, and CIA, but not the TSA, LOL.
surcher's Avatar
Yeah....And it was the Republicans who dragged him kicking and screaming to do it. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You forgot, if he tried vetoing anything he had a hand in getting through, the republicans would put a hit on Hillary.
  • Laz
  • 08-30-2011, 07:27 PM
You forgot, if he tried vetoing anything he had a hand in getting through, the republicans would put a git on Hillary. Originally Posted by surcher
The republicans would never do him that favor.
surcher's Avatar
The republicans would never do him that favor. Originally Posted by Laz
But working with him to bring prosperity to the nation wasn't a favor? Well, they did want to impeach him for a blowjob. Don't give me that crap about lying to congress, he was lying so his wife wouldn't find out about the bj. Not one of you married men here, republicans included, wouldn't lie to keep your wive from finding out about your infidelity. Why is he different? Because he's POTUS! That's a job that requires blowjobs. You know the old librarian wasn't giving them to Dubya and look what happened.
  • Laz
  • 08-30-2011, 09:02 PM
I could not care less about how many BJ's he got. His crime was lying under oath while in a deposition. That is a crime and the question was relevant to the case. If I had done that I could have been tried and convicted. He was president, not god, he has to live under the same laws as the rest of us. If Bush had done the same thing you would have wanted his head so don't get all high and mighty about how terrible the republicans are.

Now with all of that being said I did not want him impeached. I would have preferred that the charges be deferred til he was out of office and dealt with then. In the end, after all of the drama, that is basically what happened.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
I bought into all of that "Hope and Change" and voted for BO. I admit now that it was a mistake. The guy doesn't seem to have a clue..

But the name calling from the left makes me ashamed of my vote.

I guess that's all they have left....other than more taxes and more spending.

Only a Democrat would call balancing the budget a radical idea or a terrorist act.

Good Grief! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Good point! DaliLama

Anaximander this country really doesn't need another Bush Jr. in Rick Perry. I don't believe a thing that grease ball says and he wasn't going to secede from the Union. That was all talk, no action. Perry needs to quit the theatrics and all of the fake bullshit. Admit it, you like his hair don't you?

Check this out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEnOj...layer_embedded

He'll take a pass on the Federal Reserve because he supports it, he's no Ron Paul. Oh but Perry doesn't want Bernanke printing more money between now and the election, hmmm, so he's all for printing that monopoly money after the election! What a flake. A Dubya 2.0 in the making.
I would not call Perry another Bush. I honestly think that W was a honest man who genuinly believes in what he does.

Rick Perry is first and foremost a polititian. He will do, and say, anything to win.

But then, that is what it takes to survive in todays political world. The American Voter, whether on the left or right, will drink the cool aid of, and pull the lever for, who ever tells them what they want to hear.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Well I would call Perry another Bush Jr. 2.0. If he manages to crawl through the cracks to see the light of day and gets to the White House it will be a sad 4 years for America. I know you think Dubya was probably an honest man and I can respect your opinion. However, I'm not buying it. He turned out to be a big let down with only a few shining moments that I can count on one hand. I don't think he was an honest man at all. Not worth spit in a bucket, thats my opinion.

I agree with you, he will try to say and do anything to get into the WH. Ron Paul is without a doubt head and shoulders above all of the GOP candidates. Lets not forget that he's also intellectually smarter than the rest of the field. They pale in comparison. In my eyes it's pretty easy to see who should be the next Chief and it damn sure isn't Rick Perry.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Lastly I must put the kabosh to the notion that
obama is out to get terrorists unlike GW.
This administration is acting on intel that GW's
admin accquired and mined for almost ten years. Originally Posted by anaximander
If Bush had the information in his eight years in office, why didn't he kill the fuckers?
We were lucky that he was the President??? Are you shitting me???? What great marvel did he do??? Let's see he got us in two wars- over one man(OBL) whom after 7 years he could not capture or kill and you want me to give him some credit???? The biggest attack in American History happened on his watch!!
Also, Obama administration has captured or killed more Al-Queada/Taliban operatives in a mere 3 years than bush's 7 years after 9-11!!!!!!
Let's see 9-11 led to wiretaps and patriot act by Bush and you want me to be thankful???? Bush waited too long to go after OBL and even under the advice of a top General he (Bush) refused to send in extra bombing when they happened(OBL) cornered in Tora Bora.
It's estimated that OBL alone caused the U.S to spend 1 trillion tax dollars on this so called war on terror. Fuck Bush and the horse he rode on!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Yup we were lucky. could you imagine if Obama was over in the middle east appoligizing a week after 9/11 . How we killed their poor terrorists with our World trade centers.

Y'all got get a lot of this 9/11 shit over the next couple of weeks. Do y'all think we should build a mosque at ground zero? hugh, I can't here y'all.
  • Laz
  • 08-30-2011, 10:17 PM
If Bush had the information in his eight years in office, why didn't he kill the fuckers? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Why deliberately misconstrue what was said. You know he was stating that the information used to get Osama was the work of years of intelligence gathering that began in the Bush administration.
  • Booth
  • 08-31-2011, 11:26 AM
I just found this thread and can't stop shaking my head. Is there anything more delusional than a Ron Paul fanatic? He's a fringe candidate who is older than John McCain.

Jon Huntsman is a cross between Einstein and Mother Theresa compared to the rest of this Republican field.
anaximander's Avatar
The alphabet soup of govt jackboots are well
aware of my beliefs and actions. They know
what I will do before I do.
I already told my sons that their old man
will most likely live out his days in an alaskan gulag.
Their only instruction is to keep the fire burning.

Obama allowed the seals to be killed.
Our drone feeds didn't get hacked until obama.
No new intel from recent raids of any solid value.
Targets are all killed, intel gained made public.
Obama bowed to the Keeper of the two cities.
Allowed a gold chain be placed around his neck.
The islamic ritual involved here isn't comforting.
Oh and yeah, obama is a fag- buggers his boy reggie.
Most moozies dig male-tail for some reason.
In o's case probably when his gay housekeeper
in indonesia molested him as a boy.
I'm sure the cubicle moles at the NSA
crystal palace down the street are loving this.

Regarding the GOP field,
I'm not at all sanguine with the contenders
given the pr from the msm.
The fact that so many libs get apoplectic when
Perry is brought up is reason enough to like him.
Yeah his TTC and toll road fixation were a bit
irritating-but we overcame them...no biggie.
Huntsman is a joke, might as well learn mandrin.
Ron Paul? Please give it up. We american zionists
will never abandon Israel, nor allow this nation to.
My oldest son is considering joining the IDF foreign
legion in the event obama is elected again.
He's been aching for the USMC since a boy.
But now that he is old enough to be a soldier,
he doesn't even want to consider raising arms
against Israel. Hopefully 2012 will mean the corps
grows by one more.

Just food for thought:
I'm of native american descent,
of the true first nations.
So this isn't some crazy hillbilly rantings.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yup we were lucky. could you imagine if Obama was over in the middle east appoligizing a week after 9/11 . How we killed their poor terrorists with our World trade centers.

Y'all got get a lot of this 9/11 shit over the next couple of weeks. Do y'all think we should build a mosque at ground zero? hugh, I can't here y'all. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Numbers don't LIE- Obama Adminstration in 3 ears have killed more Taliban/Al-Queada insurgents than all of Bush's years- last week they killed al-Queada's 2nd in command- this is not even debatable.
Also, we were no safer after 9-11 under Bush- and actually the Bush doctrine actually led to increase recruitment in Al-Queada. Al-Queada's best years were under the Bush regime.
Al-Queada is slowly becoming a dying breed- the face of Al-Queada is dead. Countries like Libya(yeah you Republicans tried to blame Obama for that one) and Egypt all are wanting Democracies- ditto for Syria- all in all this has hurt Al-Queada. Al Queada are extremist groups that want Theocracies- Obama's adminstration is doing much better. As far as his apologies you are either arrogant or stupid if you believe that going around and fucking up every muslim country was smart than hey so be it. Obama simply told the muslim world we are not your enemy- which is true- Bush's motto was :"if you are muslim you are an enemy and his policies gave the muslim world that notion,