Ladies & Gents ... who was your first board client & who was your first board provider?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I see lots of ladies mentioned in this thread who I have never heard of before. Thanks for sharing ladies and gents
gozer's Avatar
  • gozer
  • 12-04-2010, 05:51 PM
My first old board provider and review was Hannah Hearte, Michellle Sandra Bell (MSB) followed shortly after. That started the path that has led to variety, fun, and LOTS of adult activity. I do miss many of the names mentioned.
topcat19542001's Avatar
I'm not sure how I've avoided posting in this thread for almost 3 months but...

Lil' Red Robin was my first. And it was a life changer for me. She REALLY opened my eyes, because I didn't know sex could be THAT good. Pretty sad for a guy in his 50s, huh? She set the bar very high for my future dates. And after 3 years, I still rank Robin as the best. I miss the little brat.
Raphael's Avatar
I don't remember who was the first I saw after joining hobby boards.
I remember who was the first Houston lady I saw, and she probably was a member of several boards.

The legendary Mikki Fine

There was no screening (I did not know about screening until joining boards)
I was late because her incall was far far west Houston and it was after dark and I didn't yet realize what a vast town Houston had become.

I remember leaving candy in a box, at her request.
I liked her laidback and tolerant manner.

She is hispanic but culturally she seemed American to me.
Her laidback & open attitude seemed somewhat reminiscent of the sixties.

Only once did I try and see her again. That is when she was under attack over the Neantherdal issue. I wanted to visit with her and, hopefully, have good cause to give her a good review (my past session would have warranted a recommendation) - in compensation for flamings that seemed worse than the complaints against her.

Unfortunately, her screening had become excessively strict by then; besides, by then, my hobby handle had become well known enough that ladies (not all of them but still), were taking me on board & review reputation.

So, I gave up, but without ill-feeling.

Mikki's ability to survive all attacks is impressive, though.
rockshox69's Avatar
Let's see, my 1st ever was at a Thai spa downtown in my college days that my roommates took me, then the 1st board provider off ASPd was Sarah of E5 then Sandra(MSB) of Escapes Elite.
Mr Clever's Avatar
My first encounter was Jennifer. She worked at Escape on Schumacher.

I think back in 2002.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
When I first saw this thread, I thought it was asking for the first Hobby experience. If that was the case, I would have to thank TMFT for introducing me to Wilma Flintstone - a while before she married Fred. Damn she was hot before she had Pebbles.

When I first joined the P, I was practically living at Escapes (all of them) and Executive XTC. Oh to have that Hobby Budget again!

Yes, BP, Tiffany was HOT.....well until I learned who she was dating, then I decided to move on to someone else, HOT notwithstanding.

I retired from the Hobby to explore a Civilian relationship, then When I came back to the Boards, Escapes was closed (WTF!). I completely missed out on Black Tuesday.

So I needed to get some references. My 1st was EITHER MSB (I can still remember having difficulty walking out of her apartment) or Monica Foxxx - I can't remember who was first as I saw 7 different ladies in my first 10 days of coming back to the Board (Yea, I know)

And I TRIED to see Ms. Fine in those early goings, but by that time her .....screening caused me to be relegated to CaveMan status, oh well.
Wayward's Avatar
While it is next to impossible to answer this question, such was the hobby whirlwind at the time, Natasha before E was an ATF, as was Tiffany from XTC, Priscilla, Victoria of XTC was the first review I ever wrote of a local woman, though at that point I'd been seeing her for a long time. I'd spent a small fortune to find each of those wonderful beauties, without the benefit of review boards. Perhaps that is why I'm still so fond of all of the boards.

All the women that I've met though the boards, all of them a huge thank you for the kindness, but the first wasn't the most important mia was. If you were lucky enough to see her, then you understand.
TexasGator's Avatar
I'll let y'all know just as soon as it happens. Promise!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Look at Gator holding out on us lol
PetrolArt's Avatar
Had to think on this redhead (Mason) from the old AMAZING days of the old board....then some lucky guy took her away on a luxury cruise...
Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 12-05-2010, 03:52 PM
Great thread brooke!!!

Old Board- My boss of my rl job - Krash

This one the sexy Surge!
does in my mind count? how about all the self made sessions?
john353's Avatar
My very first hobby experience was Victoria at Escape 3.

There were several spa girls after that initial popping of the hobby cherry, but as far as the first independent that actually had a board presence on the "P" ...

Amber Brooks.

The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Oh, shit... J353 has come out of hiding to post on a thread.