Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator didn’t score again!

Talking about miners, here is the classic

and here is the lesser known classic (yes, it's cuddly dudley more).

This explains the UK attitude towards women
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-04-2012, 05:41 AM
Why don't you all put IB on ignore? Then you won't get so upset when he hands you your ass. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Put him on ignore and miss out on watching him continually melt down in new and more graphic ways? Why?

If you think I am upset, you are wrong. Pity, laughter, amazement--those are closer.

IBH hasn't handed anyone thier ass except himself. You win no points for misreading, lieing, ignoring the question, contradicting yourself at every turn--and being bombastic the whole while.

COG, sometimes I disagree with you, but you often have reasonable points and you are usually consistent. IBH is neither. You can't really believe his belching posts have a shread of truth or honesty in them.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I thought this couldn't get any worse, but yet again I was sadly mistaken. For the most part you are wrong, essence, but you did manage to get the verb and the tense correct – unlike the poster now calling himself “I’va biggen” formerly known as “Ekim the Inbred”.

Tell me, what exactly is the wrong verb tense in:

“IB just admitted he is a minor so now we know his problem” It should have been “was” as you apparently “guessed at” below, essence.


IB just adnitted he was a minor? You misspelled “admitted,” essence, otherwise you seem to understand the gist of the post; plus, you used the correct verb and tense – unlike the poster now calling himself “I’va biggen” formerly known as “Ekim the Inbred”.

IB just admitted he was being a minor? For the most part you are wrong, essence, but you did manage to get the verb and the tense correct – unlike the poster now calling himself “I’va biggen” formerly known as “Ekim the Inbred”.

IB just admitted he was about to be a minor? For the most part you are wrong, essence, but you did manage to get the verb and the tense correct – unlike the poster now calling himself “I’va biggen” formerly known as “Ekim the Inbred”.

IB just admitted he will have been a minor? Wrong!

IB just admitted that he would have been a minor had he ever been born Wrong!

IB just admitted he was about to be an ex minor? For the most part you are wrong, essence, but you did manage to get the verb and the tense correct – unlike the poster now calling himself “I’va biggen” formerly known as “Ekim the Inbred”.

IB just admitted he failed the miner entrance exam? Wrong!
Originally Posted by essence

He hasn't a clue . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
A condescending welcome to the poster now calling himself “I’va biggen” formerly known as “Ekim the Inbred”.

Dear IBLiar, I caught you! You're changing your own rules again! You griped and complaind that "others" were bumping this into the top 10 after if had fallen out. Under those rules--YOUR rules--I am not guilty because it is currently #7. But when YOU posted it was #17. Not my rules, your rules. But as is typical with you, if you can't win fairly (and you can't) you redefine the rules. And you still lose! Too bad. You are truly fucked in the head if you thought there were some kinda rules, Old-goaT. It's an elementary fact that every time YOU bump this thread it goes to the top of the forum page, you ignorant illiterate fuck!

[ED NOTE: I believe this is the review in question: ] You ingrate! For maybe the only time this year I try to help you our--point out what review he was talking about so you could defend yourself--and that's the thanks I get? Your review was OBVIOUSLY tongue in cheek and I assumed if you realized which one he was referring to you could reply appropriately. Looks like assuming you know what "appropriately" means was my mistake. I've learned my lesson about trying to be nice. That “review” was still in the “Sandbox” and not in a “Review” section, Old-goaT, and don’t you hypocritically pretend you ever do anything except out of spite and hatefulness.

[ED NOTE: Though I may not know what to do as IBH says, I seem to have quite a few who are willing--OTC--to help me figure it out. And I admit I enjoy every minute of it, often at your expence.] IBMoron, remind me, what does "OTC" stand for? In your case, Old-goaT, OTC means “Off-The-Cock” and "On The-Computer" giggling at your lame-ass posts on a SHMB. Old-goaT, you are so pathetic you don’t even know what to do with a prostitute!!!! You’ve admitted you employ them to read and giggle at your lame-ass posts on a SHMB, Old-goaT!!!! Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, Old-goaT.

[ED NOTE: Notice the very clever ignoring of the 2 issues: the gay avatar IBH used for so long, and the distinct similarity between the book jacket he chose and a trench coated dirty old man headed into a XXX theater.]
As usual, you don't read or you fail to understand. So here goes in very simple bite sized pieces, just for your bite sized brain:
--Yes, I know it is a book cover
--The book cover looks like a guy in a trench coat
--Seeing you use a picture of a guy in a trench coat made me think of a dirty old man in a trench coat going into a XXX movie.
--I never said it was a picture of you, only your guilty conscience came up with that
--So unless you can prove your avitar didn't remind me od a D.O.M. going into a XX movie theater then you again are shown to be a ranting loon. Since I HAD to think of the connection or else I couldn't have posted it, then I am obviously correct that your avitar looks like a D.O.M. to me. I do admit your previous homosexual avatar did make it easier for me to see your self portrait in this one. But did I choose your dirty old man avitar? Why no, YOU did. It’s now obvious you have never read the book, Old-goaT; yet, you remain a pretentious and illiterate fuck. Old-goaT, you continue to show yourself to be a truly illiterate jackass. The avatar is still a “book cover” for a classic science fiction book, Old-goaT. And the book is still all about “books” and “reading”, and “reading” is something you ignorant and illiterate Dimo-crats are cognitively unable to do. That’s why you sit on your broken-down couch, drooling from the mouth, as you receive your daily Kool Aid dose from MSNBC or one of the other liberal MSM networks that daily dispenses Dim-witted platitudes. Read the book, Old-goaT! You'll find yourself identifying with Mildred . . . and not with the protagonist: Guy Montag!

BTW, Old-goaT, what’s an “avitar” thingy? And just because this “avitar” thingy reminds YOU of YOUR degenerate obsessions, it doesn’t hold that it has any meaning for others, Old-goaT. It’s such great fun pointing out your inadequacies, Old-goaT!!!

Originally Posted by Old-T
Put him on ignore and miss out on watching him continually melt down in new and more graphic ways? No melt downs here, Old-goaT, but glad to hear you like the graphics.

If you think I am upset, you are wrong. Pity, laughter, amazement--those are closer.

IBH hasn't handed anyone thier ass except himself. Oh, how you lie, Old-goaT. You win no points for misreading, lieing, ignoring the question, contradicting yourself at every turn--and being bombastic the whole while. Reads like you are describing yourself, Old-goat!!!

COG, sometimes I disagree with you, but you often have reasonable points and you are usually consistent. IBH is neither. You can't really believe his belching posts have a shread of truth or honesty in them. More so than yours, Old-goaT. You’re just a whining, lying hypocrite, Old-goaT.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-04-2012, 10:11 PM
Keep living in your little delusional world.

You obviously can't--or more likely, won't--read.

You refuse to acknowledge any fact or answer to a question that isn't in agreement with your illogic.

You think that because you rant and rave using more swear words than anyone else it makes you a superior intelect.

You are nothing but pitiful you stupid bloated buffoon--and the funniest part is you never how much 90% of the board is laughing at you, not with you.

In this one thread you have claimed others shouldn't bump threads that have fallen out of the top 10, but you pat yourself on the back for bumping threads almost twice that far down.

You cannot comprehend that a picture can be BOTH a book jacket (I never said it wasn't) AND remind me of a dirty old man going to a XXX theater. They are far from mutually exclusive.

I did notice that you ignore the IBHomosexual avatar point and much rather point out my spelling weakness--something I have acknowledged quite freely. Maybe I was wrong and your review of Sam wasn't just a farce afterall.

You are truly a pathetic, angry old man.

============================== =

IBH concedes that he is an assinine, bloated, ignorant, lieing, blowhard forever!
Congratulations, you earned it!
(And he knows how to change it: just answer the question. But he won't.)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Keep living in your little delusional world. It’s obvious you are living in a delusional world, Old-goat!!! You imagine yourself a sage and wise psychoanalyst, and you are neither, Old-goaT. You are an ignorant, Kool Aid sucking moron, and you always have been. You’re too old to change.

You obviously can't--or more likely, won't--read. It’s obvious you are the one who doesn’t read, Old-goaT. Especially since you admit that the book cover for a classic science fiction novella, “Fahrenheit 451”, reminds you of your degenerate and disgusting habits at adult theaters, Old-goaT. It’s obvious you have never read the book, Old-goaT; nevertheless, you remain a pretentious and illiterate fuck espousing your ignorant and hypocritical platitudes. Old-goaT, you continue to show yourself to be a truly illiterate jackass. The avatar is still a “book cover” for a classic science fiction book, Old-goaT. And the book is still all about “books” and “reading”, and “reading” is something you ignorant and illiterate Dimo-crats are cognitively unable to do. That’s why you sit on your broken-down couch, drooling from the mouth, as you receive your daily Kool Aid dose from MSNBC or one of the other liberal MSM networks that daily dispenses Dim-witted platitudes. Read the book, Old-goaT! You'll find yourself identifying with Mildred . . . and not with the protagonist: Guy Montag!

You refuse to acknowledge any fact or answer to a question that isn't in agreement with your illogic. You improperly flatter yourself when you think you are posting “facts”, Old-goat!!!

You think that because you rant and rave using more swear words than anyone else it makes you a superior intelect. You would do well to study the posts of your brethren MasterDickMuncher, Assup, He-Showed-Shit-For-Avatar, Af-Freakin, Sa-Fartman, and WTF (a year or so ago), Old-goat!!! You’re a hypocritical POS, Old-goaT.

You are nothing but pitiful you stupid bloated buffoon--and the funniest part is you never how much 90% of the board is laughing at you, not with you. And you remain a whining and hypocritical POS, Old-goat!!! Furthermore, you and five or six of your fellow Kool Aid sucking Dim-wits do not constitute “90%” of anything, Old-goaT! Your math skills are obviously as weak as your political acumen, Old-goaT.

In this one thread you have claimed others shouldn't bump threads that have fallen out of the top 10, but you pat yourself on the back for bumping threads almost twice that far down. No, Old-goaT, you are once again completely and ignorantly wrong. When your Kool Aid sucking brethren, such as “marks-rocks-with-pee/Af-Freakin”, choose to post multiple times in a thread they deem “irrelevant”, they show by their actions they are hypocrites, Old-goaT. It’s always amusing to expose the lefty-loonies and their hypocrisy, Old-goaT.

You cannot comprehend that a picture can be BOTH a book jacket (I never said it wasn't) AND remind me of a dirty old man going to a XXX theater. They are far from mutually exclusive. It’s still a book cover for a classic science fiction novella. If it reminds you of your degenerate and disgusting habits at an adult theater, then that’s YOUR problem, Old-goaT: no one else’s.

I did notice that you ignore the IBHomosexual avatar point and much rather point out my spelling weakness--something I have acknowledged quite freely. Maybe I was wrong and your review of Sam wasn't just a farce afterall. It’s still a book cover for a classic science fiction novella. If it reminds you of your degenerate and disgusting habits, then that’s YOUR problem, Old-goaT: no one else’s.

You are truly a pathetic, angry old man. You’re the pathetic “old man”, Old-goaT. Old-goaT, you are so pathetic you don’t even know what to do with a prostitute!!!! For you OTC means “Off-The-Cock” and “On-The-Computer” as you engage providers to assuage your pathetic ego by having them read and giggle at your lame-ass posts on a SHMB. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, Old-goaT.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-06-2012, 05:29 PM

I actually was begining to think the Mayans were right and the world was going to end! This might be a record for you--you allowed this post to almost get to page THREE before your impulse for verbal diarea got the better of you.

Where to begin when you have reached a new low--even for you--in this stupid, hatefilled rant. I'll just point out a pair that deal with your fixation with your own perversions:

"You cannot comprehend that a picture can be BOTH a book jacket (I never said it wasn't) AND remind me of a dirty old man going to a XXX theater. They are far from mutually exclusive. It’s still a book cover for a classic science fiction novella. If it reminds you of your degenerate and disgusting habits at an adult theater, then that’s YOUR problem, Old-goaT: no one else’s."
Stupid illiterate IB: yes, it's a book cover, but even book covers (not the story you moron) can remind me of something else. In this case your avatar reminds me of a dirty old man in his trenchcoat going into a XXX movie, and I find that very appropriate for your avatar.

"I did notice that you ignore the IBHomosexual avatar point and much rather point out my spelling weakness--something I have acknowledged quite freely. Maybe I was wrong and your review of Sam wasn't just a farce afterall. It’s still a book cover for a classic science fiction novella. If it reminds you of your degenerate and disgusting habits, then that’s YOUR problem, Old-goaT: no one else’s."
Are you now telling us all that the homosexual guy having sex with a blow-up doll that you used for your avatar was also a book cover? Yep, that is what you are saying, I am just not sure I believe it. No matter, your selection of a guy in a trench coat and a homosexual blow up doll guy really does say a lot about you, book covers or not.

Crawl back under your rock.
I B Hankering's Avatar


I actually was begining to think the Mayans were right and the world was going to end! This might be a record for you--you allowed this post to almost get to page THREE before your impulse for verbal diarea got the better of you. And you couldn’t help yourself; so you took it right back to the top of the forum, didn't you Old-goaT?

Where to begin when you have reached a new low--even for you--in this stupid, hatefilled rant. I'll just point out a pair that deal with your fixation with your own perversions: They’re YOUR perversions, Old-goaT. If it reminds you of your degenerate and disgusting habits, then that’s YOUR problem, Old-goaT: no one else’s.

"You cannot comprehend that a picture can be BOTH a book jacket (I never said it wasn't) AND remind me of a dirty old man going to a XXX theater. They are far from mutually exclusive. It’s still a book cover for a classic science fiction novella. If it reminds you of your degenerate and disgusting habits, then that’s YOUR problem, Old-goaT: no one else’s.

Stupid illiterate IB: yes, it's a book cover, but even book covers (not the story you moron) can remind me of something else. In this case your avatar reminds me of a dirty old man in his trenchcoat going into a XXX movie, and I find that very appropriate for your avatar. It’s obvious you are the one who doesn’t read, Old-goaT. Especially since you admit that the book cover for a classic science fiction novella, “Fahrenheit 451”, reminds you of your degenerate and disgusting habits at adult theaters, Old-goaT. It’s obvious you have never read the book, Old-goaT; nevertheless, you remain a pretentious and illiterate fuck espousing your ignorant and hypocritical platitudes. Old-goaT, you continue to show yourself to be a truly illiterate jackass. The avatar is still a “book cover” for a classic science fiction book, Old-goaT. And the book is still all about “books” and “reading”, and “reading” is something you ignorant and illiterate Dimo-crats are cognitively unable to do. That’s why you sit on your broken-down couch, drooling from the mouth, as you receive your daily Kool Aid dose from MSNBC or one of the other liberal MSM networks that daily dispenses Dim-witted platitudes. Read the book, Old-goaT! You'll find yourself identifying with Mildred . . . and not with the protagonist: Guy Montag!

Are you now telling us all that the homosexual guy having sex with a blow-up doll that you used for youravatar was also a book cover? Yep, that is what you are saying, I am just not sure I believe it. No matter,your selection of a guy in a trench coat and a homosexual blow up doll guy really does say a lot about you, book covers or not. No, you’re being told it’s still a book cover for a classic science fiction novella. If it reminds you of your degenerate and disgusting habits, then that’s YOUR problem, Old-goaT: no one else’s.

Crawl back under your rock. You’re a pathetic “old man”, Old-goaT. You are so pathetic you don’t even know what to do with a prostitute!!!! For you OTC means “Off-The-Cock” and “On-The-Computer” as you engage providers to assuage your pathetic ego by having them read and giggle at your lame-ass posts on a SHMB. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, Old-goaT.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I see shit for brains crawled from under his rock to bump his fav thread.What a useless prick.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is it still 2012? Well he's still DIPSHIT OF YHE YEAR!
You refuse to acknowledge any fact or answer to a question that isn't in agreement with your illogic. Originally Posted by Old-T
Yup. That describes IBHankerwrong to a T.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I see shit for brains crawled from under his rock to bump his fav thread.What a useless prick. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yeah, you did, and now you are the poster formerly known as “Ekim the Inbred” now calling yourself “I’va biggen”.

Assup’s spastic sphincter is dribbling-blather, spouting shit and foaming spatter! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yup. That describes IBHankerwrong to a T. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Tired of having your ass handed to you, aren’t you ExNYer?

"A tax, therefore, laid by congress for neither of these objects, would be unconstitutional, as an excess of its legislative authority.” Justice Story
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Is it still 2012? Well he's still DIPSHIT OF YHE YEAR! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
and you are "shit for brains" of the year
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-06-2012, 10:16 PM
Old-T: I actually was begining to think the Mayans were right and the world was going to end! This might be a record for you--you allowed this post to almost get to page THREE before your impulse for verbal diarea got the better of you. IBH: And you couldn’t help yourself; so you took it right back to the top of the forum, didn't you Old-goaT?
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Let's do a simple fact check:

IBBlithering takes a thread that is 37 spots down, almost on page 3 and boosts it to the top

I bump the same thread from 4 down to the top.

In Blithering's warped, illogical mind that means I am somehow guilty of needlessly bumping threads. Yea, right. That's all anyone needs to know about IB's ability to count or think.

The real issue has nothing to do with bumping old threads. It has to do with a bitter old IBH always thinking he deserves--his devine right--the last word(s). Even when his word(s) are innane. Such as saying that because his avatar is a biik cover, that somehow absolves him from being a dirty perveted old man in a XXX movie theater. Sorry, IB, it IS a book cover and you MAY WELL BE a dirty old man. I'm not the one who picked a trench coat avitar or a homosexual doll pervert avatar. That was all YOU big boy. Just watch. Like any adict he will be unable to resist posting the same "It's a book!" comment any moment now.

Hey IB: I bet you you can't help yourself from posting again on this thread! Your just sick in that way, mentally off kilter. You can't help it, can you?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You counted how many spots down this thread was, OldT? And you think IB is obsessed?

I'm thinking IB has you pegged, and you are the one compelled to post here. Just can't leave it alone, can you? I mean, really? You know how many threads down this was, and what page it was on before it was bumped? And IB is the sick one? I think not, my friend. But you may need some help.
But you may need some help. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Geez, I've heard it all now. StupidOldFart is starting to psycho-analyze the intentions of other posters. That's about like a convicted axe murderer criticizing someone who only used a gun.