Who will be the GOP nominee in 2016?

If you voted for Obama even after losing faith in him then you are just another partisan hack whose opinion means very little. Your alligence is to your party and not your country. You might as well be a communist. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, when did I say I lost faith in Obama? You are adding words that I clearly did not say. What I did state was that supporting Obama over Hillary in '08 was a mistake and that in hindsight I felt Hillary would have been a better President during the past 4 years than Obama.

I certainly did not say that I felt JMac would have been a better choice than Obama, as you implied. In fact, JMac was never mentioned in my statement, only the choice between Hillary and Obama. As far as I was concerned, JMac was not even on my radar screen. It was going to be one or the other. With the one at the time being Obama and the other being Hillary.

In the spring of 2008, no one other than Obama and Hillary factored in to my decision making process. During the post Iowa/NH 2008 Dem Primary season, I considered Obama and Hillary to be 1A and 1B. In that order. If I had it to do over again, it would be Hillary at 1A and Obama 1B. If you can't differentiate between the two, that is your problem, not mine!

To put it in even more simple terms: From my perspective at the time, during the lead up to the November election day 2008, Obama/Biden was clearly 1A and JMac/Palin would have been somewhere in the neighborhood of 99Z, + or - 1.

But who's counting? Right?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fact of the matter is, I did not support Hillary in the '08 campaign. I supported Obama. I later came to the conclusion that it was a mistake. I now believe she would have been a better President these past 4 years than Obama.
It is true you never said "lose faith" but took the above to mean that you had lost faith. Those would have been the words I would have used in the same situation. You have faith that someone will do the right thing, the good thing and when they dont....you lose faith in them. So, NO, you did not say lose faith. But you should have.

Oh, I never mentioned J Mac either. I just said that since you "had lost faith" [my words] then you should have sought out another candidate unless you just want the democrats to win. I have said for many years that the democrats would have voted for Hitler if they wanted to win the election. Afterall Hitler was a dynamic speaker, he could speak to the masses, he connected with the people, and he could send his message. Hitler also said that he could CHANGE Germany and bring back HOPE to the German people. Do you think that is true? Would the democratic voter vote for a socialist because they thought they (a democrat) could win not just once but three times?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why do you even try to have a sensible conversation with this asshole, BT?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why do you even try to have a sensible conversation with that asshole BTLD? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There. Fixed it for you. No charge!
LexusLover's Avatar
Let the person who never did anything foolish when they were young and dumb, cast the first stone!

Line up behind me! Originally Posted by bigtex
If you want Bill standing behind you, so be it!

"Better Days!"

Or is this one your favorite?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Remember, in her younger days Hillary was a Goldwater girl and then she did something stupid or she figured she could go further, faster pandering to the left.

Whatzup.......it is so special that you try but you really can't keep up so why try.
chefnerd's Avatar
Another possibility, although up to now pretty much ignored by any and all mainstream agencies and parties. BUT, then again, could he get the independent and moderate support to win, or would the TEA Party destroy him for not being conservative enough?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-27-2013, 04:36 AM
Remember, in her younger days Hillary was a Goldwater girl and then she did something stupid or she figured she could go further, faster pandering to the left.

Whatzup.......it is so special that you try but you really can't keep up so why try. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ah yes, the myopia continues.

Someone from "Their" side converts to "Your" side and they are an enlightened hero,

Someone changes their views in the other direction it can only be stupidity or pandering.
