#DiedSuddenly reporting

  • Tiny
  • 02-18-2023, 09:43 PM
Now with that being said what makes anyone think that by injecting toxins into the body via a "Vaccine" will protect a person from a viral infection when toxicity is the main reason a virus would cause illness in the first place. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Because people who are vaccinated for viral diseases, like influenza, the measles, chickenpox/shingles, COVID, polio, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, rubella, mumps, and HPV have those diseases with reduced frequency and/or severity compared to the unvaccinated, and most don't suffer ill effects from the vaccines of any significance.
Because people who are vaccinated for viral diseases, like influenza, the measles, chickenpox/shingles, COVID, polio, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, rubella, mumps, and HPV have those diseases with reduced frequency and/or severity compared to the unvaccinated, and most don't suffer ill effects from the vaccines of any significance. Originally Posted by Tiny
Well that's been drilled into your head and you consider it to be true and most people are in the same camp. The basic concept of Vaccines is not to prevent disease but rather to make Pharmaceutical companies lots of money. People who consistently take vaccines over time there will be consequences. The Covid Vaccine is beginning to confirm that. To say a person who was vaccinated but still got sick their illness would have been worse if not vaccinated is impossible to determine.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You may have missed the sublime in what I said. You don't die from COVID or Diabetes or most any comorbidity. Sticking with cardiac arrest for simplicity's sake. You die from cardiac arrest, perhaps brought on by complication of diabetes or the covid or simply being obese or arterial blockage etc.

Insidiously, the CDC changed the order of reporting for the covid so it was listed 1st, as opposed to reporting it as the 3rd tier condition that it is and essentially coaxed and/or bribed hospitals and doctors to go along with ye olde switcher-roo with moollah in the form of a kick-back. This is where the whole 'from' vs 'with' chicanery is rooted. Move the 3rd tier to the 1st tier and viola! Your basic Okey-Doke shuffle. Of course, this would not have gone unnoticed if not for the early and heavy fear-porning that was deployed to scare you outta your undies to put on yo face.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~ Ben Franklin
In all practicality, most people with the covid actually die from pneumonia (generally speaking) or cardiac arrest, etc., and (gasp!) that is exactly true with the flu, aka influenza. In point of fact, it is nigh-on impossible to really know how many people have died from the flu as it was a condition which may have contributed to the onset of pneumonia that they died from.

Just a teensey bit of hope for you yet. (not really) Now apply that exact same logic to covid deaths in 2020-2021. For example, a person with 3 comorbidities who died and a DNA test said they had the covid. Ye olde, from versus with discussion of days gone by. <--- See how that actually works now?!? Do ya? Come on man! You do see it now. Right? It's like Lizzo doing a lap dance on ya. You might not want to look, but it's right there in all it's glory.

Just a quick jog down memory lane: You do know the CDC dropped using the DNA test last year because it was neither accurate or reliable. BTW: that whole concept was not peer reviewed until 10 months after the original proposal was made (they didn't even have the virus as a sample then) and the peer review found the original paper to be cra-pola Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
It's no great mystery. Here are total deaths in the USA by year,

2015 2,712,630
2016 2,744,248
2017 2,813,503
2018 2,839,205
2019 2,854,838
2020 3,358,814
2021 3,458,697

Incremental deaths in 2020 over 2019 level: 503,976 (18% increase)
Incremental deaths in 2021 over 2019 level: 603,859 (21% increase)

Deaths from COVID in 2020 (JAMA): 345,323
Deaths from COVID in 2021 (CDC): 460,000


The number of people who died in 2020 and 2021 as a result of the COVID epidemic was actually higher than the numbers quoted above, for the reason described by Why_Yes_I_Do. Somebody had, for example, diabetes, heart disease and COVID. He ended up dying in 2020 because of COVID, but his death was attributed to Diabetes.

Anyway, COVID the disease is what's causing most of the excess deaths.

If you had 5,000 extra cardiac-related deaths among people under 50 in 2020 and 8,000 in 2021, why would you attribute the excess deaths to the COVID vaccine instead of COVID the disease? Very few people under 50 got the vaccine in 2020.

That's not to say I'd necessarily get the vaccine if I were in my 20's or 30's. But for many people, including me, getting the vaccine made a lot of sense. Originally Posted by Tiny
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Focus on the numbers quote from 2015 to 2021. Put them in a spreadsheet and graph them and use the feature called 'trend line'. Notice anything? Regardless of the covid, people die with increasing regularity for the past several years.

Does that not strike you as odd in any way, shape or form? I mean given all of our advanced science, understanding and vaccines. We know how to avoid many traditional comorbidities, yet we don't nearly as well as we should. WTF? And then all those vaccines... Yet, we keep dieing in increasing numbers.<Cue ye olde canard...> Well ghee Forest. There would be even more dead (based on what I know not) if we didn't push even more gene therapies and/or vaxxes...

Anyone else noticed the glaring and persistent lack of healthy diet, exercise and immune system health in all of the covid discussion? WTF?!? No call to eat your green leafy veggies, like broccoli (zinc, magnesium, iron, etc) or OJ (vitamin C, minerals, etc) and on and on. So it now has become our lexicon that the only possible way to avoid the covid is via a gene therapy, which also got Okey-Doke shuffled to become a vaccine via chicanery. BTW: there seem to be many other maladies where the only hope for the survival of person-kind is via vaccine - exclusively. Well... that and face diapers now.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~ Ben Franklin
Just a teensey bit of hope for you yet. (not really) Now apply that exact same logic to covid deaths in 2020-2021. For example, a person with 3 comorbidities who died and a DNA test said they had the covid. Ye olde, from versus with discussion of days gone by. <--- See how that actually works now?!? Do ya? Come on man! You do see it now. Right? It's like Lizzo doing a lap dance on ya. You might not want to look, but it's right there in all it's glory.

Just a quick jog down memory lane: You do know the CDC dropped using the DNA test last year because it was neither accurate or reliable. BTW: that whole concept was not peer reviewed until 10 months after the original proposal was made (they didn't even have the virus as a sample then) and the peer review found the original paper to be cra-pola Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
It's no great mystery. Here are total deaths in the USA by year,

2015 2,712,630
2016 2,744,248
2017 2,813,503
2018 2,839,205
2019 2,854,838
2020 3,358,814
2021 3,458,697

Incremental deaths in 2020 over 2019 level: 503,976 (18% increase)
Incremental deaths in 2021 over 2019 level: 603,859 (21% increase)

Deaths from COVID in 2020 (JAMA): 345,323
Deaths from COVID in 2021 (CDC): 460,000


The number of people who died in 2020 and 2021 as a result of the COVID epidemic was actually higher than the numbers quoted above, for the reason described by Why_Yes_I_Do. Somebody had, for example, diabetes, heart disease and COVID. He ended up dying in 2020 because of COVID, but his death was attributed to Diabetes.

Anyway, COVID the disease is what's causing most of the excess deaths.

If you had 5,000 extra cardiac-related deaths among people under 50 in 2020 and 8,000 in 2021, why would you attribute the excess deaths to the COVID vaccine instead of COVID the disease? Very few people under 50 got the vaccine in 2020.

That's not to say I'd necessarily get the vaccine if I were in my 20's or 30's. But for many people, including me, getting the vaccine made a lot of sense. Originally Posted by Tiny
texassapper's Avatar
Because people who are vaccinated for viral diseases, like influenza, the measles, chickenpox/shingles, polio, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, rubella, mumps, and HPV have those diseases with reduced frequency and/or severity compared to the unvaccinated, and most don't suffer ill effects from the vaccines of any significance. Originally Posted by Tiny
Now tell us what the difference between those vaccines and the mRNA gene therapy shot is.

I'll wait.
texassapper's Avatar
It's no great mystery. Here are total deaths in the USA by year,

2015 2,712,630
2016 2,744,248
2017 2,813,503
2018 2,839,205
2019 2,854,838
2020 3,358,814
2021 3,458,697

That information is useless because it doesn’t take the denominator into account. A death rate per hundred thousand people would be more useful. . The population has swollen secondary to unchecked immigration on the southern border. Many of the people entering the United States, are sickly, or young and reckless in both their personal and driving behavior. Without a denominator, no one can be sure whether the death rate (%) did increase. We know more people died in the country with increasing population.
  • Tiny
  • 02-19-2023, 11:14 AM
It's no great mystery. Here are total deaths in the USA by year,

2015 2,712,630
2016 2,744,248
2017 2,813,503
2018 2,839,205
2019 2,854,838
2020 3,358,814
2021 3,458,697

That information is useless because it doesn’t take the denominator into account. A death rate per hundred thousand people would be more useful. . The population has swollen secondary to unchecked immigration on the southern border. Many of the people entering the United States, are sickly, or young and reckless in both their personal and driving behavior. Without a denominator, no one can be sure whether the death rate (%) did increase. We know more people died in the country with increasing population. Originally Posted by Bradscott
I figured you gentlemen would have a rough idea of population growth in the USA. See here,


Population grew by 3.5% from 2015 to 2021, from 320,739,000 to 331,894,000. The number of deaths per year grew by 27.5%, from 2,712,000 to 3,459,000.

I don't buy the idea that there are a lot of illegals counted in the death statistics but not the population numbers. Or that illegal immigrants die in larger numbers than the population as a whole. I think it would be the other way around, as they should on average be younger than the rest of the population. Plus illegals are only about 3.5% or 4% of the total population, and the yearly increase in immigrants is a lot lower than that.
  • Tiny
  • 02-19-2023, 11:31 AM
You may have missed the sublime in what I said. You don't die from COVID or Diabetes or most any comorbidity. Sticking with cardiac arrest for simplicity's sake. You die from cardiac arrest, perhaps brought on by complication of diabetes or the covid or simply being obese or arterial blockage etc.

Insidiously, the CDC changed the order of reporting for the covid so it was listed 1st, as opposed to reporting it as the 3rd tier condition that it is and essentially coaxed and/or bribed hospitals and doctors to go along with ye olde switcher-roo with moollah in the form of a kick-back. This is where the whole 'from' vs 'with' chicanery is rooted. Move the 3rd tier to the 1st tier and viola! Your basic Okey-Doke shuffle. Of course, this would not have gone unnoticed if not for the early and heavy fear-porning that was deployed to scare you outta your undies to put on yo face.
In all practicality, most people with the covid actually die from pneumonia (generally speaking) or cardiac arrest, etc., and (gasp!) that is exactly true with the flu, aka influenza. In point of fact, it is nigh-on impossible to really know how many people have died from the flu as it was a condition which may have contributed to the onset of pneumonia that they died from. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Focus on the numbers quote from 2015 to 2021. Put them in a spreadsheet and graph them and use the feature called 'trend line'. Notice anything? Regardless of the covid, people die with increasing regularity for the past several years.

Does that not strike you as odd in any way, shape or form? I mean given all of our advanced science, understanding and vaccines. We know how to avoid many traditional comorbidities, yet we don't nearly as well as we should. WTF? And then all those vaccines... Yet, we keep dieing in increasing numbers.<Cue ye olde canard...> Well ghee Forest. There would be even more dead (based on what I know not) if we didn't push even more gene therapies and/or vaxxes...

Anyone else noticed the glaring and persistent lack of healthy diet, exercise and immune system health in all of the covid discussion? WTF?!? No call to eat your green leafy veggies, like broccoli (zinc, magnesium, iron, etc) or OJ (vitamin C, minerals, etc) and on and on. So it now has become our lexicon that the only possible way to avoid the covid is via a gene therapy, which also got Okey-Doke shuffled to become a vaccine via chicanery. BTW: there seem to be many other maladies where the only hope for the survival of person-kind is via vaccine - exclusively. Well... that and face diapers now. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Deaths increased 1.3% per year from 2015 to 2019. Then they increased by 17.7% from 2019 to 2020.

Granted, every last one of those 350,000 to 500,000 extra deaths in 2020 were from cardiac arrest. People die when their hearts stop beating. However, you can't explain why there were about 420,000 more deaths in 2020, over and above the trendline, except as a result of the COVID pandemic. If you want to argue that's partly the result of other causes besides the virus, you may be able to make a good case. If you're arguing "partly". For example, maybe a lot of people committed suicide because they were depressed as a result of the lockdowns. That's not really borne out by the data though. A better reason would be our hospitals were overcrowded and our health care professionals stopped providing non-emergency surgeries and colonoscopies and the like. That could explain part of it.

And I have no arguments about the importance of healthy habits, like exercise and diet. And I've actually taken the Why_Yes_I_Do anti-COVID vitamin, mineral and quercetin regimen the last couple of days, as I had a runny nose and was around a lot of people.

Like I already posted, we're mostly arguing about history. The infection fatality ratio now for COVID, largely as a result of partial immunity from vaccines and infections, may not be much different than the flu, although COVID's more contagious.

I used to pray every night for you and texassapper not to get COVID, since you haven't been vaccinated. Not anymore, I figure something else will get you. Now I pray every night that Winn Dixie will stop dipping snuff and eating pussy. Oropharyngeal cancer sucks!
texassapper's Avatar
The infection fatality ratio now for COVID, largely as a result of partial immunity from vaccines and infections, may not be much different than the flu, Originally Posted by Tiny
The IFR didn't change just the gaming of the statistics.

I used to pray every night for you and texassapper not to get COVID, since you haven't been vaccinated. Originally Posted by Tiny
Already did. The flu I got in 2022 was much worse than anything I felt from COVID. So I have natural immunity... I'm not going to get the same version again unless one of you Vaxx induced AIDS cases causes a mutation.
The IFR didn't change just the gaming of the statistics.

Already did. The flu I got in 2022 was much worse than anything I felt from COVID. So I have natural immunity... I'm not going to get the same version again unless one of you Vaxx induced AIDS cases causes a mutation. Originally Posted by texassapper
How do you think you got either, Covid or the Flu?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Because people who are vaccinated for viral diseases, like influenza, the measles, chickenpox/shingles, COVID, polio, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, rubella, mumps, and HPV have those diseases with reduced frequency and/or severity compared to the unvaccinated, and most don't suffer ill effects from the vaccines of any significance. Originally Posted by Tiny
Love the claim, though unproven - while lumping in actual vaccines with the covid. As an OP observation, let us not dilute the topic to cover all manner of actual vaccines and entirely unrelated maladies unless we bring along the VAERs data sets comparing reported injuries from all vaccines (including the gene therapy for the covid. BTW: it ain't pretty), which now brings us to:

Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021

Permit me to enjoy and share some selected snippets from it.
Recall - it is a disease of the unvaxxed
...In July 2021, following multiple large public events in a Barnstable County, Massachusetts, town, 469 COVID-19 cases were identified among Massachusetts residents who had traveled to the town during July 3–17; 346 (74%) occurred in fully vaccinated persons. Testing identified the Delta variant in 90% of specimens from 133 patients. Cycle threshold values were similar among specimens from patients who were fully vaccinated and those who were not...
Except that it is not.
Recall - the more people vaxxed, the safer they are.
...During July 2021, 469 cases of COVID-19 associated with multiple summer events and large public gatherings in a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, were identified among Massachusetts residents; vaccination coverage among eligible Massachusetts residents was 69%. Approximately three quarters (346; 74%) of cases occurred in fully vaccinated persons (those who had completed a 2-dose course of mRNA vaccine [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] or had received a single dose of Janssen [Johnson & Johnson] vaccine ≥14 days before exposure)....
Except that is not true either.
Recall - the vaxx prevents symptoms, hospitalizations and death
...Overall, 274 (79%) vaccinated patients with breakthrough infection were symptomatic. Among five COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized, four were fully vaccinated; no deaths were reported...
Except that it doesn't. But don't let any of that stop them from sticking to mask, vaxx, mask, vaxx everywhere for everybody, all the time.
...The Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 is highly transmissible (1); vaccination is the most important strategy to prevent severe illness and death. On July 27, CDC recommended that all persons, including those who are fully vaccinated, should wear masks in indoor public settings in areas where COVID-19 transmission is high or substantial.
Awkward. Starting to seem like the vaxxed should be wearing masks at all times and perhaps a large letter V or C around their necks - so that normal folk can avoid the vessels of viral plague.

BTW: In case it was not obvious, they used a rapid DNA test to determine if the covid was involved. You might recall, the CDC discontinued the use of that tool due to unreliability. Curiously enough, they recently admitted that around 10%+- of those DNA tests are stored in a DB. My guess is the opposite. Likely 10% didn't make it in.

Anyway good reading from the CDC.
texassapper's Avatar
Like I said.... they won't be able to hide the bodies so now they are backtracking... Hey it wasn't us... who could have known?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I used to pray every night for you and texassapper not to get COVID, since you haven't been vaccinated. Not anymore, I figure something else will get you. ... Originally Posted by Tiny
  • Tiny
  • 02-22-2023, 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Damn, here I am, praying for you, and you're just waiting around for me to die. Well, I can guaran-damn-tee that it won't be from COVID, because I'm double vaccinated, double masked, and wear eye protection!