ISIS beheads American journalist, Obama goes back on vacation

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Is there a **journalist** with an agenda in this forum who **imagines** Churchill is flashing a "Peace Sign"? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Ohhh, you caught that.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-22-2014, 06:30 PM
What is the potential cost of not fighting it? Originally Posted by boardman
The same potential cost as nor fighting Global Warming. Global Waring/Global Warming. Which scares you more? Donate to that cause.
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  • 08-22-2014, 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Me likey...
Then pony up your retirement savings and let's see a little less talk outta you and a tad more action. Originally Posted by WTF
You are WTF the moronic buffoon, spouting the same tired disproven argument time again.

And how would you choose to deal with Isis? Stick your head in the sand and claim they are the JV? Originally Posted by boardman
I'm hoping that WTF the Moronic Buffoon sends Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi one of his famous PMs to meet him somewhere in Houston.

From a military standpoint those attacks showed how safe we actually are. Your chances are better that you will be hit by lightning than die in a terrorist attack. Originally Posted by WTF
More WTF the moronic buffoon logic. Hey, how many ... never mind, you're an idiot.

If those fuckers show up in Houston dressed head to toe in black the heat will kill them all for us Originally Posted by BigLouie
What part of Houston do you live in? I bet the mosques in SW Houston outnumber the police stations. I know they do in the area I used to live in.

Again, I used to work with a blue-eyed, white American who converted to Islam so he could marry an Islamic woman. After 9-11 he put his "membership" on hold. He did not like what the local Imam was saying or what he heard in the mosque. Most of the first generation muslim Americans do want to fundamentally transform this country and are looking at the Democratic Party to help them.

That is the kind of immigrant we need, not unskilled house builders.
She needs to convert to Judaism Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That naked Muslim woman would be beheaded for prostitution in Iraq...most likely at the command of her 60 year old husband
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We have already lost much of our freedom to protect us from this threat to our freedom. Much more "protection" and there will be no freedom here to protect.
LexusLover's Avatar
We have already lost much of our freedom to protect us from this threat to our freedom. Much more "protection" and there will be no freedom here to protect. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Is that the 21st Century version of:

"i'd rather be Red than Dead!"

Depending on one's religious beliefs, of course,

.. Foley lost his "freedoms" about which you speak. So did these people:

and these people ...

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  • WTF
  • 08-23-2014, 07:18 AM
Is that the 21st Century version of:

"i'd rather be Red than Dead!"

Depending on one's religious beliefs, of course,

.. Foley lost his "freedoms" about which you speak. So did these people:

and these people ...
Originally Posted by LexusLover
How much money and how much freedom are you willing to give up to feel safe LexusLover?

That is the question....not matter how you or boardman or that dumbass gnadfly pose your questions about Muslims terrorist coming over here. What are you willing to give up to the government to protect you? Your safety does not come without a price.

Personally I want less so called safety and way more personal freedom. I will take the odds that it is more likely I get killed by lightning than a terrorist and keep my money and personal freedom. You , boardman and gnadfly seem to want to have it all. Spend no money, give up no personal freedoms and take no personal responsibility for your own safety. In other words you are looking to the government to protect you.
We have already lost much of our freedom to protect us from this threat to our freedom. Much more "protection" and there will be no freedom here to protect. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

This is exactly is the reason I have made fun of these Tea Party types from the start. They act as if the government is intrusive but at the first sign of trouble they seem to want to hand their balls and freedoms over to the government .... only to then bitch about how much the government is spending and how little freedom they have.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
LexusLover's Avatar
... it is the reason I have made fun of these Tea Party types from the start. They act as if the government is intrusive but at the first sign of trouble they seem to want to hand their balls and freedoms over to the government .... .. Originally Posted by WTF
.. our GOVERNMENTS are tasked with the responsibility of protecting us from others who wish to do us harm, and that is the primary function of the GOVERNMENTS ... I think that concept began with the Colonies and the concept of the Militias .... which were "organized" to protect the folks back then from an oppressive State overseas.

Little Boy ....
you really do need to stay on the bench and remain silent. Your ass is showing again.

And what is more distressful is BigTitsLiarStalker is starting to sound like you.


.. Foley lost his "freedoms" about which you speak. So did these people:

Originally Posted by LexusLover

How much money and how much freedom are you willing to give up to feel safe LexusLover? Originally Posted by WTF
Our resident Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrrr, Clan has been cut and pasting images of 9/11 for years. Oftentimes he tries to draw a visual connection between the ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq and 9/11.

His obvious intention is to mislead his fellow Idiot's into believing that one has something to do with the other. And true to form, his Idiot dependents, as well as the pesky Turdfly's that follow them around, buy into LLIdiot's line of bullshit because they do not want to make the Patriarch mad.

What lLIdiot really wants is someone to fight his battles for him! Fuk'n Coward!

LLIdiot's scared of his own shadow! Yikes, the boogie man's gonna get him!
LexusLover's Avatar
His obvious intention is to mislead .... Originally Posted by bigtex
Still don't have a LINK, do you?

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is LYING so natural to you that you just can't help yourself?

Do you also LIE to yourself, about yourself?

Since you like "LINKS" so much, I am sure you have one to any post of mine that ....

"....shares images of 9/11 to justify his favorite Shrub's ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq."

Or do you want to go ahead and admit you were LYING?

And "we" can move on!

Trying to deflect from your LYING?

You really are a mental lightweight.
Still don't have a LINK, do you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just pick any of your cut and paste 9/11 visual images. There should be hundred's, if not thousands, to choose from.

Your choice!
LexusLover's Avatar
Just pick any of your cut and paste 9/11 links. There should be hundred's, if not thousands, to choose from. Originally Posted by bigtex
So you still don't have a LINK. You starting your weekend refreshments a bit early?

Let me repeat your bullshit .... in the form of the request:

Since you like "LINKS" so much, I am sure you have one to any post of mine that ....

"....shares images of 9/11 to justify his favorite Shrub's ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq."

So you still don't have a LINK. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just pick any of your cut and paste 9/11 visual images. There should be hundred's, if not thousands, to choose from.

Your choice!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What more is there to talk about. We are, or should be, at war with Islam. Western values are superior. We value freedom. Freedom for everyone and not just those whom the mullahs say are worthy. We allow gay people and women their own self determination. Islam doesn't. Now you can say that not all Muslim believe this way but not all German went along with Hitler. What did that get them? They should have stood up and opposed the Austrian from the beginning. According to all the news reports the majority of Muslims don't follow this radical bunch. Fine, purge the radical elements from your community. Deliver their heads (and I'm not being metaphorical) to the local police along with their weapons, plans, and a promise that this radicalism does not belong here.

This has nothing to do with Bush or Obama. This will be a generational war unless you want to live under Shariah. The liberal who claims all manner of freedoms without responsibility will lose those freedoms unless they fight. The conservative who wants to be left alone will find themselves surrounded one day without hope unless they acknowledge what has to be done.
LexusLover's Avatar
...We allow gay people ... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
May be that realization will "mobilize" BigTitsLiarStalker and his LapDog-What-The-Fuck-Do-I-Know into siding with those who wish to eradicate the ISIS before they starting "beautifying" the Homeland.