what about these requiring 2 hr sessions?

ANONONE's Avatar
I think it's time for all of you to say goodnight. You're not acting like ladies and gentlemen so if you don't tone it down, I'll risk the wrath of Charles Tudor and close this thread. Originally Posted by John Bull
Please don't do that. . .then we will have two or three threads about this thread being closed.

Where the hell is Chipper, anyway?
John Bull's Avatar
Chipper is still the man but has asked me to look in from time to time and so...

And Anon, you don't like me anymore? hahaha
ANONONE's Avatar
I just hate when dad hires the smart babysitter.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I think the 2 hour minimum is done for several reasons. I think some providers use it to justify lower volume. Other providers do it to justify their donation rates. And others, require 2 hours as some form of marketing to make them look more "special". As a client, I prefer an hour or 90 minute appointments. I find that providers who require 2 hours are wanting double the money for half the time. No disrespect to the providers, but when I'm drained-- be it 60 mins or 90 mins, I'm done. If I'm required to pay a 2 hour rate and I'm done in an hour, then I feel royally ripped off. If I want to spend 2 hours with a provider it should be by my choice for a multi hour appointment. I shouldn't be required to book that long amount of time.
London Rayne's Avatar
This is exactly why I don't have a min. and if I did it would not be as low as I have seen lol. I know guys want just sex sometimes without all the wine and dine...so I cater to that by offering shorter dates. I also know many older men who want a relaxing, non-draining, drawn out, companionship based event, and for those I offer everything inbetween.

If you notice my rate structure, you will note that I give a break to the guys who are not so unrealistic and demanding...that's why I don't have a problem with getting repeat business. It's also why I don't make my dates all inclusive. I don't believe in charging the guy who only wants a 30 min. gfe the same rate that I would charge a guy for a 90 min. PSE....Marketing 101!

I have also noticed that when a guy is given the OPTION of a shoter date, more times than not he still books the longer date....people just don't like being forced to do something. This way it gives him the power to choose. Have many friends who had the min. and when they added the option of an hour they simply booked the longer dates first, but there was still room for a guy to get an hour. We are not talking about women offering low hourly rates either lol. They made in an hour what most do in 3 or 4, and were done for the day without being worn out.

I cater to all facets of this market in a way that everyone is happy...I pass on the rest.
This is exactly why I don't have a min. and if I did it would not be as low as I have seen lol. I know guys want just sex sometimes without all the wine and dine...so I cater to that by offering shorter dates. I also know many older men who want a relaxing, non-draining, drawn out, companionship based event, and for those I offer everything inbetween.

If you notice my rate structure, you will note that I give a break to the guys who are not so unrealistic and demanding...that's why I don't have a problem with getting repeat business. It's also why I don't make my dates all inclusive. I don't believe in charging the guy who only wants a 30 min. gfe the same rate that I would charge a guy for a 90 min. PSE....Marketing 101!

I have also noticed that when a guy is given the OPTION of an shoter date, more times than not he still books the longer date....people just don't like being forced to do something. This way it gives him the power to choose.

I cater to all facets of this market in a way that everyone is happy...I pass on the rest. Originally Posted by London Rayne
One facet of the hobby that I only know of one provider addressing is the no-sex public-only date.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yes thanks but don't say that too loud around here lol! You see what happens if you don't let a guy wear you out for pocket change these days.

Many of us to cater to gentlemen who can't perform at all, but don't mind paying the rate either. I would not expect the hard working guy to understand this, but there are men out there who are filthy rich and don't care for much other than companionship. Whether it be a girl who helps him paint his house, take his dog to the vet, or simply help him bathe....we take on the role of nurse many times. The hobby is not just based on sex...though some like to think so.
One quibble. I'm a man. At least, that's what my Dr. tells me. (*chuckle*)

And I absolutely L O V E babes with brains. Always have. Brainiac babes don't scare me at all.

I also don't mind at all if they actually ((( *gasp* ))) think for themselves, have opinions and don't act like fawning yes-men. (except for being female, of course.)

I expect that any woman who is smart enough to think for herself will disagree with me on dozens of things. And the fact she disagrees with me doesn't make one iota of difference in the regard in which she is held.

HOWEVER -- there is an ingrained tendency that is trained into people in some academic environments that causes them to automatically consider those who hold different opinions from themselves to be moral reprobates or criminally insane at worst and ungodly ignorant at best.

Now that particular attitude -- I can't stand. Disagreeing is cool. Treating me like I'm an inferior subhuman piece of pond scum because we disagree is NOT cool.

So a smart woman who can disagree without being disagreeable is darned cool in my book.

I never learned anything worthwhile from someone who mirrored my thoughts.

:-) Originally Posted by Laurentius
Laurentius, you're a f*cking idiot, and I would NEVER see you no matter what you have in your wallet!

No, you're still my cyber lover, and I actually agree with you. Again. I know that most of my clients greatly appreciate my intelligence. I have run into some people who would have preferred that I be a little ditzier and a little less opinionated, and surprise surprise, those meetings didn't work out too well.

I will admit that I didn't read this thread as closely as I could have, but I will still offer up my semi-educated opinion. It boils down to what a lot of these spats boil down to:

It's up to the ladies how to run their businesses. If the hobbyists don't like something, then they will avoid those ladies, and both parties are better off.

Problem solved! Argument over!

Oh, actually, I do disagree with you on something, Laurentius. I prefer the multiple hour appointments for a number of reasons, some of which you mentioned. However, if someone offered to pay me for two hours and only wanted to see me for one, what kind of idiot would I have to be to turn that down? I'm not going to deny him the appointment just because he doesn't want to or won't stay for two hours. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to get to know him better, nor does it mean that my other reasons are invalid. Now, stop being a little piece of scum for having faulty opinions and come to Rochester.
ForumPoster's Avatar
In relation to the 30 minute what is the deal with some providers posting atlease requirement for a 2 hour session? I offer a multi hour discount but don't require a gentlemen to see me for atleast 2 hour session Originally Posted by Irish Vixen

Well, I think the reason why this thread sparked such emotional debate is the way question was worded. It did come of somewhat ... unfriendly for the luck of better word. To certain degree I see where some people could read it in "I am not as stuck up as those @#$%s" way.

I am sure that was NOT the intention, but sometimes perceptions of reality can create reactions which were not intended. Especially in virtual world.

I personally have two minimum requirements. In NYC it is 1h. Anywhere within 1h travel by public transportation of NYC it is 2h.

Personally I absolutely prefer longer appointments and I am thinking of making 2h min across the board. However, I do realize that given NYC lifestyle it may not be possible for some people to carve out 2 h out of their schedule due to career and family obligations.

So instead of making mandatory 2h minimum I very strongly encourage 2 and 4 hours engagements via pricing mechanism.

Each lady does business in fashion that suits her schedule, preferences, desired and budget. As result, each has certain potential clientele basis.

Few months ago I noticed a trend in Clock Free dates, I though if it will be a good fit into my business model and be in line with personal preferences. It did and I am grateful to ladies who mentioned that in their posts/ads. These days I noticed some of ladies I respect introducing Tiered Rates for New Guests, Friends and Long Term Patrons.

So I am kicking back and forth ideas on that .

The boards are great way to share information and new ideas, as long as we learn to be civil and learn from others by adapting it to our own practices.

burkalini's Avatar
Well, I think the reason why this thread sparked such emotional debate is the way question was worded. It did come of somewhat ... unfriendly for the luck of better word. To certain degree I see where some people could read it in "I am not as stuck up as those @#$%s" way.

I am sure that was NOT the intention, but sometimes perceptions of reality can create reactions which were not intended. Especially in virtual world.

I personally have two minimum requirements. In NYC it is 1h. Anywhere within 1h travel by public transportation of NYC it is 2h.

Personally I absolutely prefer longer appointments and I am thinking of making 2h min across the board. However, I do realize that given NYC lifestyle it may not be possible for some people to carve out 2 h out of their schedule due to career and family obligations.

So instead of making mandatory 2h minimum I very strongly encourage 2 and 4 hours engagements via pricing mechanism.

Each lady does business in fashion that suits her schedule, preferences, desired and budget. As result, each has certain potential clientele basis.

Few months ago I noticed a trend in Clock Free dates, I though if it will be a good fit into my business model and be in line with personal preferences. It did and I am grateful to ladies who mentioned that in their posts/ads. These days I noticed some of ladies I respect introducing Tiered Rates for New Guests, Friends and Long Term Patrons.

So I am kicking back and forth ideas on that .

The boards are great way to share information and new ideas, as long as we learn to be civil and learn from others by adapting it to our own practices.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
The great thing about your 2 hour is the rate is reasonable. Based on your reviews I can see your worth every penny
ForumPoster's Avatar
The great thing about your 2 hour is the rate is reasonable. Based on your reviews I can see your worth every penny Originally Posted by burkalini
I have my moments (blush)

I did give a lot of thought when I came up with structure I have and probably this is why it is most popular date requested by those who can't do dinner date package for what ever reason. I also found that a lot of gentlemen requesting 2h package book longer dates at later occasions.

I can see how investment of serious finances and time commitment with a lady one has never seen before can be a tough choice to make.

Sometimes we ladies get accused of escorting to being just a business for us. But approaching it as a business it exactly what allows smart providers to create packages and services best suited to their markets and desired clientele.

On one of the boards a lady constantly posts pictures of her ruined bedsheets. Apperently more than one of her clients has personal hygene problem. Instead of ranting about "dirty ass men" she probably should reevaluate reasons she ends up booking them in the first place

Great reviews are product of several factors. One of them is attracting the kind of patrons who are seeking exactly what lady is capable of providing on physical and emotional levels, another is keeping volume to levels which prevent burn out. This is a learning experience for both ladies and gents and I love when we can discuss these subjects in constructive manner!

Laurentius, you're a f*cking idiot, and I would NEVER see you no matter what you have in your wallet! Originally Posted by China Doll
Well, lessee ... right now my wallet only holds $6, so I don't blame you. (*chuckle*) Sometimes, of course, I AM an idiot. If I weren't life would be boring.

No, you're still my cyber lover, and I actually agree with you. Again. I know that most of my clients greatly appreciate my intelligence. I have run into some people who would have preferred that I be a little ditzier and a little less opinionated, and surprise surprise, those meetings didn't work out too well. Originally Posted by China Doll
You know that's something that has driven me nuts in the civie world -- women who act dumb just because they think it'll make certain men like them better, feel less threatened or something. I'm glad you aren't like that! It makes you a perfect cyber-lover!

It's up to the ladies how to run their businesses. If the hobbyists don't like something, then they will avoid those ladies, and both parties are better off. Problem solved! Argument over! Originally Posted by China Doll
Agreed vehemently!

Oh, actually, I do disagree with you on something, Laurentius. I prefer the multiple hour appointments for a number of reasons, some of which you mentioned. However, if someone offered to pay me for two hours and only wanted to see me for one, what kind of idiot would I have to be to turn that down? Originally Posted by China Doll
(*poop eating grin*) I was wondering why it took so long for someone to find the fallacy in that statement. I figured it would either be you or Ms. Lina.

Now, stop being a little piece of scum for having faulty opinions and come to Rochester. Originally Posted by China Doll
What? You don't do outcalls to NH for 15 minute sessions? How outrageous!
Well, I think the reason why this thread sparked such emotional debate is the way question was worded. It did come of somewhat ... unfriendly for the luck of better word. To certain degree I see where some people could read it in "I am not as stuck up as those @#$%s" way.

I am sure that was NOT the intention, but sometimes perceptions of reality can create reactions which were not intended. Especially in virtual world.

I personally have two minimum requirements. In NYC it is 1h. Anywhere within 1h travel by public transportation of NYC it is 2h.

Personally I absolutely prefer longer appointments and I am thinking of making 2h min across the board. However, I do realize that given NYC lifestyle it may not be possible for some people to carve out 2 h out of their schedule due to career and family obligations.

So instead of making mandatory 2h minimum I very strongly encourage 2 and 4 hours engagements via pricing mechanism.

Each lady does business in fashion that suits her schedule, preferences, desired and budget. As result, each has certain potential clientele basis.

Few months ago I noticed a trend in Clock Free dates, I though if it will be a good fit into my business model and be in line with personal preferences. It did and I am grateful to ladies who mentioned that in their posts/ads. These days I noticed some of ladies I respect introducing Tiered Rates for New Guests, Friends and Long Term Patrons.

So I am kicking back and forth ideas on that .

The boards are great way to share information and new ideas, as long as we learn to be civil and learn from others by adapting it to our own practices.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
I'm seeing a lot of ladies going to either a 2-hour minimum, or a 2-hour minimum for 1st timers. Because I travel a lot (on the road between 200 & 300 nights a year) I rarely see the same lady twice. So, I can't offer myself as repeat business for any of the ladies.

I'm not knocking the 2-hour minimum, just voicing my perspective, which is probably unique to me.

A while back, one of the hobbyists on this board sent me a list of ladies he would recommend. I was in a position recently to see two of them, both of whom required a 2 hour appt. However, from my perspective, the 2-hour minimum is prohibitive in a number of respects:
  • It is either outside my budget or on the upper end of my budget. (You can only hide so much cash from the SO. lol)
  • 2 hours is much more time than I need or am comfortable with. I find an hour to me more than enough for my physical capabilities.
  • I admit to looking longingly a the "dinner date" items. However, doing the math puts me off. Say the dinner date is $750, and is designed to last 2 hours. That means that for the dinner hour, I'm paying $375 (w/o knowing how good a conversationalist she is), plus the wining and dining, which will probably run upward of $100-$150. So, I'm dropping more on the dinner part than the BCD part. Hard to justify for convo & a meal.
  • Since I'm not going to repeat in all likelihood, it's hard for me to convince myself that I'm going to get the best service, especially if she determined I might repeat.
I have my moments (blush) Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Yes, you do. Your excellent reviews are well-earned and well-deserved in my humble opinion. Not that I would have any way of knowing, of course! ;-)

On one of the boards a lady constantly posts pictures of her ruined bedsheets. Apperently more than one of her clients has personal hygene problem. Instead of ranting about "dirty ass men" she probably should reevaluate reasons she ends up booking them in the first place Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
That kind of thing drives me nuts. Another thing is the claim that the guy's poor hygiene ruined a $6k couch. What struck me as odd is the number of providers claiming a couch ruined with the exact same price. Kinda makes me wonder if they all shop at the same furniture store; and why they can't negotiate a better deal on furniture.

It reminds me of CT always having bad experiences with providers. He's obviously somehow using the wrong criteria for picking them.

Great reviews are product of several factors. One of them is attracting the kind of patrons who are seeking exactly what lady is capable of providing on physical and emotional levels ... Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Few ladies do that as well as you. However, there is also the fact that in spite of such proactive establishment of expectations, not all practitioners of a given field are equally skilled.
ForumPoster's Avatar
I'm seeing a lot of ladies going to either a 2-hour minimum, or a 2-hour minimum for 1st timers. Because I travel a lot (on the road between 200 & 300 nights a year) I rarely see the same lady twice. So, I can't offer myself as repeat business for any of the ladies.

I'm not knocking the 2-hour minimum, just voicing my perspective, which is probably unique to me.

A while back, one of the hobbyists on this board sent me a list of ladies he would recommend. I was in a position recently to see two of them, both of whom required a 2 hour appt. However, from my perspective, the 2-hour minimum is prohibitive in a number of respects:
  • It is either outside my budget or on the upper end of my budget. (You can only hide so much cash from the SO. lol)
  • 2 hours is much more time than I need or am comfortable with. I find an hour to me more than enough for my physical capabilities.
  • I admit to looking longingly a the "dinner date" items. However, doing the math puts me off. Say the dinner date is $750, and is designed to last 2 hours. That means that for the dinner hour, I'm paying $375 (w/o knowing how good a conversationalist she is), plus the wining and dining, which will probably run upward of $100-$150. So, I'm dropping more on the dinner part than the BCD part. Hard to justify for convo & a meal.
  • Since I'm not going to repeat in all likelihood, it's hard for me to convince myself that I'm going to get the best service, especially if she determined I might repeat.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

All very valid reasons. This is exactly what I meant by saying that while I don't REQUIRE 2 hour minimums, I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE them

By strongly encouraging I really don't mean waking into your room with a baseball bat and saying with evil grin "you are going to book 2h ... aren't u?"

I accomplish it by pricing structure that would give incentives to those who are on the fence about booking longer engagement and need extra incentive in form of heavily discounted 2nd hour. I even run specials on Dinner and Clock Free Dinner dates rather regularly.

Although that can be funny at times. I had an inquiry based on my Dinner Date special about shorter appointment rate. I advised the gentleman that I do offer 1 an 2h packages and they can be found on my website.

His reply "Oh I saw them on your site, I just don't understand why you did not adjust them to BE IN LINE with your special"

Now that was funny


PS If you have to justify companionship during dinner date than that is something that you should not partake in. There has to be very clear correlation between product/activity and your personal perception of value. I can't justify spending 100,000 on a car so I doubt I will ever be in market for one.