Abolish welfare?
Abolish most of the Government?
Eliminate Taxes?
Return to personal liberty and responsibility?
WTF has turned into a Teabilly!
Originally Posted by boardman
Refuse to stooge for the military-industrial complex
Reject conservative attempts to "legislate morality" with censorship, drug laws, and obnoxious Bible-thumping
Libertarians believe in open borders
A5. How do libertarians differ from "conservatives"?
For starters, by not being conservative. Most libertarians have no interest in returning to an idealized past. More generally, libertarians hold no belief for the right wing's rather overt militarist, racist, sexist, and authoritarian tendencies and reject conservative attempts to "legislate morality" with censorship, drug laws, and obnoxious Bible-thumping. Though libertarians believe in free-enterprise capitalism, we also refuse to stooge for the military-industrial complex as conservatives are wont to do.
You Teabillies haven't yet figured out that in order to lose weight , you have to stop eating Pixie Sticks and blaming your fat ass weight gain on liberals. They have plenty of problems without having to atone for your sins. Though libertarians and Teabillies have similar views on some things (just as libertarians overlap some views with liberals) it is comparable to a Lightening Bug thinking it is as powerful as Lightening. You are no different than liberals when it comes to spending money.