Eccie members that have served in the military

tttalinky's Avatar
[QUOTE=[COLOR=red]ekim008;1051854148]congrats you have just been awarded the dumb ass post of the month award the check is in the mail...[/[/COLOR]QUOTE]

I would award this "blow-hard" waverunner234 the super dumb ass post of the YEAR! Next time one of our many enemies come knocking on Americans door we will send them to waverunner234 house for small talk and anti-military trash talk!

waverunner234 is fucking idiot, that would suck elephant dicks at a nickel a herd to save enough money for his Jane Fonda blow-up doll

Poke Originally Posted by fetishfreak
Like I said Poke.

He got all your panties in a bunch, with a simple exercise of the rights the military used to protect.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually, if you follow history factually as opposed to attempting to rewrite history from Op-Ed articles in the Chronicle, you were religiously following, it supports that theory, because .... from Bush I forward we were "at war" with Iraq and only operating under a "cease fire" agreement that was orchestrated by General Herbert Norman [B]Schwarzkopf's fine efforts at repelling a country's invasion ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
+1 Point of fact!!!!

Somebody needs to put Wavy on his jet ski and send him BACK TO Amsterdam where he is from.
LexusLover's Avatar
The cuts (below) during the Clinton admin were the "peace dividend" which were mandated by Congress.... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
"peace dividend"?

Does that translate to a reduction in military spending?

We can discuss the "peace" in another thread!

Then we can discuss the distinction between "allocation" and "expenditure" ... because during the 2nd Clinton term there were many "authorizations" through allocations for expenditures for which no funds were released by the administration ... and I'm not talking just about military ...

I also take issue with JDB on the "readiness" of the U.S. military in 2001 ... we were not adequately equipped for urban intrusions and not adquately trained for the tasks of house-to-house, neighborhood-to-neighborhood patrolling and searching. We had to improvise additional plating and guards to try to protect our personnel, civilian and military.
Like I said Poke.

He got all your panties in a bunch, with a simple exercise of the rights the military used to protect. Originally Posted by fetishfreak

Well, poke right back at ya, lol

Did not affect my panties...although I prefer going commando

He has his right to speak...we, in turn, get to have the right to award him dumbest post of the whatever time period

Really, it is that simple
Yssup Rider's Avatar
ekim008;1051854148]congrats you have just been awarded the dumb ass post of the month award the check is in the mail...[/[/COLOR]QUOTE]

I would award this "blow-hard" waverunner234 the super dumb ass post of the YEAR! Next time one of our many enemies come knocking on Americans door we will send them to waverunner234 house for small talk and anti-military trash talk!

waverunner234 is fucking idiot, that would suck elephant dicks at a nickel a herd to save enough money for his Jane Fonda blow-up doll

Originally Posted by [COLOR=red
waverunner234's Avatar

Look at the difference between a 25 year old college graduate and a 25 year old military veteran. Huge gulf in between. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Here is the difference:

The college grad has the future, the veteran has the past.

But you are way too stupid to understand that.
waverunner234's Avatar

I would award this "blow-hard" waverunner234 the super dumb ass post of the YEAR! Next time one of our many enemies come knocking on Americans door we will send them to waverunner234 house for small talk and anti-military trash talk!
Originally Posted by tttalinky
Why do you think America has so many enemies?
waverunner234's Avatar
Why do you think America has so many enemies? Originally Posted by waverunner234
Sorry I forgot, thinking is not a strong point in these forums.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If I have to attempt to explain the difference to you wavy gravy then you have not met a 25 year old veteran. Where you work must be glad you're not in charge of hiring.

Some wise guy want to compare our standing military in 1940 to our standing military in 2001?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I know you will squeal but here is the chart I found

Military spending under Carter is flat while overall spending went up by over 25%. Remember, I served under Carter. I have some idea how bad things got if you were not a photo op unit.
Here is the difference:

The college grad has the future, the veteran has the past.

But you are way too stupid to understand that. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Wow dude that's cold. I gotta many young vets do you know.

Btw...I'll give you this much. We as a society are big "we support the troops" when we send them in battle. But believe as a society, we have put little support in helping them when they come home. The VA system in many parts of the country is a disgrace

And I totally agree when you say...what the heck our we fighting for in Afgan, now. Way past the time we bring our troops home...way past the time
waverunner234's Avatar
Where you work must be glad you're not in charge of hiring. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I don't work for anyone but myself!
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't work for anyone but myself! Originally Posted by waverunner234
Really? How do you manage to pay yourself?

Sounds like a circle jerk to me.
LexusLover's Avatar
Military spending under Carter is flat while overall spending went up by over 25%. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm glad someone (else) acknowledges the difference between "budgeting" and .....

spending ....

... now if we can just get folks to understand the distinction between "spending" and pissing off the money.