Does a tip or gift do anything for the client?

Still Looking's Avatar
Dude, I am impressed and wonder when you have time to shop. You have 26 reviews in 60 days, AND you bring gifts. Who in the world "turned down" 2500 dollars. I need to see her, sounds like a gallant women!!??

I have given gifts before. Everything from small things they said they liked, to much bigger surprises. Some chicks appreciate it, some dont, they just stockpile with their other "booty". Originally Posted by JT10
I would love to tell you who the provider is....but she wants to remain here incognito! (Now thats funny I don't care who you are!)
Still Looking's Avatar
Still Looking's PM Inbox just exploded I'm afraid! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Not till tuesday I'm sure... most won't sober up till then!
Still Looking's Avatar
Forgive my ignorance, but what is the etiquette for handling a tip? From my very limited experience and from what I've read, I know a donation should always be handled very discreetly, and some SPs want it handled in a very specific way. How should a tip be handled? Overtly set it down on a table or tuck it under some object? I would feel very weird handing it directly to a lady. I can't explain why, but something about that would feel "cheapening." Thanks. Originally Posted by klm
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER hand anything thing but a gift to a lady. Donation rule 101: Place the donation in plain sight. Have large bills... $100's or $50's. Spread the cash out so it can be easily counted at a glance. Providers will appreciate and know why you are doing this. Then if you want to leave a tip after services have been rendered, bend over and act like you found the cash on the floor. Place it near the original donation but once again, do it so it can be identified at a glance. Feel free to say, "oh you must have dropped this."

Gifts... I read about flowers, cookies, candy, perfume, lingerie, cards and gift certificates. Here's my spin on those. Flowers in most cases stay in the motel room and never leave. Certainly NOT a long term gift. Unless you like BBW's candy, cookies and sweet treats are a no go. Unless your trying to promote that BBW thing! Perfume... good but unless you know what she likes chances are it will be given away or sit on a counter as part of a display. Lingerie... to big loser... to small loser. Enough said. Card or Card with gift certificate tucked inside is always a winner. Be smart not creative. Major department stores are ALWAYS a winner. An oil change at Jiffy lube proves your a dip stick.

Why a tip or gift??? Simple, you want to separate your self from the herd. If you need a reference what a great way to open future doors with hard to see providers. Providers status can change abruptly. They can go from full time to part time. If they are hot they can resort to seeing only a lucky select few, you want to be one of those guys. Last but not least, remember the golden rule " He who has the gold, makes the rules... " no that’s not it... "Treat people the way you want to be treated". While it does nothing for you right now, it could greatly improve your chances of favoritism in the future. Always expect nothing in return. You'll always be surprised when it happens!
  • klm
  • 05-30-2011, 10:05 PM
"Then if you want to leave a tip after services have been rendered, bend over and act like you found the cash on the floor. Place it near the original donation but once again, do it so it can be identified at a glance. Feel free to say, "oh you must have dropped this" - Still Looking

Sounds like good advice. Thanks for the "tip"

I think is very sweet of him when he bring a little gift or anything it makes me feel very special love it