I got caught in the excitement of dinner with a dime peice.

kusmaldo's Avatar
@MAX and I thought my jokes were bad. on this post I've found naysayers such as yourself
who have said i'm creepy or some boogeyman that hides in trees and watches you while you sleep.
WRONG!! I just was trying to plan a date........your an ESCORT no one has proboly paid you for anything else other than erotica.i'm not knocking you.if i was creepy i wouldn't have stopped my emails I did apologize sincerely.Stop assumming and hop off your potato sack!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

nah.............too easy!
kusmaldo's Avatar
@MAX apparenly you speak for all guys who call an escort.guess what, some clients don't want erotica all the time.they just want 'companionship'.it's not just a word in an AD, it has meaning you know.Now run along little girl some stranger proboly has candy for you.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
And the giggles just keep coming.....LMAO

OP<~~ ~~>us
kusmaldo's Avatar
@MAX you obviously are seeking attention,guess what? I havn't sceduled an appt.
"Maybe he's just not that in to you'
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... Stop assumming and hop off your potato sack! Originally Posted by kusmaldo
If there are pictures of the lovely lady MAX on a potato sack, please post them. Immediately.

On a separate note: If I were a provider with operation in California, Florida, Kansas, or Portugal, I would have by now PM'd the OP to arrange a dinner date. Call it curiosity, sympathy, a marketing ploy (think of the hits on the review!), self-loathing, whatever - what's the worst that could happen on a dinner date with an undoubtably handsome and fit (and monied) well-mannered world traveler?

Are there no true entrepreneurs left in this world?
kusmaldo's Avatar
@johnnyyanks thanks i'm not a provider just clint and @Max was like an annoying 6 year old.
what is the worst that could happen I'm handsome,courteous,well mannered.well monied,single
lavish you with gifts, no criminal record in shape soccer player. i'm sorry no potato sack pics here.its the weekend maybe the girl i'm after will post up than i have to be on the move.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... no criminal record ... Originally Posted by kusmaldo

(Sorry. It was just sitting there asking for it. Again, sorry.)
kusmaldo's Avatar
@johnnyyanks LOL, almost but it don't count I keep my nose clean.
Now getting busted in some undercover sting uh-oh, that scares me.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

(Sorry. It was just sitting there asking for it. Again, sorry.) Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks

I know, right?!?! So, so hard to resist. And thank you kind, sir! You are truly a gentleman with an awesome sense of humor.

OP....I'm so very disappointed you won't be contacting me, because I truly go for the creepy stalker types with little or no intelligence, and was sitting here desperately waiting for you to PM me while on my/in my "potato sack"?

As for the candy comment, only the finest of dark chocolates after an amazing dinner date with a great client/friend, for me. Add a delicious bottle of red wine and we are well on our way to nirvana.....
Edit 1: Also, although it's beyond your grasp, you should be informed that I'm no little girl. I'm an experienced woman who enjoys the company of select few gentlemen who understand the hobby. Now ya know.

Edit 2: After posting this, I wasn't sure if you knew that Nirvana is something other than a popular band, so please allow me to help:

Definition of nirvana : Nirvana is a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven (as defined by vocabulary.com)
kusmaldo's Avatar
@MAX more like the you go for the,My wife kisses my kids,so I need you to do it for me type
I filter out ones like you in my provider search so no worry there.No need for potatos just an empty burlap sack for you would do just fine,
kusmaldo's Avatar
@MAX I know what it is of course.Expireinced provider
from the way you keep rambling on I couldn't tell.
now go preach Nirvana somewhere, else get lost!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
@MAX more like the you go for the,My wife kisses my kids,so I need you to do it for me type
I filter out ones like you in my provider search so no worry there.No need for potatos just an empty burlap sack for you would do just fine, Originally Posted by kusmaldo

I'm feeling helpful today, so let me clean this up for you:

@Max(let's erase this, because everyone knows you're about to comment back at me)

More like you go for (let's erase this as well, because we have no idea where you were headed with this part of your statement)

My wife kisses my kids (As it should be), so I need you to do it for me type (nonsensical...cutting this out as well)

I filter out ones like you in my provider search so no worry there. (only complete sentence you managed to write that makes half ass sense, so I'll pretty much leave it alone with only a little tweak)

No need for potatos just an empty burlap sack for you would do just fine, ( grammatically incorrect with spelling errors, and I would add it to the final statement, but not sure how you meant to state it, as potatoes were not the object in your original statement, but rather the potato sack)

End product of your statement:

My wife kisses my kids. I filter out ones like you in my provider search, so no worries there.

I don't often fail challenges, hon and I really tried, but other than "I filter out ones like you in my provider search, so no worries there.", it's just not a cohesive declaration. And btw....You have no idea how much I appreciate that! Truly...thank you from the bottom of heart.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Max i'm glad your finally off this thread.Being as I speak 2 diff languages i could care less
about your english lesson.good riddens.will this thread attract anymore One flew over the cukoos nest types? I'll kep ALCON updated.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
@MAX I know what it is of course.Expireinced provider
from the way you keep rambling on I couldn't tell.
now go preach Nirvana somewhere, else get lost! Originally Posted by kusmaldo
As previously stated, I rarely fail a challenge, Mr. creepy stalker man waiting for a restraining order to happen.

Today is your lucky day! I'm feeling challenged.......

I do have a question....are you from somewhere other than the United States?