"Mandles"...... If you are visiting Austin and reading reviews be forwarned

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
What you people know about the guidelines couldn't fill a thimble ... Go out and test the boundaries ... Originally Posted by rockerrick
Too funny. How's that worked for you? (anyone know what's smaller than a thimble?)
Oh mental midget, knowing boundaries and giving a fuck about them are two different things all together.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Right. You're such a rebel.
illuminati's Avatar
Johnny Yanks said:Too funny. How's that worked for you? (anyone know what's smaller than a thimble?)
Your dick. GTFO!
Whispers's Avatar
So difficult to quote with Whispers' fifty million line edits.

He quoted KBF, "Claire's nice to me, Yeah?..... so is still looking, rocker rick, Claire used to be nice to them as well....."

I like how I said ONE thing to SL about knowing when to quit (when arguing with Miss V.) and all of a sudden I don't like him anymore. I also like how I questioned whether or not RockerRick was Pink Taco and all of a sudden I don't like him anymore either. I didn't realize that I was never supposed to disagree with anything anyone I know says on here. Fuck, I should just bleach my hair and become a Stepford wife. I don't care how close of a friend I am, I'm entitled to my opinion and you're entitled to yours - how is it that everyone else has that shit figured out except the three of you?! Jesus Christ, make ONE comment and it all goes to shit? Let me get my walk-on-eggshells slippers on then. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Your problem Claire is when you disagree with someone and they don't cowtow and kiss their ass you go on a crusade against them and trashtalk them at public gatherings, private parties and here on the board.

It's catching up with you.....

Time for another fictitious issue and identity change?
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Whispers, what is the motivation behind your dislike of the mature providers on this board? And I do not mean just one of them in particular. I sense that there is an untold story.
Would you pay good money for rotting fruit?
Whispers, what is the motivation behind your dislike of the mature providers on this board? And I do not mean just one of them in particular. I sense that there is an untold story. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
Mommy issues?

Whispers's Avatar
Whispers, what is the motivation behind your dislike of the mature providers on this board? And I do not mean just one of them in particular. I sense that there is an untold story. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody

I actually get along with quite a few older providers and a lot of information that makes it into posts tends to originate with them as they are pretty fed up with a handful of their peers in much the same way I and a few others are.

if they would quit running their ads in coed and registering as men to attack others and retire all the assorted additional handles then none of this would be going on.....
I actually get along with quite a few older providers and a lot of information that makes it into posts tends to originate with them as they are pretty fed up with a handful of their peers in much the same way I and a few others are.

if they would quit running their ads in coed and registering as men to attack others and retire all the assorted additional handles then none of this would be going on..... Originally Posted by Whispers
"......and registering as men to attack others and retire all the assorted additional handles then none of this would be going on....."

Claire has acknowledged her one(1) infraction.
You named others.
The proof please,or STFU.
Also,will you address KBF's request?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-17-2015, 09:18 PM
He's not Eccie and cannot give permission to break the guideline #9.

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed. Originally Posted by rockerrick
I haven't read this entire thread yet, but even so I find this Ricky gem without even searching for it.

What a hypocritical POV from you, though that doesn't surprise me at all. So now you want to claim that guidelines are firm and sacrosanct--when they suit you. When you want to hide behind one. But in your childish "I'm Back" rant they are nothing more than gentle suggestions--when it suits you.

You really are laughable.

And I did not overlook that rant. I will reply in good time.
Hey nitwit, I didn't post a private message from another member, that is from Eccie.
Now go back and read guideline #9.
You really don't get these guidelines.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-17-2015, 10:09 PM
Well Ranger Rick, I'm afraid you seem to be the one with a comprehension problem this evening. The issue was not about #9, but about the interpretation of the word "guideline". And how you believe it should be applied in a kind and forgiving way when you choose to ignore them, but you want rigid "firm enforcement" when applied to others you disagree with.

Show me where I am misstating your views. Yep, hypocritical seems to fit quite correctly.
Where do you get that I want them applied easily on me? And rigid on others?
You're not getting it, I know the guidelines and how they are enforced, so things can be worded in ways that insult you without breaking the guidelines. It comes from several years of finding the boundaries and tap dancing on them.
And posting up private messages is not allowed, so Whispers cannot relinquish them to be posted.
That is the owners decision, and they say no form of private communications from other members can be posted.
So I'm the one who just came off 30 days ban, how exactly were rules not applied to me?
"......and registering as men to attack others and retire all the assorted additional handles then none of this would be going on....."

Claire has acknowledged her one(1) infraction.
You named others.
The proof please,or STFU.
Also,will you address KBF's request? Originally Posted by Observing
Hmmm, yes. I believe an insinuation was made that I also have 'Mandles' and therefore, some fake reviews.
Matters not to me what whippers believes.
His (or anyone else's)hateful perception of me, has as much impact on my popularity or self-confidence as it does on the brand of toothpaste I buy. Nada. None. Zilch.

His inability to comprehend me as nothing more than a fat/old/bitter whore who has done NOTHING of importance for the past **years(if you only knew!) only to end up here...with no other choices makes me chuckle.

The mere idea that men seek me out (I actually have to turn down appointments) and write glowing reviews is as unfathomable to whippet and equalled by my complete disbelief that young, 'attractive' girls would want to see him naked. Much less have to go down....
Never mind, you get the idea.

Now, back to the other point. Feel free to contact the moderators and have them check any suspicious IP addresses or reviews.