Y'all are losing the law-and-order argument

Lucas McCain's Avatar
that must quite a sugar high... lol! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
LL is not very fond of me. I don't give a shit what that goofy old man thinks. I was talking about a former friend who asked me to rent a car for him, and he is bringing up my damn rifles. I guess his old ass does not understand that people's criminal history show up when you google them.

LL, I get that it was a snide remark but all I ask is to be remotely clever and make me laugh when you waste your time trying to insult me. Just be thoughtful and come up with some good shit that makes me laugh. Is that too much to ask? Probably so but fuck if I care
LL, I get that it was a snide remark but all I ask is to be remotely clever and make me laugh when you waste your time trying to insult me. Just be thoughtful and come up with some good shit that makes me laugh. Is that too much to ask? Probably so but fuck if I care Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Trust me some of us laughed. And watching you get all butthurt sensitive over it makes us laugh even more.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL is not very fond of me. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Grow up!

Now, back to the real topic that interests the nation...and most of the posters in here.
he thinks its racist because it was a black guy. if it was a white guy the same thing would have happened and they wouldn't have burned the Wendy's down. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
LexusLover's Avatar
But that really doesn't matter. Although he was rather compliant at the start this guy was on a mission. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It does matter: What the LOONS need to comprehend is that a chemically induced state of mind is often what an officer must face WITHOUT the benefit of cam reruns and frame-by-frame analysis with days/weeks of experts providing HOURS of commentary and background information, such as criminal and employment history, etc., etc., with HOURS of time to evaluate what "should have been done" ...

and the officer only has seconds (if that much time) and usually less than a minute to make an assessment of the SITUATION PRESENTED AT THAT TIME with HIS OR HER LIFE AT STAKE and choose an appropriate response given the REALITY as the OFFICER SEES IT.

(And I'm not talking about FLOYD so please don't deflect!)

AS FOR CHANGING ATTITUDES: Drunk and Impaired people when confronted with LE PRETEND to be sober and unimpaired ("compliant) until they realize they are going to jail anyway! Most people who have issues with controlling their behavior turn violent or at least belligerent when they don't get their way. If one examines the body language in the screen shot I posted twice it is apparent .... the suspect is tense and ready to strike while the officer searching him is NOT and the suspect has a position of power OVER THE OFFICER (literally) and the 2nd officer is just standing there even when the first officer is being attacked.
recall if you will the red guard

a maoist cultural revolution is afoot

if you think the police were tough before just wait
  • oeb11
  • 06-16-2020, 10:29 AM
For those who condemn "fascism" - If biden is elected - the police will be disbanded and Anti-fa installed - the real meaning of the word will become evident - Seattle is just a preview of what the LibDPST's have planned for America.

or, shall I predict - the Socialist States of Amerika.
It does matter: What the LOONS need to comprehend is that a chemically induced state of mind is often what an officer must face WITHOUT the benefit of cam reruns and frame-by-frame analysis with days/weeks of experts providing HOURS of commentary and background information, such as criminal and employment history, etc., etc., with HOURS of time to evaluate what "should have been done" ...

and the officer only has seconds (if that much time) and usually less than a minute to make an assessment of the SITUATION PRESENTED AT THAT TIME with HIS OR HER LIFE AT STAKE and choose an appropriate response given the REALITY as the OFFICER SEES IT.

(And I'm not talking about FLOYD so please don't deflect!)

AS FOR CHANGING ATTITUDES: Drunk and Impaired people when confronted with LE PRETEND to be sober and unimpaired ("compliant) until they realize they are going to jail anyway! Most people who have issues with controlling their behavior turn violent or at least belligerent when they don't get their way. If one examines the body language in the screen shot I posted twice it is apparent .... the suspect is tense and ready to strike while the officer searching him is NOT and the suspect has a position of power OVER THE OFFICER (literally) and the 2nd officer is just standing there even when the first officer is being attacked. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Although this all may be true his level of intoxication can't be determined by viewing the video. By the Suspect resisting to the extent that he did by breaking away from the Officers, fighting with them on the ground, disarming one of them by taking his taser and then fleeing again and attempting to deploy the taser at the officer who gave chase the suspect's level of intoxication at that point really doesn't matter.
LexusLover's Avatar
LAW AND ORDER Originally Posted by yitzchak
The FACT is if everyone did the correct things with respect to the expectations of our society as opposed to what THEY WANT TO DO, then our society would not need the police, the courts, the jails/prisons, and the lawyers that burden our tax responsibilities today .... the dead guy in Atlanta didn't do the "correct things"!

Personally, I've never fallen asleep behind the wheel in a drive-thru line at a fast food establishment, although there were times when I thought perhaps the staff INSIDE HAD FALLEN ASLEEP.

Neither have a started a fight with a law enforcement who was talking to me. And I've never been arrested as in handcuffed and/or taken to a jail by a law enforcement officer.

I get a little tired of CRIMINALLY ACCUSED blaming law enforcement officers for their problems, unless the law enforcement officers have accused them of a crime they did not commit.

Michael Brown and the Atlanta Casualty had something in common: They decided to fight the police.
pleasurem's Avatar
I don’t think ( know ) they needed to shoot him, I’m not positive about the law! They probably had as much info as they needed to arrest him later... I know all the crap that happened the next day was illegal!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Although this all may be true his level of intoxication can't be determined by viewing the video. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I've never seen a video by which one can determine ... the "level of intoxication" of the person in the video ... which is the reason why I mentioned "impairment" .... I suspect when this matter gets aired out with full reports, sworn statements, and toxicology from autopsies (along with an accurate criminal history) I suspect the world will have an opportunity to assess some "level of HIS intoxication" and perhaps even SOME PLAUSIBLE EXPLANATION of why he fell asleep at night in the drive-thru lane and had to be yelled at repeatedly to awaken.

But that IS MY POINT .... the two officers had but a brief moment to be making any such assessment ... and all these folks, including some posting on Eccie, want to tell them how to do their job! My second point is: I can look at the screenshot I posted and tell that there were either some "training issues" or complacency by the officers dealing with this guy from the beginning.

Let's get back to Seattle for a moment ...

Is it easier to control the occupation as it develops or ... after it has been established?

The two officers did not establish CONTROL of the suspect from the beginning. Had they done so, we would have never known about their investigation and activities, they would have their jobs, and the suspect would be alive. Wendy's wouldn't have been burned and one less (or more) thread(s) on Eccie.
bambino's Avatar
Just from "Google"? How many Henrys did he have? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The phone call never happened. Lucy loves to share his fantasy life experiences with people on Eccie. Some actually believe him.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don’t think ( know ) they needed to shoot him, I’m not positive about the law! Originally Posted by pleasurem
If someone shoots you, make sure you don't shoot them. OK?

Let me crank it up a few notches ... if someone jumps your ass beating you, grabs one of your weapons, runs with it, and turns around and shoots you with your weapon ... make sure you don't shot them! OK?

But like you said: You are "not positive about the law"!

Two names you should remember: Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.
I did 30 days in jail for a DWI once (first and last offense)
I think it was because I was white.