Good in the world

Heat? Baby you are delusional your drunken assessments haven't been very accurate thus far so I'll just suck it up and let you think what you brought no heat just attitude. Do this. Look around the room...When you notice that everyone else is laughing about my little time line except you, who do you surmise they are laughing AT?
OOOOOOH! Now I get it. You are all butt hurt that I said Carl was funnier than you. LOL! Dude give me some credit; I said I found it somewhat comical. I was amused. Don't you get it by now? I don't care what everyone in the room is doing. But at least I can accurately infer the climate of the matter at hand, and what people mean. Oh do you mean they are laughing at me? You mean, even I am funnier than you when I'm not trying to be. Awesome! Who cares dude. Like I say a small lose for a huge return.
Now, go back and count how many names you called everyone. And you are lecturing on how to mingle in co-ed? I still think you are a moron; and thin skinned. Take some advise from your idol creeper-Joan. Don't worry about what other people think about you....because, you'll be happier? I for one think it's beneficial to consider what other people think about you; so you can either maybe see another perspective and change your ways, or say fuck it you don't phase me I stand by what I say. She how rewarding that can be!

Leave the thread. Or put down the bottle, go to sleep, something! Oh right, who is going to White Kight for Joan when you leave this thread?

Going to gracefully a head up your ass (while yes, is an exit) is hardly graceful exit as I watch you responding to each and every poster imdividually in the thread....have a nice affernoon everyone, this was entertaining....(sweet dreams buddy. sleep is vital to your reckoning skills and making all those charts and stuff :/.) Originally Posted by Toyz

Sammitches. Originally Posted by Sire
I was thinking more about the homie hammertime but I am hungry
You two bickering messed up my horny so I'm out,

enjoy your fight, I'm gonna eat.

How do I get her in a seductive mood if you keep the fight going,

Play nice,

both of you and let's get the focus where it belongs Originally Posted by homer13
Dear Homie,

I am always in a seductive mood. What do you think I'm doing in this thread. LOL! I guess I'm a true Coquette, if you will.

You know I play nice; for the most part.
Btw that was Joan that stated "So, If ya'll actually Do Care about Our opinions on certain topics, please be more open minded in allowing it."

I'm not going to worry if anyone DOES CARE about my opinion.

That is just pointless.

No one is in charge of "allow"ing me to open their mind.
I say what I say/think and you can like it, love it, even disagree; or keep it pushing.

However, I will participate when I want and how I want.

*pun intended.
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  • Toyz
  • 05-09-2012, 01:05 PM really ARE passive agressive! I was just joking about that part, but guess it hit a bit too close to home!

Sorry homie, I guess she is too wound up to wind down, everyone duck!!! really ARE passive agressive! I was just joking about that part, but guess it hit a bit too close to home!

Sorry homie, I guess she is too wound up to wind down, everyone duck!!! Originally Posted by Toyz
Toyz are you sleep walking now? Have you been sleep walking this whole time?
I will totally put this behind us if you were.
Whispers's Avatar
How do I get her in a seductive mood if you keep the fight going, Originally Posted by homer13
too much of this childish play time does tend to cause you to forget the basics....

I'm sure that for Three Benji's she is as seductive as you want her to be....
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  • Toyz
  • 05-09-2012, 02:44 PM
Toyz are you sleep walking now? Have you been sleep walking this whole time?
I will totally put this behind us if you were.
LOL! Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
No EJ! I'm at work and trying to keep up on a damn touch screen! Its not fair without a keyboard.
awww... thanks for the love jasmine! I honestly don't know what homer's issue is with me or why he a) thinks I'm so hideously grotesque b) feels the need to comment on it in such a public and crass way C) I'm 5'7 and 125 lbs...smaller than even my showcase pix show...that is far from needing weight watchers in my humble opinion. D) how he decided I'm spoiled and how he mistakes me walking away from a waste of time as running away from an actual argument. There's no argument between he and I, simply a difference of opinion and an obvious difference in discernment and mental acuity.

Oh and yes, I'll admit I hit the "show" button on his lame ass ignored posts... curiosity got the better of me. lol.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you sometime this week chica...and I have a better idea than my original one for where to hang out(P.S It may possibly involve Carl :P )
awww... thanks for the love jasmine! I honestly don't know what homer's issue is with me or why he a) thinks I'm so hideously grotesque b) feels the need to comment on it in such a public and crass way C) I'm 5'7 and 125 lbs...smaller than even my showcase pix show...that is far from needing weight watchers in my humble opinion. D) how he decided I'm spoiled and how he mistakes me walking away from a waste of time as running away from an actual argument. There's no argument between he and I, simply a difference of opinion and an obvious difference in discernment and mental acuity.

Oh and yes, I'll admit I hit the "show" button on his lame ass ignored posts... curiosity got the better of me. lol.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you sometime this week chica...and I have a better idea than my original one for where to hang out(P.S It may possibly involve Carl :P ) Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine

We do obviously have a difference in mental acuity as you can't even read and comprehend exactly what I said. I didn't call you fat. I said you like to fuck fat ugly guys with no stamina so the sex only last a few minutes and then you can get a back massage, or listen to music or do anything other then have a dick in you etc...... Not my opinion, as you know I've never had a remote interest in you but the opinion of several posters I've heard from. I believe most tend to speak up in your reviews which I know just steams your britches. Secondly I'm glad you ran off in this case because I really don't want to argue, speak, or have anything to do with you. In the past I've never directly been rude to you but your spoiled little attitude in our dealings and obvious immaturity has pulled it out of me. Like how you give dirty looks and point at socials. You don't think the people who pretend to like you don't tell us what your saying as soon as you walk away. Still laughing at the drunk ass pics of you at Ricks. Really, learn to handle your booze. Aint that right Sixx. It's funny how you don't have anyone defending your honor. As I mentioned it's hard to find people when you are a bitch to both guys and gals on a regular basis.

That coming from a guy who get's along with 99% of providers, and ladies in general.
Providers aren't allowed to get angry, so I will just wish you a good day.

We do obviously have a difference in mental acuity as you can't even read and comprehend exactly what I said. I didn't call you fat. I said you like to fuck fat ugly guys with no stamina so the sex only last a few minutes and then you can get a back massage, or listen to music or do anything other then have a dick in you etc...... Not my opinion, as you know I've never had a remote interest in you but the opinion of several posters I've heard from. I believe most tend to speak up in your reviews which I know just steams your britches. Secondly I'm glad you ran off in this case because I really don't want to argue, speak, or have anything to do with you. In the past I've never directly been rude to you but your spoiled little attitude in our dealings and obvious immaturity has pulled it out of me. Like how you give dirty looks and point at socials. You don't think the people who pretend to like you don't tell us what your saying as soon as you walk away. Still laughing at the drunk ass pics of you at Ricks. Really, learn to handle your booze. Aint that right Sixx. It's funny how you don't have anyone defending your honor. As I mentioned it's hard to find people when you are a bitch to both guys and gals on a regular basis.

That coming from a guy who get's along with 99% of providers, and ladies in general. Originally Posted by homer13
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sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
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Jesus wept, you must be hopelessly retarded. I pity you. As for drunken pix at Rick's...I musta been hella drunk cuz I don't even recall them. If you mean the shitty lil tavern where I went to DROP OFF TOYS FOR THE LESS FORTUNATE after donating hundreds of my own cash and two separate sessions for the cause then yea I admit that and upon sitting at a table with whispers and sixx found myself getting so drunk I actually offerred to hug sixx and he refused- yes, good one! Y'all have milked that for all it's worth. Damn.

As for the social and finger pointing or saying shit about people...not that I recall and it seems out of character for me but if you are willing to add some names to your accusations and bullshit I'll gladly put my .02. in. I'm genuinely unaware of any provider not liking me and a) if they don't like me why would they fake it? what's the point? b) I help a LOT of fucking girls with shit you have no clue about at 100% my expense....I have lent hundreds of dollars to providers I've never even met and taken god knows how many out to lunch, written ads, taken photos, made websites for them all 100% FREE OF FUCKING CHARGE. Ya know why? Because I'm a good person and not a fucking asshole like so many people in the hobby.

Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
That is great that you helped with the drive. I am sure your contributions were appreciated by many. I am also sure the providers you have helped are grateful for your help BUT....... why mention it. Do a good deed for others without praising yourself later.

I am sure you have a good rep with many and a bad one with others. That happens when you are a high profile poster that is opinionated. It does not matter if you are a hobbyist or provider. Embrace that or tone it down with the nature of your posts, responses, etc

This wasn't made as a knock against you. It's more of an observation

Since you seemed to miss this part Reya. I told you I apologize , and stated it publicly. People out there I was out of line with Reya and I have apologized for it.

Ebony, I wouldn't say devastated. Disappointed . But I made a little comment and it escalated. I HAVE SINCE APOLOGIZED TO REYA , and she is not ignoring me. Seems she's able to take as well as dish it out. Originally Posted by rockerrick
I didn't edit anything! What I quoted was your original quote which you later changed...attempting to talk to you is pointless.

Welcome to ignore! Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine