Whales, Spinners & Mucho Dollars City

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Drat, JaD, you're going to make me break my "I'm done" statement.

Definitions of "whale" for proper usage:

1. Any of the larger marine mammals of the order Cetacea, especially as distinguished from the smaller dolphins and porpoises, having a fish-like body, forelimbs modified into flippers, and a head that is horizontally flattened.

2. Informal: something big, great, or fine of its kind. "I had a whale of a time in Europe."

3. Astronomy: the constellation Cetus.

4. Colloquialism: high-stakes gambler, big spender. "The whales came to Vegas for the poker tournament."

The word can't be banned, of course, but it should not be used as a label or comparison for something it doesn't imply, but hey, just my opinion. I'm too polite, evidently.

Wakeup, ECCIE DOES endorse the term BBW, as it is a designation for us ladies to choose from when describing ourselves on our profiles.

Wakeup's Avatar
These women are "big"...seems the informal usage applies just fine...

Wakeup, ECCIE DOES endorse the term BBW, as it is a designation for us ladies to choose from when describing ourselves on our profiles. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I think you're confusing "allowing you to use" versus "endorsing". ECCIE isn't saying "the term BBW is the preferred term to use when describing fat women on this board", they're saying "if you want to call yourself BBW instead of fat, here's an easy pulldown to do so with"...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
.... P.S.-It's P.P.S. (or PPS), not P.S.S....post post scriptum, not post scriptum scriptum...why do people mess that up all the time? Originally Posted by Wakeuр

You're right and I stand corrected, embarrassing for a writer. I was typing too fast and not thinking. Y'all have fun in this unending debate, as I must spend the rest of the afternoon attending to the REALLY big thing in my life, Sweet Pea. Woof, woof, wag, wag.
boardman's Avatar
omg who cares wat they say....stop taking this so seriously.....geesh....
LexusLover's Avatar
The term 'Whale' in itself is not an offensive term, it is the name of a rather large animal, that's the bottom line. Originally Posted by Valerie
It also carries a meaning in the "gaming community" ... a fat cat, easy mark, monied.
Stallions are good. Wales are bad.
hell me too

Ladies I saw this picture at a doctor's office once as a kid and never forgot it. They are words to live by.

Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Sure, maybe in another world. But the minute you decided to enter a occupation where the visual aspect is paramount, then what you think of yourself doesn't mean much at all. It's what the customers think.

Remember, the real worth of your services is not based on what the customer spends the first time he sees you, it's what he is willing to spend the second time.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Yeah when you say mare though it just ain't hot. the title "come play with this thick mare" just don't sound right either. Originally Posted by trey

Lol .... yeah I hate to admit it, but you are right.

"Hey Trey, check out that mare over their, she is thick as hell"

"We're gonna go find some mares tonight"
Brooke Wilde's Avatar

And seriously, no joking, I believe that if ECCIE continues to set the standards of civil behavior amongst the members so low, and pass off the ever-increasing level of drama and derision as "entertainment" or "educational," in a couple more years it will be surpassed by another board, just as ECCIE surpassed ASPD when things went to Hell there.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I agree and it's going to happen. It is already happening. I can list more providers off the top of my head who have had it so bad with the treatment around here that they have already left the board. They are still providers and they still post in forums, just no longer on eccie. The ironic part about that is, the providers the assholes have ran off, are all non-BBW providers. lol.

And the same goes for clients. I meet guys almost weekly who were on ASPD since the beginning, came over to eccie in 2010, but once the assholes of Houston were allowed to take over the board, they simply stopped posting and in lots of casing even reading the board. 95% of the population doesn’t wanna deal with the disrespectful, pessimistic, bully behavior that rules some of the guys around here.

Then to say "this is a massage board that’s what happens" is utter bullshit. I post on 4 other forums at least every week and the tone on those boards is totally different. The blunt name calling and direct insults to a whole mass of people would never be allowed.

So why is it that it is NOT okay to hate someone for their race, yet IT IS okay to hate any girl
who weights more then 150lbs?

Calling a girl a whale should be as bad as calling a AA girl a ________ or calling a mexican girl a ______.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
omg who cares wat they say....stop taking this so seriously.....geesh.... Originally Posted by Kammye

Says the spinner. Calling larger framed girls “whales” is acceptable to you ? It's sad because you being a women of color, I’d think you’d have a more compassionate view of the subject at hand.

I guess insulting a whole percentage of the population isn’t worth standing up for to you.
Wakeup's Avatar
Heh there it is!! Finally!

Been waiting a while for that. We've seen the "all Houston men are assholes" comment from Brooke. We've seen the "ECCIE men are assholes" comment from Brooke. We've seen the "women should never travel to Houston" comment from Brooke. I was waiting for the "Houston spinners are assholes" comment...
Stallions are good. Wales are bad. Originally Posted by Sweet Discretion

HAHAHA I remember when every other chick online was referring to herself as a stallion.

"Italian Stallion"
"Ebony Stallion"
"Spicy Stallion"

Until someone informed these ladies that a stallion was in reference to a male hose. A very well bred horse- but still a male horse.

I'm a spinner now but not more than 3 years ago I was approaching whale territory. A big girl is a big girl however you want to put it, but the guys who are sexually attracted to girls that size would never call a girl that name, I would just focus on the guys that admire my body and personality and not focus on the people who view a few extra pounds in a negative context.
chicagoboy's Avatar
HAHAHA I remember when every other chick online was referring to herself as a stallion.

"Italian Stallion"
"Ebony Stallion"
"Spicy Stallion"

Until someone informed these ladies that a stallion was in reference to a male hose. A very well bred horse- but still a male horse. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Maybe they had a Rocky upbringing.
Maybe they had a Rocky upbringing. Originally Posted by chicagoboy

Some of these chicks are in dire need of a thesarus if they are running out of metaphors.