Mission Accomplished!

JCM800's Avatar
"Far above him [W] was the warship's banner stating "Mission Accomplished.'"

According to Navy Cmdr. Conrad Chun, it was a coincidence Originally Posted by I B Hankering

My experience is from being in the Navy and working with stuff like this. Bush was not supposed to be on the ship until after it arrived. For those few who may think otherwise, that banner was probably put up that day but had to be made days, if not weeks, in advance in the sail locker and print shop. So to make the point, that banner was planned and made before Bush made the decision to fly out to the Lincoln. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

How could the banner be planned if it was just a coincidence?

"putting a 'mission accomplished' on an aircraft carrier" Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, there is no denying The Shrub openly admitted that "a mistake" was made when he made the following statement:

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

Since you obviously did not consider the quoted article from US News and World Report (post #99 of this thread) to be a credible source, perhaps you will find the following linked CNN report more to your liking.


In both articles, The Shrub clearly admitted a mistake was made, as it relates to the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Yet you and your Idiot offspring continue to cling to the mistaken notion that the whole "Mission Accomplished" brouhaha was merely a coincidence.

As I said earlier, if your favorite Shrub can admit there was "a mistake," you and the rest of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errr Clan should be able to admit that a mistake was made, as well.

Oh yeah, before I forget, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How could the banner be planned if it was just a coincidence? Originally Posted by JCM800
Really? How to respond to this stupidity? You seem to think that the banner just sprang up out of the deck and attached itself to the superstructure above the bridge? Is that what you really think? Someone on the ship sat down, brainstormed a little bit, probably did a drawing, took it to the Welfare and Rec committee, who then took it to the graphics lab for production and George Bush was nowhere to be seen was he?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Think you can find something, anything, where Bush says I made a mistake with banner? We'll wait but you won't find it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nothing surrounding a President when he gives a speech is there by accident. It is there solely because the President, or his handlers want it there. You Bush supporters sound as ignorant and partisan as the Obamatons.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Nothing? You want to stick with that word?

They meant for it to rain.
Think you can find something, anything, where Bush says I made a mistake with banner? We'll wait but you won't find it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.


Hey JDIdiot, it didn't take long to solve that problem. Did it?
LexusLover's Avatar
LLIdiot, there is no denying The Shrub openly admitted that "a mistake" was made when he made the following statement:

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

Since you obviously did not consider the quoted article from US News and World Report (post #99 of this thread) to be a credible source, perhaps you will find the following linked CNN report more to your liking.


In both articles, The Shrub clearly admitted a mistake was made, as it relates to the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Yet you and your Idiot offspring continue to cling to the mistaken notion that the whole "Mission Accomplished" brouhaha was merely a coincidence.

As I said earlier, if your favorite Shrub can admit there was "a mistake," you and the rest of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errr Clan should be able to admit that a mistake was made, as well.

Oh yeah, before I forget, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by bigtex
You have now become a LifeTimeMember of the WTFKNOWSNOTHING CLUB OF QUOTE DISTORTION. Enjoy yourself in your fantasy of LIES.

And you have the audacity to call anyone an "Idiot"!!!

You can't even follow the theme of the OP in Post #1, ...

..... much less fundamental FIRST GRADE logic.

No wonder you send neophytes to participate in an "investigation."

It seems months ago I suggested NO ONE should bet with you. You are slicker than mercury in your attempt to "win" ....

I quoted and linked the CNN transcript of his speech. You don't like that so you start quoting a blog and an article regurgitating the "sentiments" (as opposed to facts) that Bush "put the banner up" or somehow "authored it" or somehow "personally authorized it (as MEANING "THE WAR") ... or somehow endorsed it as MEANING "THE WAR" in stead of the MISSION OF THE LINCOLN!!!!!) .... ALL I HAVE TO SAY TO YOU IS ...


But in the meantime start your own thread on your lame-ass theories...

... and drag your ILK along with you.

Thousands of your fellow Christians are being slaughtered as a result of the failed policies (even Hillarious your ATF says so) of YOUR MAN in the White House and you want to expend your energy on "mining" blogs in a spurious attempt to justify your erroneous and fraudulent conclusion that Bush placed a banner on the Lincoln announcing the end of the Iraqi War.

You want to talk about anything but Obaminable's incompetence. HE IS IT!
LexusLover's Avatar
You seem to think that the banner just sprang up out of the deck and attached itself to the superstructure above the bridge? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually the NEW THEME is that Bush himself climbed up there and attached it.

Here is the quote proudly published by BitTitsLiarStalker:

""Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," .....

(It does appear that "banner" was added to make it clear "what Bush was alleged to have said. Whether BigTitsLiarStalker added that word to the alleged quote or the BLOG AUTHOR has yet to be ADMITTED, but it is apparent BigTitsLiarStalker will DO ANYTHING to salvage his lame-ass "point" in his continual and unending struggle to deflect the "hot lights" shining on the empty head he facilitated in installing in the People's House.)

Mr. Military (BigTitsLiarStalker) doesn't have a clue as to the distinction between ...

a "MISSION" and a "WAR"!

.. in addition he will misquote ANYONE in an attempt to vilify them.

All he has left is race-baiting and name calling.
LexusLover's Avatar
Nothing? You want to stick with that word?

They meant for it to rain. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And since there is a military uniform in the picture, ...

.........no DOUBT Obaminable is SAYING he is in the military ALSO!!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Nothing surrounding a President when he gives a speech is there by accident. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Does that include getting a shoe thrown at you?

You guys need to "move on" and quit trying to blame Bush for EVERYTHING.
But in the meantime start your own thread on your lame-ass theories. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yesterday, LLIdiot was complaining about the referenced news source being from a "BLOG," with no acknowledgment that the alleged "BLOG" was actually a very credible news source, US News and World Report.

Now he complains about the source only being "lame-ass theories." This Idiot will stop at nothing to keep from admitting Shrub fucked up!

The Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrr Clan is really digging deep to keep from admitting that his hero made "a mistake." (Shrubbie's words, not mine)

What part of a direct quote of Shrub's exact words, in which he openly admitted that he made "a mistake," does LLIdiot not understand?

One more time, what follows are Shrubbies exact words, as reported unedited from CNN.

"Clearly, putting a 'Mission Accomplished' [banner] on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said about how his administration handled the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops.

If that was not enough, our resident Idiot Klan, errr Clan Patriarch then presented another lame-ass argument that I could have possibly edited the news source and added the word [banner] to CNN's link.


(It does appear that "banner" was added to make it clear "what Bush was alleged to have said. Whether BigTitsLiarStalker added that word to the alleged quote or the BLOG AUTHOR has yet to be ADMITTED Originally Posted by LexusLover
If LLIdiot was not reaching before, he really is grasping at straws now. Just clink on the following link, Idiot, and you will soon see the word [banner] was added by the CNN reporter, not me.

.......no DOUBT Obaminable is SAYING he is in the military ALSO!!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Please provide the link to Obama "SAYING he is in the military ALSO."

While on the subject of being "in the military ALSO, Obama is the Commander-in-Chief of every soldier who is in "the military ALSO."
I B Hankering's Avatar
How could the banner be planned if it was just a coincidence? Originally Posted by JCM800
It happens the same way that you and your boyfriend as individuals "plan" to have a cup of coffee and "coincidentally" **bump** into each other at the same coffee shop, 1-800-JCM-DATO: BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat's soiled breechclout.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Nothing surrounding a President when he gives a speech is there by accident. It is there solely because the President, or his handlers want it there. You Bush supporters sound as ignorant and partisan as the Obamatons. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's one thing for the president to have a picture taken with something in the background, but it's quite another thing to claim "he put it there."