The Catch-22 of screening.

As someone who isn't a regular hobbyist, someone who sees a type now and then that strikes his fancy or a to appease. Im not looking to give you any contention, I'm truly asking. Ive seen certain providers such morgan or Dawn pratically 15 years ago. Naomi Carlyle when she was Simone. A few that have come and gone. There's absolutely no way these girls would remember me. Im just an average guy. Just trying to figure out an easier way
There really isn't an "easier way"
Each lady decides for herself what does or doesn't work for her comfort.
Spazzer, you do have enough of an online presence that someone you've seen would remember you. Odd but true.

This is especially true of the more uhhmm, outspoken monger.
I am not sure why this even is an issue. Like just about everything in this hobby, setting up a meeting between a hobbyist and a provider carries with it a certain element of risk. Both the provider and the hobbyist do what they can to minimize that risk, but it cannot be eliminated. A provider typically sets some screening process for that purpose. That process may present risk to the hobbyist. If you’re uncomfortable with the level of risk involved with her acreening, simply don’t see her. Of course, by the same token, providers need to not get upset when a guy refuses to provide the requested info; again, just don’t see him.

It’s really all about finding a mutually agreeable way to share the risk. If that cannot be done, then just move on and realize it’s just the nature of this business.
Any reference I would have would be from years ago that Im sure the wouldn't remember me or they have come and gone. And with no you simply just buy status now?
A new system needs to be figured out
Jinny, I was far, far quieter then and as you know, that was a much different time. Many more girls and much more harmony. I think we all fight sometimes because we're all fighting to bring those days back. And the game did change with the sb thing.
Anyways, thank you for your replies.

It’s really all about finding a mutually agreeable way to share the risk. If that cannot be done, then just move on and realize it’s just the nature of this business. Originally Posted by Smarty1
This is what it all comes down to.
I had to come back to this thread to clarify something I said on another.

As far as me, myself, I personally,( not saying others don't) just moi.
Facebook is USELESS for me to find screening information on a hobbyist.
I don't bother with it, I can see why others would but for me it's TMI.
And all SFW.

Unless I wanted truly personal info... which I do not.

John Gacy was a kids clown. Imagine his FB account?
"Great for parties but keep him away from your older boys" lolololololol

Was a minister.

Public information on a hobbyist is useless.
I wanna know what you're like privately.

As far as being friends on Facebook
That's a completely different can of worms but I still wouldn't share that fact here or for a reference.
Big Stig's Avatar
I'm not suggesting that you or all providers are using social media to screen potential clients. But, I know some definitely do. I have had providers specifically ask me about my Facebook account. I had another provider tell me she Googles the phone number and searches all social media with every call or text she receives before she even responds back. She told me this because she was surprised she couldn't find a shred of information about me from my phone number.

So, its being done by providers and I'm sure its being done by clients. If you are uncomfortable with this, you need to stay away from social media.

So, its being done by providers and I'm sure its being done by clients. If you are uncomfortable with this, you need to stay away from social media. Originally Posted by Big Stig
I do avoid the gentlemen who openly share that sort of information on girls. Especially the ones who are sharing info on their "friends"

The more useful information is always found via monger boards.
Big Stig's Avatar
I do avoid the gentlemen who openly share that sort of information on girls. Especially the ones who are sharing info on their "friends"

The more useful information is always found via monger boards. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
I agree. I have discovered personal information about providers, usually by accident or by the provider blabbing away mindlessly. However, I would never share that information here or anywhere else. I'm a firm believer in absolute discretion. I've posted many times here and on Indys my expressing my displeasure with divulging personal information and will always RTM any post I see doing so. On this front, I have been consistent.
Not speaking of the proven providers, but social media will give you a peek into a potential shit show. Has kept me away from a few, usually SA girls, that could've been horrendous choices.
bambino's Avatar
Not speaking of the proven providers, but social media will give you a peek into a potential shit show. Has kept me away from a few, usually SA girls, that could've been horrendous choices. Originally Posted by spazzer
Your are absolutely correct.