Mike Pence states the obvious, Trump is wrong

Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Hee Hee! ... Almost spilled-over me beer from laughing.

... "The science changed."

But the science DeSantis used didn't CHANGE... DeSantis was surely
CORRECT on things from the beginning.

He made Dr. Fauci look like Stupid Steven...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You obviously don’t understand science. Neither do you understand the topic of this discussion.

Like most of the Trumpists on this board, you obviously done care. Just change the subject when the “debate” exposes your ignorance. Trump does it. I guess you think that makes it OK.

Back to the mine shaft, mate. You can interpret science from down there while planning your next moves..
HedonistForever's Avatar
As the doctors and others got more data, their prognoses and recommendations changed. That's normal. It's not some huge conspiracy to help a political party's prospects at the polls. Originally Posted by Tiny

But the CDC's recommendation hasn't changed. Please address this point because it is the whole point on this topic. The CDC is not recommending that masks indoors where Covid cases are high, be stopped but the Democrat Governor's are dropping the mandate anyway.

That is the point, that the CDC guidelines, the doctors, the data does not suggest that this is the time to drop the mandates but the polling sure as hell says it is time.
HedonistForever's Avatar
This pretty much tells me all I need to know. You have no concept of what facts are. Just opinions posing as facts. Originally Posted by NoirMan

I know you have multiply screen names that you will not address. That makes you a liar in my book and all I need to know about you. But I'm a fair minded guy so I'll give you another chance. Raise your hand and repeat after me "I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth". Do you use multiple screen names on this board, yes or no and remember counselor, you are under oath.

And your absolutely ridiculous notion that we should only discuss facts would mean we couldn't debate the origins of Covid and 100 other subjects we discuss here.

We know for a fact that the earth revolves around the sun. Did we arrive at that fact without debate?

Has what we were once told was a fact, ever turned out not to be a fact?

Politics has very little to do with facts and is more about opinion. If there are "economic facts" why do we have very learned people arguing about what is an economic fact and what isn't with different universities and professors, teaching different theories?

If someone contends that Democrat Governor's are only dropping their mandates, because the science and data has changed and has absolutely nothing to do with the polling. "And that's a fact" he said. Is it a fact? Isn't this an example of using the word fact, incorrectly because neither of us can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that one of of is correct and the other isn't. It is an opinion.

You apparently don't know the difference.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The lead author of the paper, who's normally given the most credit for the work, is with a Danish think tank like the American Enterprise Institute or the Heritage Foundation.

The only author at Johns Hopkins, Steve Hanke, founded and is co-director of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics.

I've known about Hanke since the 1980's, and believe he's a world class economist. I read some of his articles in the popular press. He's the guy who popularized the currency board, and was the "go to" guy for a number of countries that experienced hyperinflation.

He's also 79 years old and would know very little about epidemiology and the like compared to people who've worked on that all their careers. The Institute for Applied Economics was going to publish whatever he told them to, since he's Co-Director and Founder.

I don't think I have an argument with your text in red print, as applied to the USA and Europe: "lockdowns caused 'enormous economic and social costs' and concluded that they were 'ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument' going forward." I do have a problem with with the 0.2% estimate of change in COVID mortality. The number is almost certainly higher, and Herby, Jonung and Hanke have no idea what the real number is. See the comments in the Science Media Centre link for what the real experts have to say about the "Johns Hopkins" study.

On its face, the conclusions are just plain stupid. They also say that border controls have no effect on mortality. Well, border controls, combined with the other "non pharmaceutical interventions" the authors studied resulted in very few COVID cases in New Zealand, China, Western Australia, etc. Do I want to live in a country where my freedoms are restricted like China though? Or be stuck on islands like New Zealand for the duration of the epidemic? Well, no. But it's still grating when Steve Hilton and others work themselves into a sanctimonious frenzy on the basis of bull shit.

And this has nothing to do with free speech. Rogan and others should be free to say whatever they damn well please.

Also who cares anyway. Almost everybody's gotten COVID or gotten vaccinated or both. We've got immunity. There aren't going to be any more lockdowns. I don't care, except that I think they may try to jail people like Fauci who were just doing their best without being omniscient. That would be a travesty. Originally Posted by Tiny

I acknowledged that the numbers shouldn't be accepted as fact and once again, the point I'm trying to make is being over looked.

Should this report have been covered by the MSM and debated just like we are doing right here. The point is, the MSM will not acknowledge anything that strays from their orthodoxy and that is not what journalism is about.