dodger's Avatar
2. I never threatened Kristin or verbally abused her. That's absolutely absurd. Anyone who knows Kristin is aware she's quite disconnected from reality. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Now that's not without elements of humor! SJ ... I imagine my concept of "abuse" is more generous than yours.

Pretty clear SJ has a type and that Brooke's blonde showcase photo is that type and the brunette current photo is not. I'm pretty comfortable John would not have booked the brunette Brooke, thus saving many pixels and depriving some of us from our Monday drama and cookies.

Sounds like a session gone south .. Jon wanted to bail and may have been less than tactful, much less for all I know. Brooke would not brook such an offense.

Unlikely JS would have posted a comment or a review about it. So we have to thank Brooke's (imaginary?) friend for this. I'm ready to make her some brownies, out of gratitude.

ShysterJon's Avatar
Unlikely JS would have posted a comment or a review about it. So we have to thank Brooke's (imaginary?) friend for this. I'm ready to make her some brownies, out of gratitude. Originally Posted by dodger
Exactly. Personally, I think Brooke started this thread, there was no mysterious "friend," she posted because she knew I might post a negative review, and she wanted to dilute it in advance. But I wouldn't have posted the review had she not started this thread, although I might have written a short post in the ML. So draw your own conclusions.
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 08-09-2010, 01:36 PM
Well, I am in agreement with other people who have posted that I am very troubled that someone accessed Brooke's account, with the password and handle and then very adeptly was able to make a post. Impressive for someone not involved in the hobby. I guess this person just happened to know the website as well.
This is an "OK" place to chat online but if any actions are required it'll happen somewhere else. If Brooke's in need of assistance there are plenty of resources out there for her to draw upon, including the offers from the many Providers on here who've responded, but Eccie is little more than a brick wall in an alley that we all spray our graffiti upon when it comes to relevance or value. Nobody really knows anyone on here well enough to form a conclusion and as someone's already posted that the only two people that truly know what happened are Brooke and ShysterJohn. She said, he said. He denied, she denied. Who knows! Great to post info here and relish the dialogue but that's all it is and since it's not worth much I hope Brooke finds what she needs elsewhere.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 08-09-2010, 02:12 PM
Eccie is little more than a brick wall in an alley that we all spray our graffiti upon Originally Posted by txcwby6
Kilroy was here.


Precision45's Avatar
I thought everyone was getting along just a little too was about time for some drama.


What a train wreck.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Hmmm, don't know Brooke and probably wouldn't have scheduled with her anyway. Just too young for an old bastard like me. And I'm sure providers, some of them, feel the need to make sure her side of this squabble is heard. Fair enough. But I think I'm like most hobbyists. I ain't gonna fuck SJ, but other hobbyists might have considered scheduling with Brooke. My thought for her--and it's obviously only my opinion--is that she should have kept it quiet if and until SJ filed the much talked about but now hard to find bad review. Besides, since when did one bad review ruin any provider on this board?
Nitwitboy's Avatar
I just want to know what college Brooke attends. I would be the fucking Dean.
This is awesome. I can turn my attention to work for about 10 minutes, and there'll be 3 or 4 new posts in this thread or the other one in the reviews section when I come back. There's much Win in this thread in a completely Fail sort of way. Keep it coming, boys.
Can't remember last time a thread went to 8 pages in the space of 48 hours. All out of popcorn and not worth microwaving another bag on this one. Go out and get laid everyone. I did and feel so much mellower right now.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
For the record, nobody has her account!! Brooke likes to type under the influence. Brooke reminds me of Charli Knox. A ton of drama, a possible substance abuse problem and way to much time on her hands. She cannot spell or formulate a sentence. This is all crap. We have seen this before with her. Please do not ban me!!! I said what needed to be said. Reading her posts is like visiting your friends who have a picture their kindergarden kids made on the fridge and they cannot wait to share. You stand there pretending to be interested, but all you can think about is how quick you can get out of this social nightmare and get home to watch ESPN.
Now somebody say something bad about SJ.
Nobody likes to admit they go to car races hoping there's a crash but they do. Folks sign on to ECCIE for the same reason. The dialogues around here are so wide open and uncontrolled that you're guaranteed of getting to see someone hit the wall every day. It can be member doing a pissy drive by hateful posting, accusations served up with just a touch of drama or just some good 'ol hateful stone tossing!