Who believes in God....or Magic? . If so why?

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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2019, 07:43 AM
I don't require scientific proof of God, just like I don't require scientific proof my mother loves me. Seeing as you enjoy "debating" the "un-debateable" on belief and faith, I will leave this "discussion" (as it is not a debate) with this:

." Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo
Glad to see you admit God is about as real as Santa Clause....just a belief. Which is fine by me. Many people are scared of death and they need this belief in afterlife.

Look....he is real to you that is all that matters. The problem I have with him is when you and others use him to try and formulate law. You put your God in politics.
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
Everyone puts everything that makes them who they are into politics...If you are a vet, you tend to be pro-military; if you are a victim of rape, you tend to be a victims advocate; if you have been falsely accused, you tend to be a criminal justice reformer; if you are an oil field worker, you tend to be for fossil fuels; if you have been a victim of crime, you tend to be pro 2nd Amendment, etc, etc...we put all our life experiences, beliefs, values, religion, occupations, locations (rural, urban, municipal, county, state, region,) financial, triumphs, defeats, pride, joy, tragedies, saves, losses, loves, hates, preferences, biases into politics. The seemingly difference between you and I is that I accept we are all different...embrace our Constitutional right to be different...the Bill of Rights actually means something to me...if you want to be an atheist...so be it...your 1st Ammendment right gives you that...that's why I spent 30 years in the Army, to give citizens that right. I refuse to put anyone in a box...even you...because I don't have 7 billion individual boxes to put people in and it would be an exercise in futility. You try very hard to put people you disagree with in a box...as if you can control them when they are in there. The problem is not everyone you disagree with fits in one box....so it's like herding cats....pisses off the cats and frustrates you.
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2019, 08:31 AM
Good post. I'm not trying to put you in a box or herd cats. I would like you to use the litter box while in my house though.

I hope that makes sense.
  • oeb11
  • 06-14-2019, 08:41 AM
FK - thank You for your Service
Well written post!!

Everyone puts everything that makes them who they are into politics...If you are a vet, you tend to be pro-military; if you are a victim of rape, you tend to be a victims advocate; if you have been falsely accused, you tend to be a criminal justice reformer; if you are an oil field worker, you tend to be for fossil fuels; if you have been a victim of crime, you tend to be pro 2nd Amendment, etc, etc...we put all our life experiences, beliefs, values, religion, occupations, locations (rural, urban, municipal, county, state, region,) financial, triumphs, defeats, pride, joy, tragedies, saves, losses, loves, hates, preferences, biases into politics. The seemingly difference between you and I is that I accept we are all different...embrace our Constitutional right to be different...the Bill of Rights actually means something to me...if you want to be an atheist...so be it...your 1st Ammendment right gives you that...that's why I spent 30 years in the Army, to give citizens that right. I refuse to put anyone in a box...even you...because I don't have 7 billion individual boxes to put people in and it would be an exercise in futility. You try very hard to put people you disagree with in a box...as if you can control them when they are in there. The problem is not everyone you disagree with fits in one box....so it's like herding cats....pisses off the cats and frustrates you. Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2019, 09:03 AM
FK - thank You for your Service
Well written post!! Originally Posted by oeb11
The problem with his post is that he fails to acknowledge that he put himself if a religious box, he then teams up with millions of others in a similar box and they then , through the political process want to dictate their religious views on others.

For example abortion. The religious wackos want to take that choice away from millions of women. You do not see me demanding that anyone he were to impregnate have an abortion.

So it is a false narrative he is trying to peddle.
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
The problem with WTF is that he fails to acknowledge that he put himself in a Science faith/Climate change/Anti-biology/Atheist box, he then teams up with millions of others in a similar box and they then , through the political process want to dictate their radical/progressive views on others.

For example Climate Change. The Science faith militant wackos want to take the choice of energy away from millions of Americans. You do not see me demanding that anyone stop using fossil fuels, and buy small electric cars, and go solar or wind.

So it is a false narrative he is trying to peddle. Originally Posted by WTF
Just because you disagree with me....and I disagree with you doesn't mean any of us have a monopoly on what should be done. That's why we have city/county/state and national elections. Proof the founding fathers got it right.
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2019, 10:52 AM
Just because you disagree with me....and I disagree with you doesn't mean any of us have a monopoly on what should be done. That's why we have city/county/state and national elections. Proof the founding fathers got it right. Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo
We have only been a nation a short time in the scheme of things. we will collapse like all nation states that have people like you that think they are born privileged in the world. That is how they all collapse, from within.
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
We have only been a nation a short time in the scheme of things. we will collapse like all nation states that have people like you that think they are born privileged in the world. That is how they all collapse, from within. Originally Posted by WTF
1. I agree...America is a nation in decline for a host of reasons.

2. You blame me or "people like me" for the collapse? You call me "privileged?" What do you know about me and my "privilege?" I joined the Army at 18 because my parents died when I was 11 and was raised a foster child, and had no other options. Priveleged? I spent 30 years in the Army, fought in 3 wars, lost 4 friends in one day, have attended 24 military funerals, honor guard for 6. Priveleged? I suffer PTSD, nightmares, 5 years in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction because I can't get the war out of my head. Priveleged? Lost my house and my career had to start over because of my addictions. Priveleged?

I made the mistake once, when I was a very young and immature man...about judging someone I didn't know..."a book by it's cover" so to speak. I was a young medic at William Beaumont Army Hospital in 1982...was looking over the chart of a patient...he was about 60-65 years old...I noticed he had all his teeth when he went to Korea...and had none when he came back. Being a young, inexperienced (in the ways of the world) full of piss and vinegar made a flippant remark (kind of like your "privileged" statement) to the effect of "They must have had bad dental care in Korea"....well....this old soldier turned and looked at me...said "Son...I was on a position when the Chinese started their attack....they came at us in a human wave...we could not shoot them fast enough...they kept on coming..my buddy took one between his eyes next to me and went down...the Chinese were overrunning our position, and I was out of ammo...so I laid down, took my buddies corpse and laid it on top of me...the Chinese (in order to save their ammo) started bayonetting everyone to make sure they were dead...(he started to lift his shirt)...they bayonetted my buddy so hard it went clean through him and into me...(it was now I saw the mangled scar in his gut)...they then would turn the rifle around and hit us all in the face with the butt of the weapon...and that Son....is how I lost my teeth in Korea.

It was that day I stopped making judgements or assumptions about people I don't know, nor have ever met.

The next time someone in front of you at Walmart seems to move a little too slow for you....stop and pause....Did this person just find out they have cancer today? Did this person bury the love of their life today? Did this person endure a Chinese human wave in Korea?

You just don't know.
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2019, 11:28 AM
1. I agree...America is a nation in decline for a host of reasons.

2. You blame me or "people like me" for the collapse? You call me "privileged?" What do you know about me and my "privilege?" I joined the Army at 18 because my parents died when I was 11 and was raised a foster child, and had no other options. Priveleged? I spent 30 years in the Army, fought in 3 wars, lost 4 friends in one day, have attended 24 military funerals, honor guard for 6. Priveleged? I suffer PTSD, nightmares, 5 years in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction because I can't get the war out of my head. Priveleged? Lost my house and my career had to start over because of my addictions. Priveleged?

I made the mistake once, when I was a very young and immature man...about judging someone I didn't know..."a book by it's cover" so to speak. I was a young medic at William Beaumont Army Hospital in 1982...was looking over the chart of a patient...he was about 60-65 years old...I noticed he had all his teeth when he went to Korea...and had none when he came back. Being a young, inexperienced (in the ways of the world) full of piss and vinegar made a flippant remark (kind of like your "privileged" statement) to the effect of "They must have had bad dental care in Korea"....well....this old soldier turned and looked at me...said "Son...I was on a position when the Chinese started their attack....they came at us in a human wave...we could not shoot them fast enough...they kept on coming..my buddy took one between his eyes next to me and went down...the Chinese were overrunning our position, and I was out of ammo...so I laid down, took my buddies corpse and laid it on top of me...the Chinese (in order to save their ammo) started bayonetting everyone to make sure they were dead...(he started to lift his shirt)...they bayonetted my buddy so hard it went clean through him and into me...(it was now I saw the mangled scar in his gut)...they then would turn the rifle around and hit us all in the face with the butt of the weapon...and that Son....is how I lost my teeth in Korea.

It was that day I stopped making judgements or assumptions about people I don't know, nor have ever met.

The next time someone in front of you at Walmart seems to move a little too slow for you....stop and pause....Did this person just find out they have cancer today? Did this person bury the love of their life today? Did this person endure a Chinese human wave in Korea?

You just don't know. Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo

You are correct....I should not have lumped you into the privileged pile.

My apologies.

I'll leave it to the limp dicks to say "Thank you for your service"

BTW...What do you think when you hear that? When you see some big titty'd rich lady in first class and she see's you bordering the plane and says that? She does not give up her seat and then continues with her makeup? One without a clue on the horrors of life. "Thank you for your service"....yet they have never served or educated themselves to the horror of wars. What do you think?
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
BTW...What do you think when you hear that? When you see some big titty'd rich lady in first class and she see's you bordering the plane and says that? She does not give up her seat and then continues with her makeup? One without a clue on the horrors of life. "Thank you for your service"....yet they have never served or educated themselves to the horror of wars. What do you think? Originally Posted by WTF
Each soldier will have his own answer.

First...and maybe only soldier who has experienced war and sacrifice can possibly understand...is it has been my honor and privilege to serve. Although most of my greatest pain has come from my service...so have most of my greatest triumphs. The memories I have from SHARING the sacrifice and pain and hardships with some of the greatest humans I have and will ever know are some of my most treasured memories and have shaped me into who I am today. And maybe only someone who has recovered from a drug and alcohol addiction would understand that I am a better person for having gone through it...I know it sounds crazy. I used to feel uncomfortable when someone said "thank you for your service" because I felt like I was doing what I was supposed to do...it's like being thanked for just being yourself....but age has allowed me patience...and knowledge that these people mean well...so my canned response is "It was my honor to serve" The fact that many do not understand the horrors of war is a good thing. Before the experience of war, I was John Wayne..."kill em all"...."lets make Iraq a glass desert"....now...not so much. My son is in the service, and I am scared to death he will experience what I experienced. It seems hypocritical..."it was OK for me son...but not you" But any parent would pray their child never experience all the ugliness of life and the world, right? Having experienced what I have, it puts into vivid context what two Civil War Generals said of war: “It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.”— Robert E. Lee and “It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell.”
― William Tecumseh Sherman

I hope I answered your question.
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2019, 12:04 PM
Close enough...
bambino's Avatar
You are correct....I should not have lumped you into the privileged pile.

My apologies.

I'll leave it to the limp dicks to say "Thank you for your service"

BTW...What do you think when you hear that? When you see some big titty'd rich lady in first class and she see's you bordering the plane and says that? She does not give up her seat and then continues with her makeup? One without a clue on the horrors of life. "Thank you for your service"....yet they have never served or educated themselves to the horror of wars. What do you think? Originally Posted by WTF
So says Mr Limp Dick!!!!!! He’s upset because he can only be the target in a circle jerk!!
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2019, 12:32 PM
So says Mr Limp Dick!!!!!! He’s upset because he can only be the target in a circle jerk!! Originally Posted by bambino
Thank you for your service bambino
Excellent post. Thank you for sharing that.

1. I agree...America is a nation in decline for a host of reasons.

2. You blame me or "people like me" for the collapse? You call me "privileged?" What do you know about me and my "privilege?" I joined the Army at 18 because my parents died when I was 11 and was raised a foster child, and had no other options. Priveleged? I spent 30 years in the Army, fought in 3 wars, lost 4 friends in one day, have attended 24 military funerals, honor guard for 6. Priveleged? I suffer PTSD, nightmares, 5 years in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction because I can't get the war out of my head. Priveleged? Lost my house and my career had to start over because of my addictions. Priveleged?

I made the mistake once, when I was a very young and immature man...about judging someone I didn't know..."a book by it's cover" so to speak. I was a young medic at William Beaumont Army Hospital in 1982...was looking over the chart of a patient...he was about 60-65 years old...I noticed he had all his teeth when he went to Korea...and had none when he came back. Being a young, inexperienced (in the ways of the world) full of piss and vinegar made a flippant remark (kind of like your "privileged" statement) to the effect of "They must have had bad dental care in Korea"....well....this old soldier turned and looked at me...said "Son...I was on a position when the Chinese started their attack....they came at us in a human wave...we could not shoot them fast enough...they kept on coming..my buddy took one between his eyes next to me and went down...the Chinese were overrunning our position, and I was out of ammo...so I laid down, took my buddies corpse and laid it on top of me...the Chinese (in order to save their ammo) started bayonetting everyone to make sure they were dead...(he started to lift his shirt)...they bayonetted my buddy so hard it went clean through him and into me...(it was now I saw the mangled scar in his gut)...they then would turn the rifle around and hit us all in the face with the butt of the weapon...and that Son....is how I lost my teeth in Korea.

It was that day I stopped making judgements or assumptions about people I don't know, nor have ever met.

The next time someone in front of you at Walmart seems to move a little too slow for you....stop and pause....Did this person just find out they have cancer today? Did this person bury the love of their life today? Did this person endure a Chinese human wave in Korea?

You just don't know. Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo