Meet n greet....ladies n gents ...

Now, this is getting really curious and every other post seems to be adding to the paranoia. I was there at the location a little later after the meeting time ended but didnt see any suspicious activity in the parking lot. I know it doesn't mean much but I would like to know how true this leo parking lot info is and who is the source? Are they reliable, first hand source? or is it just some hearsay and rumors? Could Kira shed more light on this? If not possible in the open forum maybe in the form of a PM to SAB?
That apart I have a few questions of my own that I wish I had answers for. Who were the hobbyist(s) who told Kira abt the location of m&g and asked her if she was coming. That was an incredibly dumb thing to do considering they were given the location in confidence. Things might be better off if they were found out and disinvited for the next m&g (perhaps a PM chat between SAB and Kira?).
As for the previous post regarding indys in a different town getting infiltrated and busted, I would love to know how it went down so we can try and avoid the same mistakes.
I apologize if I have ruffled any feathers, I am not trying to accuse or attack anyone here but please be more specific about things you put out in terms of how reliable that information is; these rumors and hearsays are getting out of control.
Thanks very much to providers and hobbyists who are always on the lookout and pass on valuable info.
Wish you all Happy Holidays!! Originally Posted by victor72

I spoke to sab about all the info i had, i dont drop any names of anyone who gives me info in confidence , as if i told someone something in confidence i wouldnt want them to put me on blast either.. it came directly from enforcement, everyone has connections, i wish i could say more but if i did then i wouldnt get any heads up anymore and couldnt look out for my ppl..

u guys can take it , or u can leave it, the info is there the choice is yours.. i didnt know that there was recent stabbings and drug stuff there.. i wanted to go but gut told me not too.. i think sab will be able to find better ways to throw the meet and greet, from what i hear she is an ingenious gal and learns from situations.. so this was a lil experiment and im sure she will find ways to improve on it and make it fun, safe and mutually beneficial to all..

ps. victor, i can totally understand ur point and where ur coming from, if u look back thru all my posts i am not one for drama,deff not drama prone, i try to protect those who cant protect themselves, and i always look out for everyones well being.. i have nothing to gain by trying to sabotage this meet and greet, sab actually sent clients my way from the meet and greet , so it would HURT me if it didnt happen again.. ask her.. i want this to be a success so maybe when all the bugs are worked out i can attend in the future.. btw i wasnt the only proivder that had clients ask them if they were going, and told time, day ,place.. it was told to me in total innocence , just to see if i was attending.. its a shame that someone (provvider , client or cop) would harrass , bother or try to destroy this event as nothing dangerous , bad or illegal was going down... hipe the next and all after it are a success !!

keep trying to improve SAB , i think its a great idea, maybe u can talk to ppl (providers and clients)that have attended some already and get some tips on it.. 2 heads r always better then one and 6 heads r always better then 3.. good luck