No glove and lots of love - Barebacking in the hobby

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Pretty sure what she's getting at is how many do you dispense to in relation to the over one million people in Dallas? Originally Posted by black sunshine
I will just put it like this - if you take the people who get prescriptions filled at the 2 biggest chains in the DFW area - both of them fill quite a bit of anti-viral meds - if she wants to take the chance that men who are being prescribed those meds would never join a site like ECCIE and every man in the hobby would never see her if they have a disclosed illness than that's the risk she has to take - I am just reporting the fact that there are a lot of men and women in the DFW area are using valtrex or famvir - whether those men and women are in the hobby I don't know and not my business to know and even if I did know it - I couldn't report it anyways per rules on this site and for HIPAA reasons - all I could do is protect myself.
However, if a provider openly stated she was open with BBFS- she would be wise to be on best behavior and not have an attitude - imagine if she pissed some dude off on this site - would it not be easy for him to give her payback that she really would regret ? What if John Doe was reading this thread and he had the herpes virus and he didn't like her attitude - heck he can just schedule an appointment and a lot of times a visual inspection is useless.
milfy2002's Avatar
Number one you are really reaching - no pharmacy has 40,000 patients in their database so you are making a bad analogy with numbers. Also, I can easily tell the amount of people with HIV/herpes because of the number of prescriptions I verify plus the amount of HIV and herpes medications we have to keep in inventory - those meds gets ordered and big numbers at least twice a week.

There's a pharmacy I know of in a certain section of Dallas which I will not name - where HIV medications are fast movers. Now just to let you know in the pharmacy world a medication that is given a term "fast mover" is a medication which gets dispensed on a daily basis in huge volumes in which you practically have to order the medication daily to keep up with the demand. Typically a medication like amoxicillin or hydrocodone are fast movers because you never go a day without dispensing those medications. Whenever, you have HIV meds as a fast mover it is alarming to say the least.

You are a grown woman and you can make your own decisions - but just be prepared to take the consequences. I think Lola made a good point and so have others - I don't see the need to boast about it and there are some guys on here - who I truly believe are addicted to bbfs. However, if you think that STDs are a minor issue and nothing to worry about keep dreaming - if anything my job provides me the statistics and those are the ones who get treated - and I have no idea where you were going with when you asked did I see the visual inspection ? WTF do you mean ? Do you know the role of a pharmacist ? You show many any prescription bottle and I will surely tell you what medical condition you have- do you think I am filling herpes medications for people who have cholesterol problems ? Heck I have to counsel people so I know why they are using the med the MD prescribed - jeez get a clue.
Finally, to the BBFS guys who will BB any lady they schedule no question asked - there's a lady at my pharmacy who if she was a provider - based on her looks alone- would be one of the top 5 drop dead gorgeous ladies on this site - but she is HIV positive - but knock on wood that the HIV meds have made great strides in the last 10 years- but if she met anyone if you guys in public - you would probably get an instant woody and want to screw her on the spot and if you did out 2 and 2 together and tell me the results. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

The last pharmacy I worked with had over 70,000 active patients. The one I work with now has about 2000. I work in, healthcare and yes I know the role of a pharmacist...did you even bother to research me before you decided to question my intelligence?

I'm not boasting, I just love creampies; how else am I to get them without asking for them? Surely you don't expect me to just park my pussy on an unsuspecting hobbyist's unwrapped cock mid-session? I advertise what I want so that like minded people will seek me out, it's that simple.

I'm not sure why people feel the need to personally attack me...

P.S. Valtrex aka valacyclovir is indicated for shingles and chicken pox as well as herpes, and famvir aka famciclovir is indicated for both herpes and shingles.

P.S.S. I love the veiled threat about how I better behave, like I'm someone's little girl or something!
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Number one you are really reaching - no pharmacy has 40,000 patients in their database so you are making a bad analogy with numbers. Also, I can easily tell the amount of people with HIV/herpes because of the number of prescriptions I verify plus the amount of HIV and herpes medications we have to keep in inventory - those meds gets ordered and big numbers at least twice a week.

There's a pharmacy I know of in a certain section of Dallas which I will not name - where HIV medications are fast movers. Now just to let you know in the pharmacy world a medication that is given a term "fast mover" is a medication which gets dispensed on a daily basis in huge volumes in which you practically have to order the medication daily to keep up with the demand. Typically a medication like amoxicillin or hydrocodone are fast movers because you never go a day without dispensing those medications. Whenever, you have HIV meds as a fast mover it is alarming to say the least.

You are a grown woman and you can make your own decisions - but just be prepared to take the consequences. I think Lola made a good point and so have others - I don't see the need to boast about it and there are some guys on here - who I truly believe are addicted to bbfs. However, if you think that STDs are a minor issue and nothing to worry about keep dreaming - if anything my job provides me the statistics and those are the ones who get treated - and I have no idea where you were going with when you asked did I see the visual inspection ? WTF do you mean ? Do you know the role of a pharmacist ? You show many any prescription bottle and I will surely tell you what medical condition you have- do you think I am filling herpes medications for people who have cholesterol problems ? Heck I have to counsel people so I know why they are using the med the MD prescribed - jeez get a clue.
Finally, to the BBFS guys who will BB any lady they schedule no question asked - there's a lady at my pharmacy who if she was a provider - based on her looks alone- would be one of the top 5 drop dead gorgeous ladies on this site - but she is HIV positive - but knock on wood that the HIV meds have made great strides in the last 10 years- but if she met anyone if you guys in public - you would probably get an instant woody and want to screw her on the spot and if you did out 2 and 2 together and tell me the results. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

That's nonsense. The only people that convinces are the ignorant and people that don't choose to find things out on their own. Truvada is one of the most prescribed HIV drugs today because it prevents transmission of HIV. It's been shown to be 99 to 100% effective in stopping the transmission of the virus, even in the highest risks groups. Saying that you dispense a lot of it is just another way that fear, uncertainty, and doubt is used to manipulate ignorant people who don't research things for themselves or are not capable of understanding what they read.

You keep saying that people with HIV look normal, and like I told you earlier, just about everyone and their mama knew that back in the 80's. Unless you know how your customer acquired HIV, it's pointless speculation. Most drugs for HIV ARE NOT controlled substances, so most places don't even check ID. Knowing if an HIV prescription is for someone or not would be impossible unless a pharmacist or tech is intrusively nosy. If a person is ignorant, they'll believe your story as 100% true without question. If they have critical thinking skills, they'll see that there are a lot of holes in that story.

FUD. Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. In the United States, FUD is used as a tool to enforce public policy. The government, news media, and marketers know that most people are ignorant about most things. I saw that first hand at my job during a brief re-organization at my company. Most people will believe anything they hear if they feel information comes from a proper authority without question. The whole condom use thing came about because of HIV. Coming out and letting people (especially heterosexual males who don't share needles) how difficult is it to get HIV would make the condom use message less effective.

And you're still bringing up Herpes, and like I and others have already mentioned, Herpes can be spread even if you use a condom. Herpes can be spread even without sexual contact. That's junior-high level Sex-Ed, but so many people are absolutely clueless because in America, people think Sex-Ed will turn their daughters into sluts and make their sons want to have butt-secks in a bath house.

Most of West Europe has lower teen pregnancy rates and lower diseases rate than the United States because they teach proper sex ed. Even Germany with their FKKs. They don't live in fear of their genitals or of human sexuality. Even with prostitution being legal and bareback being common, they still have fewer issues that we do because they choose knowledge and information over fear. Those in the fear based camp can't back up their opinion with research and documentation. It's all fear based paranoia and anecdotes.
lily blake's Avatar
Omg this is fucking scary... Oh wow
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The last pharmacy I worked with had over 70,000 active patients. The one I work with now has about 2000. I work in, healthcare and yes I know the role of a pharmacist...did you even bother to research me before you decided to question my intelligence?

I'm not boasting, I just love creampies; how else am I to get them without asking for them? Surely you don't expect me to just park my pussy on an unsuspecting hobbyist's unwrapped cock mid-session? I advertise what I want so that like minded people will seek me out, it's that simple.

I'm not sure why people feel the need to personally attack me...

P.S. Valtrex aka valacyclovir is indicated for shingles and chicken pox as well as herpes, and famvir aka famciclovir is indicated for both herpes and shingles.

P.S.S. I love the veiled threat about how I better behave, like I'm someone's little girl or something! Originally Posted by milfy2002
Before you start questioning my profession and until you get a doctorate in pharmacy- please don't think google search is a replacement for 6 years of training- if that were true we wouldn't have the need for pharmacist/MD's/Attorney's- I could google the meaning of a specific law- but that doesn't qualify me as an attorney.

Let me just break something down to you really quick- when I fill a prescription for let's say Valtrex - I know practically with 99.999999999% assurance whether the person has shingles/Herpes before I even counsel the patient- you want to know why? They are dosed differently- When a person has shingles vs Herpes simplex Virus(genital herpes)- both conditions are caused by the Herpes virus but the mg's/frequency/duration are different- that is something a pharmacist is trained to know versus someone who just googles the drug. Also, other factors come in to affect- typically if the person is younger(under 50) more than likely it's genital Herpes-- if it's being prescribed for an older patient- it's typically used for Shingles. If the MD prescribes for 5 or 7 days than I know the person has had an outbreak.

Also, typically when a person is using Valtrex for shingles- it's normally accompanied with other Meds like Gabapentin/Lyrica/Gralise or Horizant and finally a lot of times MD's will add a DX code-layman's term- a Diagnosis code- which in the average set of eyes would like some random numbers, but to a trained perso
n in the medical field we would know exactly the condition- in fact many times MD's write "codes" somewhere on the prescription and I could cover up the drug name and tell the person exactly what they are being treated for just by looking at the number.
So as I stated- enjoy your day- we all take risk(s) in this field- some far more than others and I am glad you like creampies- sometimes we just have to learn that just because we like something doesn't make it safe or right- hell I hate paying taxes- but I know full well the consequences if I don't pay my taxes. I will digress from this topic. Notice all the people supporting BBFS are the guys addicted to it and screw every provider who is BBFS no matter how well they know her or not-LMFAO- they have to argue to somehow justify their actions. WE1911 signing off!!!!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-11-2015, 10:33 AM
This has turned into a novel
Richard Head's Avatar
I love how the guy who is a licensed pharmacist and is an expert on all things medical also has 83 reviews. To listen to wellendowed talk you'd think he couldn't drag himself out of bed each day due to all the risks that exist in the world. But no, he's off on his lunch break twice a week banging chicks and then comes on here to lecture everyone else on how dangerous this thing of ours is. I wouldn't be half surprised if some of those Valtrex prescriptions he's filling aren't for himself, you know for "shingles."
milfy2002's Avatar
I love how the guy who is a licensed pharmacist and is an expert on all things medical also has 83 reviews. To listen to wellendowed talk you'd think he couldn't drag himself out of bed each day due to all the risks that exist in the world. But no, he's off on his lunch break twice a week banging chicks and then comes on here to lecture everyone else on how dangerous this thing of ours is. I wouldn't be half surprised if some of those Valtrex prescriptions he's filling aren't for himself, you know for "shingles." Originally Posted by Richard Head
I also think it's funny that he doesn't know me or my credentials and continues to tell me things I already know.

I'm not trying to force anyone to go BB. All I'm saying is that there are hobbyists and providers who enjoy or prefer BB and we should be able to seek it out just like everybody else seeks out their preferred activities. People seek out DT and gagging which you couldn't pay me enough to provide and Greek which is very limited and ymmv for me, yet you do not see my jumping on every DT or Greek ISO or discussion bashing the participants and spreading fear and misinformation about those activities.

Also the only reason there aren't a lot of people coming to this thread in support of BB is because they can see first hand how they will be addressed by the almighty, omniscient fear squad. It is because of this that non BB providers will continued to be asked about BB. Since there is no way to advertise it without fear of alienating the masses, the hobbyists often have unreliable means with which to seek out providers with this menu item, and so they must ask each individual provider either by private communication or face to face during the session.

Don't worry, this system appears to be working splendidly!
Chung Tran's Avatar
my personal goal is to be fucking when I'm 80, get herpes, and have wellendowed fill my prescription thinking I have shingles..

I also think it's funny that he doesn't know me or my credentials and continues to tell me things I already know.

I'm not trying to force anyone to go BB. All I'm saying is that there are hobbyists and providers who enjoy or prefer BB and we should be able to seek it out just like everybody else seeks out their preferred activities. People seek out DT and gagging which you couldn't pay me enough to provide and Greek which is very limited and ymmv for me, yet you do not see my jumping on every DT or Greek ISO or discussion bashing the participants and spreading fear and misinformation about those activities.

Also the only reason there aren't a lot of people coming to this thread in support of BB is because they can see first hand how they will be addressed by the almighty, omniscient fear squad. It is because of this that non BB providers will continued to be asked about BB. Since there is no way to advertise it without fear of alienating the masses, the hobbyists often have unreliable means with which to seek out providers with this menu item, and so they must ask each individual provider either by private communication or face to face during the session.

Don't worry, this system appears to be working splendidly! Originally Posted by milfy2002

I just hope and pray every client and provider who barebacks demands AND shows their papers when the other person walks in. Scary.
TheEccie214's Avatar
People seek out DT and gagging which you couldn't pay me enough to provide and Greek which is very limited and ymmv for me, yet you do not see my jumping on every DT or Greek ISO or discussion bashing the participants and spreading fear and misinformation about those activities. Originally Posted by milfy2002
You forgot shitting and pissing on each other, and my favorite, pretending you're my daughter while I fuck you...which I think is sick but that's just me, I just ignore those threads since I have no interest. So even though the threads on BB get so much attention YOU'RE the ONLY gal here that does it

Doth does protest too much.

I just hope and pray every client and provider who barebacks demands AND shows their papers when the other person walks in. Scary. Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
So, you're saying...nevermind.
NTXReggie's Avatar
I just hope and pray every client and provider who barebacks demands AND shows their papers when the other person walks in. Scary. Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
A new twist on the "Papers, Please" law!!!

Damn, already have to carry a drivers license, social security card, security badge for work, debit card, costco card, punch card for I have to carry my clean penis card too?

Damn, seems easier to just to carry a condom...
FunInDFW's Avatar
I just hope and pray every client and provider who barebacks demands AND shows their papers when the other person walks in. Scary. Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
There are easy to fake. If you're trusting these more than someone's word well... enjoy!

edit: \/ The collective you're, not you specifically. Assumed that was understood.
I don't do BB while everyone's piling on to my comment. All I require is 3 refs and we can fuck WITH a condom. LOL. Anyway carry on.
When a person has shingles vs Herpes simplex Virus(genital herpes)- both conditions are caused by the Herpes virus but the mg's/frequency/duration are different- that is something a pharmacist is trained to know versus someone who just googles the drug. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Are you saying that shingles and HSV are caused by the same virus?