More gun violence, Connecticut School Shooting

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's even worse when you know one of the families.

The ear to the ground says it was lined up by gov. Don't know if it's US or UN, but something's wrong. This is all they need to push gun laws. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

You are one dumb Slunt.
Guest010619's Avatar
Ugotome, you aren't willing to listen to the opinions of the people. Blame the image of Mexicans on Hollywood, putting words in my mouth, and spew your anti-choice venom in a thread like this.
You're a fraud and a puto.
At least "I got to you" maybe that will kick in some brain cells.
Again, even you fail to listen to other opinions except from the cheering section. And just so you know, even my family was the victim of a gun crime, but never again.
Anti choice! It's so easy to hide behind that phrase for what it really means.
And that's all I'm going to say cause I'm not trying to hijack a thread.
Nope, I'm the real deal, and not even half the Puto you are.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Ugotome, you aren't willing to listen to the opinions of the people. Blame the image of Mexicans on Hollywood, putting words in my mouth, and spew your anti-choice venom in a thread like this.

You're a fraud and a puto. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
but he is not a dip shit?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
At least "I got to you" maybe that will kick in some brain cells.
Again, even you fail to listen to other opinions except from the cheering section. And just so you know, even my family was the victim of a gun crime, but never again.
Anti choice! It's so easy to hide behind that phrase for what it really means.
And that's all I'm going to say cause I'm not trying to hijack a thread.
Nope, I'm the real deal, and not even half the Puto you are. Originally Posted by ugotme10
Naw, I just can't let you skate on that weak ass shit. You did hijack the thread.

and as someone whose seen the tracers fly across the rio grande at night, I will still sleep safe on this side of the river knowing the narcotraficantes won't be coming to kill me in my bed. You want protection? Call Governor Perry!!!! LMAO!!

Guest010619's Avatar
Okay, lets jump to conclusions, give up our guns and live in harmony as we work everyday behind barbed wired electric fences. Armed guards, barking dogs.
After all, work means freedom!
Sure worked out great for some European country in the last century when only the goverment had guns. Look at how many people were spared a horrible death back then.
I agree. We need to examine what happened, as best we can and as objectively as we can, and then discuss courses of action. That can't be done today, since the emotions are so high. But the time will come, and then we can discuss remedies.

But no, this type of event is absolutely unacceptable. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So? What? I go back and forth with you more than anybody on this board. I disagree with almost everything you say and you disagree with me. And, despite what I might say, I do respect your opinion. This event today transcends anything I've ever experienced, including 9/11. I have small children. I don't want to minimize what happened at Columbine, or anyplace else...but....for the love of god...Kindergarten children? What do we do? How do we keep this from happening again? Surely, we can't continue with the way things are going. Help me out here. We've got to do something.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Assup, weren't you calling for civility earlier today? I guess it is one of the many lies you like to tell. Thanks for adding to the sensationalism of a national tragedy.


There is a time and place for this. Not today.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I continue to call for for civility. But your pals have chosen to turn it I to an anti-Obama, anti-Hollywood, anti-abortion rant, mired in pigshit. One of your buddies even suggested that the CT Governor was behind this as leverage for new gun control measures.

Yeah, let's let that all slide. Im sorry, but even you are hurling insults now, Unawhiner.

what's right is right. We need to come together on this. and that's no lie.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So? What? I go back and forth with you more than anybody on this board. I disagree with almost everything you say and you disagree with me. And, despite what I might say, I do respect your opinion. This event today transcends anything I've ever experienced, including 9/11. I have small children. I don't want to minimize what happened at Columbine, or anyplace else...but....for the love of god...Kindergarten children? What do we do? How do we keep this from happening again? Surely, we can't continue with the way things are going. Help me out here. We've got to do something. Originally Posted by timpage
You are absolutely right. Something has to be done. This is what we know now:

1. The shooter was an autistic 20 year old on psychotropic medications.
What meds was he on? Was he just starting a new med, or coming down from an old med? Where on the spectrum was he? Who was monitoring him on his meds? Some autistic people who can communicate say its like being in a prison. That noise is everywhere, they can't focus on a single sound, so they hear all sound all the time. Their ability to reason and control themselves are limited.

2. The shooter had 4 guns, including a rifle. How the hell did he get ahold of these? I doubt if he bought them. Did the guns belong to his parents? If so, why weren't they secured? If he got them somewhere else, who gave or sold these guns to him? Did he steal them? This guy was a known mentally ill person. How did the guns get into his hands?

3. What changes in mood or behavior were exhibited prior to the shooting? Who was responsible for monitoring his daily activities?

4. His mom wasn't at the school. Didn't anyone wonder why he was showing up in combat fatigues? Why did they let him in when his mother wasn't there? Did anyone ask him why he was there? If so, what did he say? What was his demeanor?

I'm sure there are more questions to be answered in the coming weeks. Something in the system broke down. This should not have happened.

And as much as I hate it, I would not leave stricter gun laws off the table, but I also wouldn't start there. We have to find out what went wrong, and address that issue directly. This is a complex case, and there were a number of variables that could effect the outcome, including his access to guns.

But I still think we should let the families bury their children before we get into heated debates over national policy, and I think these other matters need to be addressed as well.
You are absolutely right. Something has to be done. This is what we know now:

1. The shooter was an autistic 20 year old on psychotropic medications.
What meds was he on? Was he just starting a new med, or coming down from an old med? Where on the spectrum was he? Who was monitoring him on his meds? Some autistic people who can communicate say its like being in a prison. That noise is everywhere, they can't focus on a single sound, so they hear all sound all the time. Their ability to reason and control themselves are limited.

2. The shooter had 4 guns, including a rifle. How the hell did he get ahold of these? I doubt if he bought them. Did the guns belong to his parents? If so, why weren't they secured? If he got them somewhere else, who gave or sold these guns to him? Did he steal them? This guy was a known mentally ill person. How did the guns get into his hands?

3. What changes in mood or behavior were exhibited prior to the shooting? Who was responsible for monitoring his daily activities?

4. His mom wasn't at the school. Didn't anyone wonder why he was showing up in combat fatigues? Why did they let him in when his mother wasn't there? Did anyone ask him why he was there? If so, what did he say? What was his demeanor?

I'm sure there are more questions to be answered in the coming weeks. Something in the system broke down. This should not have happened.

And as much as I hate it, I would not leave stricter gun laws off the table, but I also wouldn't start there. We have to find out what went wrong, and address that issue directly. This is a complex case, and there were a number of variables that could effect the outcome, including his access to guns.

But I still think we should let the families bury their children before we get into heated debates over national policy, and I think these other matters need to be addressed as well. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well, I should have known better than to expect this kind of bullshit from you.

Let's assume he was a psycho, let's assume his momma didn't teach him right, let's assume he was a total fucking nutjob...which he obviously was. The question is, how did he get a couple of 9mm Sig pistols, a Glock and an AR-15 that he was carrying around. I can answer that one for you...because US gun laws allow it. And since US gun laws allow it, he walked into a Kindergarten class filled with 5 year olds and he shot twenty of them dead.

And, you're OK with that. Right? No adjustments need to be made? Answer my fucking question.
Guest010619's Avatar
By Yssup 'Dipshit' Ryder
what's right is right. We need to come together on this. and that's no lie.
As long as you agree with him, then we're cool.
Gee, I wonder how long it will be before i have to pledge allegiance to the party to Fuhrer, I mean further my career?

The guns belonged to his mom, and she should have had safety locks on them. Now there's a program, free safety locks.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tim, there are no gun laws which allow psychos to carry guns. How he got these guns, we don't know. And no, I'm not ok with what happened.

And as I said, I want to learn more. And if the only answer is to enact stricter gun laws, I would be willing to consider such action. I don't reject it out of hand. But I don't want to start there, I want to find out what really went wrong, and then how best to fix it.

Yes. Adjustments need to be made. I'm just not sure which ones. And I know it's an emotional day. I have grandchildren that I love dearly. Please don't assume I'm ok with anyone shooting schoolchildren. It appalls me, disgusts me, and saddens me deeply. I can't imagine what those parents and loved ones are going through. But I am NOT ok with any of this.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
By Yssup 'Dipshit' Ryder

As long as you agree with him, then we're cool.
Gee, I wonder how long it will be before i have to pledge allegiance to the party to Fuhrer, I mean further my career?

The guns belonged to his mom, and she should have had safety locks on them. Now there's a program, free safety locks. Originally Posted by ugotme10
You're a bitter asshole. You got kids ugotome?
Guest010619's Avatar
You're a bitter asshole. You got kids ugotome?
I consider myself happy-go-lucky, and cherish every moment.
as for your last question…
With all due respect, that's no ones business.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obviously not...