Time to Vent!!!!

ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Hooktards are dime a dozen.... Originally Posted by dearhunter
Can you give me their phone number... dang...I gotta call RatBoyJam and tell him too...
funny stories....thats why i read this crap....always guaranteed a laugh.
boardman's Avatar
funny stories....thats why i read this crap....always guaranteed a laugh. Originally Posted by windowshopper
If you are old enough to remember MAD Magazine back in it's heyday you can really appreciate this shit!

What, Me worry?
Far less of a wound than a regular injection with a much larger needle IF, I say again, done correctly and thoroughly cleaned, plus there SHOULD be a time lag between injection and skin contact with a girl. Agreed, a condom is always the best safety net.

Hey, I've seen it all, from surgically implanted pumps to vacuum tubes to low intensity electric shock for ED (and I know you guys don't wanna even envision THAT) and nope, haven't minded as long as I was warned in advance. The shot thing throws me 'cause I just don't want even the illusion that I'm inflicting pain on someone, and that's not exactly something I was trained to do or would get a kick out of doing.

Much more fun to suck a shot OUT of a guy.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Well from what she is describing it does not sound like this man was doing things correctly. But I do think he should have told her up front what he needed to do to get the erection, or showed her what he was using upfront first so she was informed ie: no suprises! It just comes with the territory that we have some knuckle heads that don't value our time, and don't think things through sometimes. But I do feel your pain Sub. Just keep your chin up, and stay aware girl. Keep on going on and know that not all your gentleman friends will live up to your expectations. The only thing you can do is control yourself, and keep yourself up to your best standards and thats the best you can do!
Hooktards are dime a dozen. Whores, on the other hand are hard to find. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Correct a mondo! Sacred Whores/Temple Harlots are hard to find!!! Darling,,, in the future, put more chutzpah behind that statement!!! http://wondersmith.com/heroes/goddess.htm
Baseplate's Avatar
...if you get Trimax in your mouth does it make your tongue hard?
All of those times you sat there and watched the train wreck that some hooktard perpetrated on herself here in co-ed when her "venting" turned sideways on her.................

All of those times you sat at your screen shaking your head asking the question "what the fuck is she thincking"............

All of those times you watched them blow off your recommendation that they stop doing this to themselves.......

Well, now you know. Originally Posted by dearhunter
tee hee.. I vent all the time.

The key is, go totally hard, like a real hooktard. I mean, just let it all hang out. Go as hard as dick does....


Vent like a girl at first, then go back to your sweet usual self, like a good little whore..

Or is it the other way around? Either way, you're bound to be one or the other at any particular time according to...

Hey, like my teacher used to tell me; whatever you choose to be, be the best at it.
oldsalt's Avatar
Thread is just too funny. Looks like Lil'Cilla stepped on a fire ant mound
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Thread is just too funny. Looks like Lil'Cilla stepped on a fire ant mound Originally Posted by oldsalt
Don't give her any new ideas... she's kinda into that stuff...
Guest091710's Avatar
...if you get Trimax in your mouth does it make your tongue hard? Originally Posted by Baseplate
No, it stimulates the clit
Great point! On my website "Contact Page", I always asked for a brief medical history and consent for massage.. I also asked for information on any past surgeries and such too.. I wanted to know the general idea of health before I would agree to give him a massage... FWIW, as a LMT we are required to get a Patient Intake form before giving a massage..

I really think it is a good idea for the ladies to have a basic medical knowledge of their client before seeing,, them such as; prescriptions, medical conditions, height, weight and age.. Originally Posted by AlexisSoftTouch
That is a very good idea! Thanks for the suggestion I might just add a page on my site and do just that. Great Idea.
ratboy jam's Avatar
Can you give me their phone number... dang...I gotta call RatBoyJam and tell him too... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
And to think it used to be said that rubbing two dimes together won't buy you a thing???