Provider / Hobbyist Fantasy List?

  • jb20
  • 06-26-2010, 12:05 AM
The list would be too long if I were to write out every name so I'll just say the first one I ever wanted to see. I always wanted to see Lisa Love since falling onto the ASPD website back in 08, but I've never called her to try and set anything up.
I pick you, Crossroads!
I have a long list of ladies to see. Of the ladies whose posting has caught my interest that I have NOT met in person or seen BCD (that I can remember right now) include, Makenzee Ryder, Infamous BJ, Fawn, April Showers, Lady Auna Fox and Reese Foster.

There are many other ladies I'd love to see BCD, but I have either met them in person or know them from methods other than their witty and wonderful posts.

The ladies that I listed have made themselves very attractive without using pictures just using their personalities in posting. And for me personality is a HUGE turn on. Originally Posted by 1Curiousguy

I just got around to see this thread and I want to Thank u Curiousguy.
As for my Favorites there are none really.I like everyone of you MEN and WOMEN.
Hopefully one day A big ECCIE orgy.........
rambo!!!!!!!!! my name is unofficial?? lol and whats FLOT? thank u for the shout out
Randall Creed's Avatar
It's FOTM = Flavor of the Month. It's 'unofficial' because there's no actual trophy for the title. It just means you're the hot new girl that everybody wants to see, and you've been the 'flavor' for many months. At least it seems that way.

It's a good thing. Great thing, actually.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Oh, and it helps to have a Showcase with hot, exciting pics on display. I'm just now discovering how INSANELY HOT Lexy Laye is.

Bam! On the list!

awww i feel honored
  • PT4ME
  • 06-27-2010, 10:51 AM
two that have always "intrigued" me:

Carrie Hillcrest, and Fawn........... dunno WHY I haven't persued either yet?

(hmmm, why is it telling me "persued" is spelled incorrectly, where are you "grammar Nazi, do you do "spell check also?)
had mine Friday night, Hotlips and Sophie! Fuck that was a good time I won't forget!
  • PT4ME
  • 06-27-2010, 05:46 PM
had mine Friday night, Hotlips and Sophie! Fuck that was a good time I won't forget! Originally Posted by vidtravels
.......and you lived to tell about it!!! Big ups to you!!

.......and you lived to tell about it!!! Big ups to you!!

-PT- Originally Posted by PT4ME
Still recovering...
vnk's Avatar
  • vnk
  • 06-27-2010, 06:01 PM
fantasy list right begins and ends right here:

TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Hayden Hightower

Reese Foster


Natasha Fame
texasred21's Avatar
Have always fantasied about these 3 :
Reese Foster
Jamie Young
texasred21's Avatar
Oh , and I forgot these 2 ( gotta call them one of these days ) -
Infamous BJ
Tara Evans