No doubt. Even with an excellent cross-reference tool such as the P member list, someone could sneak through the cracks. We can scour the daily registrations for recognizable names to confirm, but like many things discussed here, it's not an infallible process.

In everything we do, we must always have a heightened awareness and be conscious of the possible security risks and loopholes which exist to be exploited as soon as the right (or wrong) person comes along....and regarding the socials, there are two sides to the coin. We are all responsible for our own actions, safety and choices. It's our own choice when we decide to trust another party (social host, screener, etc.) to protect us from the apparent dangers, so yes, it's on us to an extent. HOWEVER that does not let the "another party" person(s), whoever they may be, off the hook for becoming lax with the safety of others and failing to live up to their end of the bargain..for which they were trusted...if certain things could have been avoided with greater attention to the details. Those who hold them accountable, even in theory, have every right to do so IMO. So, what's the answer? We live and learn from past mistakes, and adjust our routines accordingly based on knowledge we've gained as a result of this unfortunate incident. Some may never attend another social, and some may continue. We ALL should have a pretty good idea what should and should not be taking place at the meet n greets.

St. C Originally Posted by St.Christopher
That says it all. I totally agree. (to avoid any confusion with ITA)
carkido45's Avatar

Socials can be a great way of networking and having fun when the rules are followed. If you think they're stupid and dangerous, you're in the wrong hobby. Originally Posted by surcher
Hey smart boy why don't you ask the latina that got picked up in the raid and got shipped back home after spending time in a immigration detention center if socials aren't stupid or dangerous?
I bet she'd have a will nice answer for you.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Hey smart boy why don't you ask the latina that got picked up in the raid and got shipped back home after spending time in a immigration detention center if socials aren't stupid or dangerous?
I bet she'd have a will nice answer for you. Originally Posted by carkido45
Surcher was right.

The sum of all of the ASPD socials isn't what happened at the Ellie Social. The sum of the socials also includes many socials that men and women met each other, where many gifts were collected for kids, and so forth. Guys like myself and Wayward have been attending socials since 2000, and nothing happened that even hinted Ellie. Some socials simply started as 'hey, let's all meet over at Amber's house', some were planned way in advance, but the one thing the early socials had was a small and known membership attending where most of us knew each other.

I am sorry about what happened to the latina mentioned, however there are also many others I feel sorry for. A lot of lives were turned upside down that night, not just hers.
ANONONE's Avatar
Hey smart boy why don't you ask the latina that got picked up in the raid and got shipped back home after spending time in a immigration detention center if socials aren't stupid or dangerous?
I bet she'd have a will nice answer for you. Originally Posted by carkido45
Good Lord, man, let it go. If you don't want to go to socials, fine. Throwing a hissy fit about it doesn't help anyone.
I'm throwing a social for all the true latina lovers out there.

April 19, 2010 10pm-4am

Lipstick's Gentleman's Club

Reynosa, Taumalipas, Mexico

Luxurious club, nice clean rooms with showers, and the hottest latinas you will ever meet in your motherfreaking lives.

We will have our own reserved section along the wall on the right side as you walk in the door. Just look for the skinny gringo with the Astros baseball cap on. Each attendee will be required to buy me at least one drink as I'll be drinking quite heavily.

And don't worry about security. I personally guarantee the safety of all attendees.
Alexis: "Glad to see you back,, all I got to say is "Priceless" thanks Hambone..... One question though; why was your's, Civil Barrister and CK1942's comments deleted from your post?"

I have not deleted anything from any post. I am not sure to what you refer as I did not post on any of the threads I copied. The software for ECCIE formatted the copied threads in this manner. All I did was "copy" and then "paste."

THE Hambone
dearhunter's Avatar
I'm throwing a social for all the true latina lovers out there.

April 19, 2010 10pm-4am

Lipstick's Gentleman's Club

Reynosa, Taumalipas, Mexico

Luxurious club, nice clean rooms with showers, and the hottest latinas you will ever meet in your motherfreaking lives.

We will have our own reserved section along the wall on the right side as you walk in the door. Just look for the skinny gringo with the Astros baseball cap on. Each attendee will be required to buy me at least one drink as I'll be drinking quite heavily.

And don't worry about security. I personally guarantee the safety of all attendees. Originally Posted by Sweet Cindy
I am in lust...............I'm just saying.
simpleton's Avatar
How far away is Reynosa
carkido45's Avatar
You boys aren't equipped to handle Mexico.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Hey smart boy why don't you ask the latina that got picked up in the raid and got shipped back home after spending time in a immigration detention center if socials aren't stupid or dangerous?
I bet she'd have a will nice answer for you. Originally Posted by carkido45
I regret what happened to the young lady... however... in all fairness ... that could have happened after a routine traffic stop...

But if it makes you feel any better...

I don't think you are in any danger of receiving any future invitations... I'm just saying...
dearhunter's Avatar
You boys aren't equipped to handle Mexico. Originally Posted by carkido45
Yo quiero taco bell...............tambien tengo un perro y un huron de coca
simpleton's Avatar
You boys aren't equipped to handle Mexico. Originally Posted by carkido45

I get more pussy in Mexico than I do here.
dearhunter's Avatar
I get more pussy from Mexico than I do here. Originally Posted by simpleton
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I regret what happened to the young lady... however... in all fairness ... that could have happened after a routine traffic stop...

But if it makes you feel any better...

I don't think you are in any danger of receiving any future invitations... I'm just saying... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas

Come on Bro - you know that would never happen. Kinda like the one who got busted for having drugs. Cops ONLY look for drugs on people at Hobby Socials.

Damn TMFT, you are trying to confuse someone with reason and accountability and screwing up someone who just wants to pile on.

There was a line in a Jack Nickelson movie: As Good As It Gets, where he is asked how he can describe women so accurately in his novels.
His response was "I think of a man, and then take away reason and accountability."
dearhunter's Avatar
There may be plenty of regrets over the evening.............worrying about someone snapped up because of drugs is not one of them..........unless you regret inviting them............I'm just saying.