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Tell that to the 1,000's of innocent Christians (may be) who died while he was shooting pool and playing golf while playing President.

It should be comfort to them he would break off his vacation for one kid. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I se that LLIdiot is now concerned about "the 1,000's of innocent Christians (may be) who died while he was shooting pool and playing golf while playing President."

Yet you showed no concern whatsoever about the 4500+ innocent American soldiers "who died" while Shrubbie was chopping wood in Crawford, Tx, flying over Katrina victims in New Orleans and riding bicycles in DC "while playing President."

LLIdiot, your concern bout "the 1000's of innocent Christians" is so touching! It's too bad you were not as concerned about "the 4500+ American soldiers."

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  • WTF
  • 08-19-2014, 08:27 AM
Tell that to the 1,000's of innocent Christians (may be) who died while he was shooting pool and playing golf while playing President.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover

You do realize that there were over a million Christians living in relative peace under Saddam.

With this regime change that you supported , they are down to under 500k and be slaughtered.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I se that LLIdiot is now concerned about "the 1,000's of innocent Christians (may be) who died while he was shooting pool and playing golf while playing President."

Yet you showed no concern whatsoever about the 4500+ innocent American soldiers "who died" while Shrubbie was chopping wood in Crawford, Tx, flying over Katrina victims in New Orleans and riding bicycles in DC "while playing President."

LLIdiot, your concern bout "the 1000's of innocent Christians" is so touching! It's too bad you were not as concerned about "the 4500+ American soldiers."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by bigtex
So what does it say about you Tampon (lets assume that you are sincere for the moment)? Soldiers died trying to change Iraq and your president pissed away their sacrifice while you stood on the sidelines and cheered.
So what does it say about you Tampon (lets assume that you are sincere for the moment)? Soldiers died trying to change Iraq and your president pissed away their sacrifice while you stood on the sidelines and cheered. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JDIdiot, please provide the link where I "stood" and "cheered."

While on the subject, your President lost focus on the perpetrator's of 9/11 and invaded a country that had nothing, whatsoever to do with 9/11. It is important to note that the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 decision to invade Iraq resulted in the loss of 4500+ brave American soldiers. Never once did I stand and cheer before, during or after!

However, I repeatedly complained about the idiocy of the ill fated and ill advised decision. It should be noted that complaining is not standing and cheering!

How many times did you complain about Shrubbie's irresponsible spring of 2003 decision to invade Iraq at a cost of 4500+ American soldiers?

Or were you cheering?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, you would never cheer anything that Bush did would you. You just hate him so much that you can't see straight. You like to make that claim about the right and Obama but we can give you details on why when disagree with him, can you? No, you just hate him period. Grow up you white trash piece of shit. Your lies don't work. Bush never, NEVER said that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. That is your lie of the decade. Bush did say that Hussein did support terrorism. You want to go on record saying that Hussein didn't? Bush went to Congress and they voted YES, YES, YES, and YES for military intervention including your choice for president in 2016. Pull you trashy head out of your ass and come up for air.