Kyle Rittenhouse Speaks Out About Deadly Kenosha Shooting

  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 11:04 AM
SF - i disagree with your opinion of what transpired.

Kyle fired in self defense after being assaulted. And at least one of his assailants was armed with a pistol - and stated "I wanted to kill him"!

Put yourself into the same scenario - You would want the right to defend Yourself as well.

We will see how the prosecution defense arguments turn out.

If a Grand Jury indicts Kyle on charges. since Grand Juries are prosecution controlled - I have no doubt no part of the videos showing the assaults on Kyle will be shown -

anything to get an indictment against a non- racist, non- marxist non- DPST .

BTW -SF - Quote" Law and Order my ass !" - please give your opinion of DPST 'Law and Order' to the citizens of Seattle capitol Hill, Minneapolis, Portland, Chicago, and all the cities affected by the 'peaceful' demonstrations which are quite c/w the racist marxist OBLM and AntiFa idea of "Law and Order".

It may come to your own Home in short Order.

you will get what You believe as truth . such a shame to be so deluded by the DPST Goebbels propaganda.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
oeb11, the kid was asking for and looking for trouble. Come on now; you know that. There was nothing positive that could have possibly come out of that situation other than what transpired.

A lot of these protesters are half crazy and angry. You don't show up with a rifle and try to play Rambo with them, (not that the 1st Rambo movie was not entertaining IMO). LOL
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Why is it always a Henry with this poser? Who TF wants to ward off a home intruder with a lever action rifle? That’s fucking idiotic. I happen to have a Golden and a Big Boy, and they’re fun to plink with or even use for small game, but are the last weapon you’d grab if someone was breaking in.

I tend to think he’s completely full of shit on many levels, but if not get a Mossberg pump gun before you get yourself killed.
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 11:38 AM
LM - I think your POV is as apologist for the instigators - the racist marxist DPST organized terrorists.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
LM - I think your POV is as apologist for the instigators - the racist marxist DPST organized terrorists. Originally Posted by oeb11
I will always only apologize for myself and what I can control. I'll never apologize for these idiots on either side of the spectrum. Their actions are completely out of my control. I'm not naïve enough to think I could ever make a difference with those dipshits. People are who they are and that's just how it is whether you agree with them or not. You just keep it moving forward and accomplish your goals and not worry about matters you can't control is how I look at life.
I B Hankering's Avatar
"Needed Killing"

"Got what they Deserved"

Who determines that ? You and others of your ilk ?

Is that Law and Order ?

I notice Trump is up to his Blame Game again.His entire presidency has been Nothing but Blaming away all the problems encountered on His watch.

He is the POTUS. Has been for 4 years. This is America under Trump.

This is Trump's America.
Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Trump maybe president, but he is NOT the mayor of Portland and he is NOT the governor of Oregon, so on, and so on; hence, Trump is consitutionally limited in what he can do per the 10th Amendment. Anyone who took Civics before the year 2000 knows that.

Meanwhile, "this America" is a product of the fucking dim-retards and their refusal to accept the 2016 election per hildebeest's call to "resist". The dim-retards own the violence, the arson, the vandalism and the deaths. They are on record for keeping these Marxist clowns in the street. Local dim-retard DAs are not prosecuting the Marxist vandals and arsonists and dim-retard mayors and governors are pandering to the Marxist mobs by retraining local LE and not asking for Federal help. Members of Team Biden are paying the bail for these thugs and keeping them on the street.
LM - I think your POV is as apologist for the instigators - the racist marxist DPST organized terrorists. Originally Posted by oeb11
I will always only apologize for myself and what I can control. I'll never apologize for these idiots on either side of the spectrum. Their actions are completely out of my control. I'm not naïve enough to think I could ever make a difference with those dipshits. People are who they are and that's just how it is whether you agree with them or not. You just keep it moving forward and accomplish your goals and not worry about matters you can't control is how I look at life. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I think this proves you (Lucas McCain) are not an Ivy League graduate.

Someone explain to him what an apologist is and does!

I believe I can declare victory now!
sportfisherman's Avatar
So Trump is big on Law but not so much on Order. Not too much Order under Trump. Mostly Disorder.

Trump has never let the Constitution restrain him before. He executes Executive Orders all the time. He takes money allocated by congress for the military and uses it for a Border Wall.

Democrats do not hold the Executive office nor do they control the Senate.Only the House.

This has been 4 years of Republican (mis) leadership.This is it.This is Trump.

As Trump says ; "Just say it and they will believe it".
HedonistForever's Avatar
oeb11, the kid was asking for and looking for trouble. Come on now; you know that. There was nothing positive that could have possibly come out of that situation other than what transpired.

A lot of these protesters are half crazy and angry. You don't show up with a rifle and try to play Rambo with them, (not that the 1st Rambo movie was not entertaining IMO). LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

No, I don't know that. The story I'm hearing and will believe until proven wrong, is that Kyle was asked by a friend to help him defend his last remaining business out of three, the other two having already been burnt to the ground. From the things I have read that you said, you sound like just the kind of guy who might help a friend protect his business.

If that scenario is true, does that change your opinion of his actions?

HedonistForever's Avatar
I don't worry about any anarchy. If someone can get past the off duty cops who work the gate where I live and they can get past my dog, good for them. They'll have a Henry rifle or a pistol pointed at their head. And I don't ask a lot of questions when it is not necessary to do so. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

And if your neighbor asked you to help defend his property, you would do what?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I have a Trump loving friend and he has sent me five texts about Trump today. It was kind of funny to me and I simply told him to stop being obsessed about the full of shit orange man and I'll give him a hug on 11/4 when Trump is gone.

That guy is obsessed with Trump. I don't even call him Trump to him. I just say, "your Lord and Savior".

His beliefs don't bother me because nobody's beliefs bother me. It's always good to have different perspectives IMO. Some things are simply worth a discussion. It is unrealistic for everyone to think alike... I pretty much just fuck with my friend for fun because it drives him crazy and I'm bored working from home.
So Trump is big on Law but not so much on Order. Not too much Order under Trump. Mostly Disorder.

Trump has never let the Constitution restrain him before. He executes Executive Orders all the time. He takes money allocated by congress for the military and uses it for a Border Wall.

Democrats do not hold the Executive office nor do they control the Senate.Only the House.

This has been 4 years of Republican (mis) leadership.This is it.This is Trump.

As Trump says ; "Just say it and they will believe it". Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Let's test your theory. States have Governors, Cities have Mayors. In Kenosha Wisconsin right now there is rioting due to a Police shooting involving a Black Male. The Governor of Wisconsin nor the Mayor of Kenosha seem to be able to keep this Mayhem under control. This is not Trump or the Federal Governments problem. State Governors and City Mayors are responsible for keeping cities and States safe from rioters and criminals. Kenosha Wisconsin, Seattle Washington and Portland Oregon have done a crappy job at doing so. The Federal Government's job is keeping the Country safe from foreign invasion, Terrorism ect. We don't hear much about ISIS anymore. No beheading of American Journalists or hostages ect. That's Trump's America.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So Trump is big on Law but not so much on Order. Not too much Order under Trump. Mostly Disorder.

Trump has never let the Constitution restrain him before. He executes Executive Orders all the time. He takes money allocated by congress for the military and uses it for a Border Wall.

Democrats do not hold the Executive office nor do they control the Senate.Only the House.

This has been 4 years of Republican (mis) leadership.This is it.This is Trump.

As Trump says ; "Just say it and they will believe it". Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Trump did so because the Congress suddenly didn't care about border security where they had all voted for it in 2006 and all made speeches supporting it including Obama. i could post the videos but i've already posted them.

wtf here's one ..

the supreme court upheld Trump using those funds for border security. he wouldn't have had to if the Democratic Congress hadn't suddenly flipped on the issue. as seen above. they did so only because they opposed Trump. they would have allowed mass waves of ILLEGALS into the country just to oppose Trump as president.

speaking of executive orders, this presidential power has existed since Washington. he in fact issued the very first EO. butt you knew that, right?

Obama misused the EO by trying to act unilaterally on immigration. he didn't have the ability to do so.

so who abused the EO process again?
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 01:17 PM
Hypocrisy - the modus operandi of the racist, marxist DPST's!
I B Hankering's Avatar
So Trump is big on Law but not so much on Order. Not too much Order under Trump. Mostly Disorder.

Trump has never let the Constitution restrain him before. He executes Executive Orders all the time. He takes money allocated by congress for the military and uses it for a Border Wall.

Democrats do not hold the Executive office nor do they control the Senate.Only the House.

This has been 4 years of Republican (mis) leadership.This is it.This is Trump.

As Trump says ; "Just say it and they will believe it".
Originally Posted by sportfisherman
It's been four years of lies, hoaxes and violence perpetrated by the left in their blatant attempt to undo a legitimate election. The dim-retards passed the word to "resist", and they are writing the checks to keep these Marxist vandals in the streets. And that's a documented fact that lies and deceptions cannot hide -- no matter how many times they are repeated.