Is this the Eccie board or?

Wayward's Avatar
Y'all are too kind. Ya really know how to make a girl blush don't you.

Wow tree_hugger posting? Originally Posted by Ansley
He's not in this thread to flirt with me Ansley, but somehow he tripled his post count in a day after you started posting.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 01-06-2011, 10:10 PM
What is wrong with you guys? Haven't you read DarthMaul's post?
DarthMaul's Avatar
Why not just close it? Originally Posted by Dad

What...and end the fun!!? It never bothers the owners when guys know each other and give each other sh*^! Heck, I have met most of you guys. We insult each other here and to each others face but someone always hits the RTM button.

Some remarks are just plain mean and vengeful. Those are the ones that get the owners' attention. Like someone showed earlier...Train wreck bound to happen.
16yearitch's Avatar
My master's studies was a breeze compared to comprehending the various threads in the last couple of weeks.

My own experience over the years - first on OASPDBB and now here is - there will always be folks like the current "lynch mob" who understand very well how to get a point across without ever crossing the line. They all are good at presenting their view points, stirring up shit, testing boundaries but seldom crossing the grey zone so as to get a vacation.

For the rest - be an audience and enjoy the ride of the CO-Ed and the Sandbox like I do or stay in Welcome Wagon/Ads/alerts/reviews section. You can't get better entertainment than this on this board. But if you must and have the itch to jump in the ring and take sides - bring your A game, do your home work (which BTW requires hours and hours if not days of researching old threads) and keep your emotions out. the moment you show any weakness - i am sure you all know the modus operandi of a real lynch mob Originally Posted by proper
Life is too short. I used to come here for fun and info. I used to feel welcomed here. I don't anymore.
It's not fun in a room full of BSD. And the info isn't worth putting up with the BS. If this is the Wayward/Wakeup board now, then I'm in the wrong place.

I get enough of that attitude in real life.
TexasGator's Avatar
What...and end the fun!!? It never bothers the owners when guys know each other and give each other sh*^! Heck, I have met most of you guys. We insult each other here and to each others face but someone always hits the RTM button.

Some remarks are just plain mean and vengeful. Those are the ones that get the owners' attention. Like someone showed earlier...Train wreck bound to happen. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Exactly why DM's a mod! He GETS IT! This "co-owner" is proud.

(DM, help this newly appointed, old-as-dirt owner PLEASE! Which ones got my attention? Young whippersnappers may ask )
Wayward's Avatar
Life is too short. I used to come here for fun and info. I used to feel welcomed here. I don't anymore.
It's not fun in a room full of BSD. And the info isn't worth putting up with the BS. If this is the Wayward/Wakeup board now, then I'm in the wrong place.

I get enough of that attitude in real life. Originally Posted by 16yearitch
Then start a funny thread or post something clever, we would welcome that! Now do you really want us to go through your posts and find all the times you have "come here for fun and info"? Cause I know what we are going to find and it sure as hell isn't that cowgirl. So how about dazzling us with your prose or cracking a joke, find a funny picture to post, anything but constant whining if you don't like threads like this go read and post in one you do like.

It's just sad when Facebook is more interesting than ECCIE. Originally Posted by 16yearitch
OK. Now I'm bored again. Originally Posted by 16yearitch
BSD syndrome.
Some people have to be the center of attention, drive the fastest car, own the biggest gun, denigrate and humiliate others in order to feel better about themselves. Originally Posted by 16yearitch
ummm... Why? Originally Posted by 16yearitch
You're kinda cute, Wakeup. In a creepy, stalkerish kinda way.
I read the link. So.... you're good at holding a grudge... at a hooker... on a hooker board.

Yay You! Originally Posted by 16yearitch
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 01-06-2011, 11:40 PM
Wayward, TMI!
16yearitch's Avatar
Then start a funny thread or post something clever, we would welcome that! Now do you really want us to go through your posts and find all the times you have "come here for fun and info"? Cause I know what we are going to find and it sure as hell isn't that cowgirl. So how about dazzling us with your prose or cracking a joke, find a funny picture to post, anything but constant whining if you don't like threads like this go read and post in one you do like. Originally Posted by Wayward
That is so stalkerish!
I'm impressed with your creepy skills, I guess. But it kinda proves my point.
Why would any "casual" user come here when they know that any offhand comment will be seized upon by Wayward/Wakeup and thrown back in their face?
Since when did this board become about scoring points against other mongers?
TexasGator's Avatar
Life is too short. I used to come here for fun and info. I used to feel welcomed here. I don't anymore.
It's not fun in a room full of BSD. And the info isn't worth putting up with the BS. If this is the Wayward/Wakeup board now, then I'm in the wrong place.

I get enough of that attitude in real life. Originally Posted by 16yearitch
At the risk of doing exactly what DM warned against, spare us the sanctimonious exit, passing blame because you weren't received as you'd hoped. Yes, you were once a respected member whose opinion was honest, straightforward & devoid of outside influence.

I never thought of you as a WK, but the timing of your re-emergence, your pre-absentia posts (last July), & your stated disdain for Wayward & Wakeup paint a picture even the blind can see.

You've always proclaimed disdain for WK's, if memory serves me correct. She must be something for you to risk your credibility. Good to learn some girls are worth the sacrifice.
Wayward's Avatar
Originally Posted by 16yearitch
You're kinda cute, Wakeup. In a creepy, stalkerish kinda way.
I read the link. So.... you're good at holding a grudge... at a hooker... on a hooker board.

Yay You!
Under your member title there is a drop down and it has a linck "find more posts by 16yearitch" sorry if I hurt your feelers, but what you posted was factually incorrect and kind of inane. Just sayin'

Now come back at us with something funny or clever. Like this pictographic of your invective

TexasGator's Avatar
That is so stalkerish!
I'm impressed with your creepy skills, I guess. But it kinda proves my point.
Why would any "casual" user come here when they know that any offhand comment will be seized upon by Wayward/Wakeup and thrown back in their face?
Since when did this board become about scoring points against other mongers? Originally Posted by 16yearitch
Are you serious? Why does the "people in glass houses..." addage come to mind when reading your recent posts? Only takes a page or 2 search to recognize the same holier than thou persona of which you now protest.

"When did this board become about scoring points?"
You need inquire? Really? That glass house addage again comes to mind.

One of the few things my dad said that still rings true is: "The traits we dislike in others are those of which we are most guilty."

Not saying any of your past posting history is so indicative, but .....just sayin'
Wayward's Avatar
TexasGator's Avatar
Now this is much better! Originally Posted by Wayward
TRUE, but I thought he said he was in the wrong place. Silly me thought he was done posting in such a despicable venue.

But I DO confess I'm glad to see the former (uncontrolled) 16yearitch back. I liked the pre-BW entranced guy. Really!
16yearitch's Avatar
At the risk of doing exactly what DM warned against, spare us the sanctimonious exit, passing blame because you weren't received as you'd hoped. Yes, you were once a respected member whose opinion was honest, straightforward & devoid of outside influence.

I never thought of you as a WK, but the timing of your re-emergence, your pre-absentia posts (last July), & your stated disdain for Wayward & Wakeup paint a picture even the blind can see.

You've always proclaimed disdain for WK's, if memory serves me correct. She must be something for you to risk your credibility. Good to learn some girls are worth the sacrifice. Originally Posted by TexasGator
Dude! are you serious?
I'm a WK because I find it gross that some guy has it in their sig line getting someone banned?
What's in your sig line?
What's in mine?
I have never been two faced, and I never will be.
My disdain of Wayword and Wakeup is because of the way they act. Even the blind should be able to see that.
16yearitch's Avatar
TRUE, but I thought he said he was in the wrong place. Silly me thought he was done posting in such a despicable venue.

But I DO confess I'm glad to see the former (uncontrolled) 16yearitch back. I liked the pre-BW entranced guy. Really! Originally Posted by TexasGator
I've eaten 'gator before
pan fried, deep fried, and in a gumbo.
It all tasted...
so unlike chicken.