Rep Kevin McCarthy - Accidently Honest About Benghazi Investigation

You wish, you faggot-obsessed freak. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you DON'T have any accountants working for you ? Another lie from your lie-spewing and cum guzzling lips !
So you DON'T have any accountants working for you ? Another lie from your lie-spewing and cum guzzling lips ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You fucking idiot. It's like arguing with a goddamn retard. I don't have any gay shit to claim, shitass.
You fucking idiot. It's like arguing with a goddamn retard. I don't have any gay shit to claim, shitass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
What, are you afraid of outing yourself to the IRS ? They won't audit you for being a peter-puffer woomby. odummer's IRS only targets conservative organizations. Just ask Lois Lerner. BTW, you can also write off those Depends you have to wear from developing incontinence from having your sorry ass stretched so much over the years . Another "tax tip" for ya there woomby ! Your Arkansas hero Slick Willy used a donation of his used underwear as a tax write off some years back, so if it's good enough for that lying, convicted perjurer and sexual predator, it ought to be good enough for YOU !
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A second republican congressman admits the Bengazi investigation was all about bringing down Hillary.