Still Looking for an actual ALERT pt 1 of 12

I fail to see a difference; are providers not allowed to be concerned about their own safety? Speaking from personal experience, I would venture to guess that 90% of my reviews as a provider were written without my consent. Though they were fantastic and garnered a lot of business for me, they also left me in an extremely vulnerable position...

I was outed recently, and the information collected (or submitted) was staggering. Not only were physical details gathered to pinpoint my identity, but personality quirks and telling traits of myself were compiled to identify me in my civilian life. Am I not allowed to be concerned with such a thing? Is there a difference? No, there absolutely is not.

As a provider, or former provider, I will continue to be an advocate for the rights to privacy and safety for women in this community. I want to know who I am seeing; I want to know if we will be compatible, if I will enjoy myself. I also want to ensure that the man showing up on my doorstep is in fact the person I have been communicating with. Are you familiar with p411? That site also has a description of it's members; it too allows providers to make notes on their dates, which has proven to be extremely beneficial in the date decision process.

It can be argued that once a woman makes the sound decision to become a provider, she is opening herself up to scrutiny under the review process. That may very well be true, but she isn't the only participant involved. I think it is naive and extremely ignorant to think that men are excluded from any kind of discussion. I have been blessed with my selection of dates and have nothing negative to report about any of them; however, if I had a negative experience you can guarantee others would have heard about it.

I don't give two hoots about the Handler of Mint - I do, however, think that you have to look at the benefits of RisqueBB as a separate entity of Him. Chase him with your swords and guns, but leave the site alone. Originally Posted by K lovve
boobs mcgee's Avatar
just to do a little fact-checking/nitpicking on that first date, there were plenty of reviews of Violet 10/13-10/15. Originally Posted by Wavarry
oops you're right. i forgot to look in Independent Reviews section. Still Looking himself write one of those reviews. 10/13 and 10/14. however, the drama started on 10/18, so the actual lack of reviews in question begin on 10/18 and not any dates prior. so, i am simply trying to see how many days it will be until another Risque BB/M!NT girl has a review put up on here, from a reputable poster, who is not sirduke, runaway, etc.

in regards to K Lovve, i do not doubt it is the original K Lovve. i am simply intrigued that she and Zoey both chose to reinstate/re-register SOLELY to post on this thread. especially when they both are out of the business.

and K Lovve brought up that Risque BB is different from M!NT, and it appears they are one and the same from M!NT's posts that they are deeply involved in that website. also it appears that nobody can book off of Risque BB unless they are "screened" by M!NT (that is if they are actually going to see the girl and not a girl that had no knowledge she was on the site - but that is a different discussion that i am totally unconcerned with). thus i would call them one and the same, as i don't see how they can be anything but the same person/people.

thanks, i have really nothing new to add - just seeing where this goes. i am intrigued by what "M!NT Conditioning" is though on 2/14......
I'm going to take a minute to think from someone else's shoes. If you've seen my posts in the now 3 threads on this, you know know where I stand. But..... if I take a step back, from a systems and biz management perspective, there is a partial explanation.

If I had my own provider resource site (not a hobbyist resource), I'd want it to provide a few things. Maybe more, but at least these:
Advertising space
Booking support
Provider info exchange (alerts for safety, fetishes, neighborhoods, hotel risks, etc)
In-call coordination

For someone who is an indy, paying a support service (they do exist and aren't pimps), a phone number that I can answer when I want, or send to someone else to answer when I don't want to, is an ideal solution. Google Voice is perfect for that, and a big portion of its design. It does not excuse masquerading as the provider. Many providers I've met state they have booking agents, and the booker is upfront about not being the provider.

Information exchange, Girl Talk, Powder Room, etc would be most effective if each customer had a fixed identity to prevent multiple references to JoeBigDick, Joe_Big_Dick, Joe's Big Dick, Joe Dick, etc that would happen with each provider creating her own note. The systems fix for that would be what we've been calling a "profile" that the ladies could attach comments to, much in the same way on Eccie, a Verified Provider gets the reviews attached. Imagine the effectiveness of comments or queries of a provider that started with selecting her "profile" from a drop list, before proceeding. Everything available on the board relevant to that provider would immediately be gathered for your research.

As the board moderator, if I assume an extremely high likelihood that active Eccie members would also be customers of the providers on my site, I might preemptively create profiles for the Providers to select from when they share with the other providers. I could probably assume that with xx number of reviews and posts, and no other noise on the board about them, that we could leverage that for screening purposes. Thus I might have ready "profiles" created for the most likely customers, further enhancing my site's value to my customer... the provider. That could explain "profiles" existing but not viewable outside the secured areas.

From an in-call perspective, I am sure my clients (providers) would value a location that was upscale, good parking, enough traffic that customer's don't stand out, and a demographic that doesn't make a very hot, well dressed, sexy lady stand out too much. The Domain is perfect. She would also probably value a location that would allow her to see arriving customers, make sure they were alone, fit the description of her screening data, and wasn't coordinating anything with guys in blacked out suburbans. I don't think I understand an issue with being observed before I enter the in-call. I have had several providers watch me, giving me navigation instructions to the unit via phone (Turn left now, ok, just go straight from there and I'll meet you at the door.)

So some of this I could understand, if this were the case. But, not being upfront about being a booking agent and having bogus ads with bogus contact info is inexcusable, but correctable. Regarding Neighborhood Watch, even Eccie requires we post Alerts in public whereupon the party alleged can be aware and refute the allegation. What is the purpose of having an 'alert' on a client visible, but not letting the client know what it says, or giving equal time for a rebuttal. If that is the case, then don't make the list public. Keep it in the providers secured area. Avoid the drama.

Klovve's timing for posting her comments raises an eyebrow, but her points are valid. We're worried about Marco collecting data? Google, Yahoo, ISP's, etc gather way more data and details than Marco ever could. Think it is lost in the big picture as just more noise? Think again. Google complies with 93% of all Government requests for user and usage information. Every post, every provider ad, every handle, every IP used is available to an investigator. If it traveled the internet, passed through a server anywhere, it is recorded and will never go away. What's he gonna do, describe me as a fat old biker, white, no tats, etc?? Gee, that really calls me out. Not many of those around.
boobs mcgee's Avatar
i believe the issue here in this discussion is the intent of M!NT's data collection. Google and other sites that track your behavior like Facebook, etc. have no real intent other than marketing. sending you ads tailored to what you view online and the like.

the members here are asking the reason for all this data collection. i would give all of my information if the girl was willing to give all her information as well. but we know that doesn't happen.

i have heard of Risque BB girls asking clients for their real name, even photos texted to them. what is troubling is that it appears that the girl herself isn't even the one texting the client.

i think people on this board want a certain level of privacy. i dont see many girls willing to offer up their full identities either. so why is it good for one and not good for the other?

i am interested in knowing the truth as much as everyone else.
I am not trying to defend Risque in any way, but there has been a chaos of allegations, many of which can be explained by the some of the paragraphs preceding the last one, that you are focused on. If any of us are only going to be satisfied by an admission of intent, give up now.
boobs mcgee's Avatar
yes i agree Harley guy. many allegations, but from a variety of people here. some former providers and current providers, some formerly associated with M!NT and others not, many prior/current clients of M!INT. if it was just say Still Looking barking up a shit storm all by himself then i would discount it as him having an axe to grind.

but we are hearing people piping up all over the place about it. a little here, a little there. i have tried to read them all, but they are spread out over at least 3-4 threads. i don't think anyone is going to admit anything. i think it would be nice for everyone to be truthful and let people decide whether or not to continue using Risque BB/M!INT or not.

in short, it is all very confusing and it would be nice to actually get some good truthful responses to the myriad of questions. i doubt i will see it, but if i do, i will be pleasantly surprised.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I once heard a CEO of a troubled company say "We got to where are by making one good decision at a time."

I understand that you're not defending RBB, and being objective. However, you are taking each issue or allegation as an isolated event that has no bearing on other issues. I do agree with you that many of the things alleged of Marco and his associations would not raise an issue if they were the only potential red flags. But. You have to judge the man, company, or group of individuals involved by their apparent ethics. Once you let their ethics color their actions, even the things that could legitimately be explained now become highly suspect.

I'm going to take a minute to think from someone else's shoes. If you've seen my posts in the now 3 threads on this, you know know where I stand. But..... if I take a step back, from a systems and biz management perspective, there is a partial explanation.

If I had my own provider resource site (not a hobbyist resource), I'd want it to provide a few things. Maybe more, but at least these:
Advertising space
Booking support
Provider info exchange (alerts for safety, fetishes, neighborhoods, hotel risks, etc)
In-call coordination

For someone who is an indy, paying a support service (they do exist and aren't pimps), a phone number that I can answer when I want, or send to someone else to answer when I don't want to, is an ideal solution. Google Voice is perfect for that, and a big portion of its design. It does not excuse masquerading as the provider. Many providers I've met state they have booking agents, and the booker is upfront about not being the provider.

Information exchange, Girl Talk, Powder Room, etc would be most effective if each customer had a fixed identity to prevent multiple references to JoeBigDick, Joe_Big_Dick, Joe's Big Dick, Joe Dick, etc that would happen with each provider creating her own note. The systems fix for that would be what we've been calling a "profile" that the ladies could attach comments to, much in the same way on Eccie, a Verified Provider gets the reviews attached. Imagine the effectiveness of comments or queries of a provider that started with selecting her "profile" from a drop list, before proceeding. Everything available on the board relevant to that provider would immediately be gathered for your research.

As the board moderator, if I assume an extremely high likelihood that active Eccie members would also be customers of the providers on my site, I might preemptively create profiles for the Providers to select from when they share with the other providers. I could probably assume that with xx number of reviews and posts, and no other noise on the board about them, that we could leverage that for screening purposes. Thus I might have ready "profiles" created for the most likely customers, further enhancing my site's value to my customer... the provider. That could explain "profiles" existing but not viewable outside the secured areas. Originally Posted by ThatHarleyGuy
Outside of all the issues raised, sure, this could explain the existence of profiles on that site. It does not explain the apparent "playful" changes in those profiles listed by Still Looking and AustinsGurlz - height shortened, weight increased to 400lbs? Aging 10 years overnight? There is obviously someone who is in control of those profiles there. Yet Marco, while admitting that he is a mod and a developer of the site, says that he does not have the ability to make changes to those profiles.

While klovve does bring up valid points about providers exchanging info concerning clients for safety, I do disagree that RisqueBB is the right medium to do so. I don't think any of us have raised issues about the existence of national black lists, provider buzz, and info exchange. That is mainly because those sites seem to have enough security that a random browser or curious but casual person looking into a handle won't run into those profiles with descriptions. Problem here is that RisqueBB is run by someone with questionable motive and seems to lack security details to protect both sides.

While a general description of you may be perfectly OK to list, if my race, age, height, weight, and build were linked to my handle, I doubt the number of people who fit that description in Austin would reach 3 digits. It would be a real concern to find my description linked to my handle and publicly available.

From an in-call perspective, I am sure my clients (providers) would value a location that was upscale, good parking, enough traffic that customer's don't stand out, and a demographic that doesn't make a very hot, well dressed, sexy lady stand out too much. The Domain is perfect. She would also probably value a location that would allow her to see arriving customers, make sure they were alone, fit the description of her screening data, and wasn't coordinating anything with guys in blacked out suburbans. I don't think I understand an issue with being observed before I enter the in-call. I have had several providers watch me, giving me navigation instructions to the unit via phone (Turn left now, ok, just go straight from there and I'll meet you at the door.)
Indeed, this is one of those issues that wouldn't draw much attention unless other issues are taken into account. Given the other issues raised, this becomes a part of the pattern.

So some of this I could understand, if this were the case. But, not being upfront about being a booking agent and having bogus ads with bogus contact info is inexcusable, but correctable. Regarding Neighborhood Watch, even Eccie requires we post Alerts in public whereupon the party alleged can be aware and refute the allegation. What is the purpose of having an 'alert' on a client visible, but not letting the client know what it says, or giving equal time for a rebuttal. If that is the case, then don't make the list public. Keep it in the providers secured area. Avoid the drama.
Exactly. Though I disagree that bogus ads and bogus contact info part is that easily corrected. He's been called out on it, but have yet to make those corrections. That shows even greater disregard for people's right to control their information and images. Combine that with the practice of pretending to be the providers, it shows a pattern of deceptive practices using personal information and images for financial gain.

Klovve's timing for posting her comments raises an eyebrow, but her points are valid. We're worried about Marco collecting data? Google, Yahoo, ISP's, etc gather way more data and details than Marco ever could. Think it is lost in the big picture as just more noise? Think again. Google complies with 93% of all Government requests for user and usage information. Every post, every provider ad, every handle, every IP used is available to an investigator. If it traveled the internet, passed through a server anywhere, it is recorded and will never go away. What's he gonna do, describe me as a fat old biker, white, no tats, etc?? Gee, that really calls me out. Not many of those around.
I do believe klovve did make that post because I don't think Marco capable of imitating her verbiage and diction, but I do doubt that Zoey made that post. Writing style and attitudes are quite a bit different from her past posts.

As for companies gathering data, most of the companies you mention are online. They do gather data, and they do sell the information. However, you don't see local stores dictating where we park when we visit them so they can get our pictures and license plates. The companies you mention, however dubious, all have corporate charters and policies that govern their ethics. In case those fail, there are laws that protect consumers. I know those are not adequate, but it is more control than anyone has over Marco and RisqueBB.

Bottom line is that there is a pattern visible, from the deception of clients by pretending to be the provider, funneling of business by use of information and images without permission, misrepresenting his own role in M!nt and RisqueBB, as well as possibly gathering information by dictating customer parking and having their providers give them information. This makes me glad that I never saw anyone affiliated with this outfit, and I would stay clear of anything - business venture, charity, party, or free pussy-give-away - linked to Marco. If I were a provider, I would no longer find my information displayed on RisqueBB as free advertising. I would take an active role in disassociating from this toxic name.
Maya is still pretty bad ass tho... No matter who Texting back.
truegentleman's Avatar
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am a VERY low volume poster and hobbyist. I do enjoy reading this forum however, except when the threads take a turn like this one.
I have not talked to or interfaced with Marco for at least a couple of years, but I used to see Ava through Marco quite frequently. I always found Marco to be honest, reliable and his service was excellent.
Just my humble opinion.
Thank you.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am a VERY low volume poster and hobbyist. I do enjoy reading this forum however, except when the threads take a turn like this one.
I have not talked to or interfaced with Marco for at least a couple of years, but I used to see Ava through Marco quite frequently. I always found Marco to be honest, reliable and his service was excellent.
Just my humble opinion.
Thank you. Originally Posted by truegentleman
Thanks for your input.

I will float the idea though, that this is an agency that has been around for years, and as such, we would expect that each transaction were executed without obvious alert worthy deception. What you have described is not exclusive of the other allegations currently laid at Marco's feet.
Maya is still pretty bad ass tho... No matter who Texting back. Originally Posted by bubbaJay
Amen, brother. Amen!
This could have been over this pretty quickly if Marco would've never started to talk.
The boy has got an ego, but Eventus stultorum magister.
Whispers's Avatar
Maybe the girls will get it if people start tagging every review of every girl on the RISQUEBB website or known to be affiliated with Mint or Marco with a comment such as...

" Warning!

To all those that would consider seeing this Provider: This lady is affiliated with Marco/Mint/RisqueBB. An agency that engages in the collection of personal information about clients and republishes that information EVEN when expressly asked not to in an online database easily accessible by your employers, friends and family. You may also find that communications with this Provider via email or text are actually being handled by Marco and when you finally meet her she will know nothing of your messages.Others trying to contact her may find themselves being pushed to see another lady due to her unavailability. Classic bait and Switch.

Please Read for yourself and make an informed decision! "

Then add the links to this thread. What do you guys think? It is not at all unlike Marco or any of the girls sending White Knights into Reviews to try to slant some negativity.
I have two comments. One, every time I have dealt with Maya it has been her. Two, Still Looking needs to change his avatar because its creepy as shit.
I have two comments. One, every time I have dealt with Maya it has been her. Two, Still Looking needs to change his avatar because its creepy as shit. Originally Posted by Zix-Zax the Almost Wise
i am also sure i was dealing with maya...most of the time anyway.