OK I have had it with Racism in hobbying

James_bond 007's Avatar
People people please this is really simple if you think about it. If you look up black and white in the dictionary you see that we are trained by the definition of the two words.

Black cold, dark, dirty, evil etc

White pure, light, warmth etc

It is a matter of how we perceive ourselves and how we perceive others.

Not all young black men are ignorant and want to be pimps on 24" rims.

We do not all have huge junk and want to beat women

But we do need to take a look at ourselves in the mirror to see what we have become and where we need to go

It is a girls choice but I understand what Rambo is saying too

It just sucks that alot of us put ourselves here and don't want to get better.

Sorry this got so out of hand
TonyStark's Avatar
That's fine. They can keep giving their money to 'managment' (who may or may not be black...the big, scary kind). Again, the irony in that is....quite amazing. If you all want to be keep being enablers, hey, go right ahead. Knock yourselves out.

You want these types of threads to go away? It's easy. Quit being an enabler.

Minds can be changed. Again, look at slavery. The same people who started it, got to a point where they were like, "You know, this is some bullshit how we treat these people." The crowd that accepted it grew smaller and smaller. Even though some may have initially disagreed with it, they eventually gave in to pressure, perhaps even begrudgingly for a few. Well, damn. I don't wanna give up my slaves, but the guy I buy my crops from freed his. So did the guy who shoes my horses. So did my neighbor. So did the marshall. I'm the only one left who still has slaves. Now everybody looks at me funny. I ain't got no friends.

Oh, yeah. You can influence people.

But go ahead. Root them on. Root them on like they have a Steelers jersey on.

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I'm in the camp of "The lady has a choice".

That being said, this "influence" your speaking of was not peer pressure but the bloodiest war in U.S. history.
TonyStark's Avatar
Now, in these instances an NBA provider has to follow script and say no to the black guy, who may very well treat her like a queen and take her chances with the white guy, who seems to be quite a dirtbag. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Or maybe she would see neither and take the night off. Or maybe she would wait for the next call. Because, well, you know, it's her choice!
I have read this thread from beginning to end and I applaud everyone for voicing their opinions on this "emotionally charged" subject of racism. I have learned a lot reading this thread and others like it.

I hope that as we are all adults, that one day, we could discuss this topic without directing our opinions at individuals, but on the topic at hand only. Many people, including myself, sometimes make responses to threads without reviewing them, and offend others. I don't think or I hope that they don't intentionally try to insult or offend others but it occurs. Such is life.

I think that if an individual is getting "emotionally charged" on this topic, it is because one has experienced racism, OR one does not understand racism because they have never experienced it.

Many might think that everyone should understand racism, but most don't.

If a person "chooses" not to see someone based on race, that is racism. This is America, they have that right. That I believe is understood by everyone. It has been said multiple times, and does not have to be repeated.

The idea that if we stop talking about racism, it will go away, is a flawed line of thinking IMHO. Problems that are not addressed, continue to be problems, which is why these threads continue to resurface. Problems only disappear, if they are analyzed and solved (analogy a math problem).

The question is really will racism ever disappear? I am confident that it racism will disappear or become very very rare with time. Time heals many problems.

Threads like this are EXCELLENT because, when racism is analyzed to it's roots, racism is based on a few items that are misunderstood by many, if not most. This is why these threads are good because it allows multiple races to give their view/opinions on racism which educates "other" races.

This thread illustrates how emotions, education (or lack thereof), and miscommunication can turn a thread from a guy venting about a bad day, to everyone attacking each other for their opinions on this topic.

Think about these statements and determine if ANY have merit.....

I don't date blondes because they are all dumb.
All blacks are thugs.
All white guys and Asians have small dicks.
All Hispanics are illegal citizens.
All black girls are lazy and are on welfare.

I hope everyone gets the point. There are not providers posting "I don't see white guys." That is not a preference. To single out an entire race, based on the actions of a few is wrong, BUT a provider's right...no argument there.

The point here in closing, is that racism is learned. It is taught from generation to generation. The only way to improve things is open communication like this thread. I find it interesting that racism can be discussed on a hobby board like this, but not in public.
I totally agree with HL, it is sad how women are treated in comparison to men, but if women don't say anything does anyone think "it will just go away?"

Everyone has preferences, hobby however one feels. But if we allow ANYONE to publicly be racist, we are endorsing the behavior if we don't speak out on it and condone it.

Very similiar to the threads on BBFS. There was such an uproar when a hobbyist spoke on his "choice" or "preference" by the board. I was very happy to see the board come together to help prevent this type of activity because we all know that BBFS is not a good thing in the hobby.

It would be great, if the board would come together and shun any and ALL types of racism, regardless of which race is doing it.

This was not directed at any poster. Just think about it all and enjoy the hobby.

I end with his quote from one of my favorite songs and videos by Drake/Lil Wayne
"I wish I could ------ (have sex) with every girl in the world!)
Every person is special in their own way have sex in different ways. Some are bigger, some slimmer, some freakier.....all are great, just different. Try every kind, you don't know what you like until you try it, AND you can't say that you don't like someone or something (preference?????) until you try it.

Sorry this was so long.....I hope that this thread brings us closer as Americans.

My 2 cents


I don't date blondes because they are dumb
Blonde comment is just a joke.....I love and welcome every lady, regardless of color......because I am a slave to that sweet, juicy, tight peach that all women have between their legs

Goodnight and happy hobbying!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
KRiggins, racism is always going to exist. It will never go away. Do you think that Muslims and Jewish people are going to get along any time soon? Stereotypes will always be part of this society and with that, comes a lot of racism. Like it or not, it's unfortunately here to stay....I hardly think this place is the forum to combat racism if you really give a shit about trying to make a difference, this sure the fuck ain't the place. And yes, I don't think convincing white women or other races to suck and fuck black dudes for money does much to fix racism in the overall grand scheme of things. Especially since most NBA policy providers aren't racist, many just have pimps or black boyfriends and they just do what they are told.

Damn, it just dawned on me that this thread sure the fuck got off track, (myself included.) We started off with the OP venting about two other minorities blowing him off at a STRIP CLUB and now we are having debates about racism that all three parties have probably endured multiple times in their lives, (the OP and the two latina strippers he mentions.)
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
For NBA providers maybe it has more to do with attitude than color. There are people who feel entitled to services just because of who they are. That entitlement attitude is ugly and undesirable by some. Read this thread and you will see that one Nigerian provider won't see black Americans, but will see black Africans. For her, if I read her comments in context, it's about attitude. Some people, i.e., providers may not be able to express that in a tactful manner and it sounds racist, but boils down to a preference of attitude.

For those who have traveled to Africa, with a diverse group, it was shocking to see the way black Americans were treated by the black Africans. Most of the black Americans prefered the anglo countries we visited to Africa; e.g., Spain, France, etc.
Please Don't let Some Girls Bring you down, there are many others that are here who can brighten your week

Safire Sweet Originally Posted by safire_sweet
Safire is correct. It sux that you have faced those issues. BUT, there are indeed PLENTY who do see a man of color. There are some excellent providers and some very sexy providers who would love to see you. Just keep looking, dont let it frustrate you.
BigPurdy's Avatar
For TTH, you are the epitome of what is wrong with our society. You are no different than the liberal media in that you use only excerpts of what people say to attempt to solidify your feeble stance. Please, from now on, if you quote me, include the entire quote otherwise I would appreciate you not quoting me. It simply looses content in translation. I will address your comments individually, which is not a luxury that you have afforded me at all. Unless you are completely different from all other Americans, we do want racism to disappear. Not that we want to ignore it, but we want it to disappear, as in go away, how difficult is that to understand? That is something that will not happen unless all involved are willing to let it happen. Liberals like you are not willing to do so. You continue to want to shove it down our throats (with in-your-face tactics) until we say or do something that constitutes discrimination, at which point you berate us with negativism. As far as stirring the pot, that's pretty much what you and Rambo Creed have managed to do with this thread. I will stand by what I believe in, which is complete and equal rights for all concerned until my toes turn up. If you want to debate racism or the liberal agenda of our country today, this thread is probably not the place. PM me and I will be more than happy to set your ass straight. You don't have the vocabulary, insight or intelligence to spar with me.

As for Mr. Creed. Dude, it's an uphill battle. All of these providers are no different than you or I. If they like vanilla ice cream, they don't want you trying to sell them chocolate. It's a matter of preference. Some may not want to have sex with you anymore than Meg or whomever wants to have sex with me. It's simple, a matter of choice. You can roll in the floor and bitch or pussy cry if you want, but they still don't want to have sex with you. I just don't understand why you can't get a grip on the facts. Go find a white provider that likes you or a black provider that's scared of turning you down and leave racism out of the equation. Believe me, it has nothing to do with it. This is not about racism, it's about a person's preference. These ladies are sacrificing their bodies to service us. Give them the leeway to select clients as you select providers.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Dude, I know what choice is...or means.

But tell me this: What's so hard to understand that when you isolate ONE RACE from any equation IT....IS....FUCKING....RACISM?

This level of ignorance is frightening.

I'm done with this thread. People in this society sometimes just REFUSE to not be ignorant.
BigPurdy's Avatar
Obviously, and let me iterate, obviously, you do not know what choice involves. It has nothing to do with isolating a race as you say. It is the choice of the provider to select whomever she wishes to see, no matter what the circumstances and whenever she wishes. Pull the race card if you like, but obviously, you get no sympathy here. You are done because you have no argument with logic. There is no argument for such ignorance, and that is the true definition of ignorance, not knowing. You can chalk it up to ignorance if you like, but the fact is, you are just not willing to face the fact that not all providers care to share time with just any individual. They are selective, thus screening,...dude.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Let's see. They say 'No African Americans' or 'No Blacks' and yet it's NOT racial?? Riiiiiiiiiiiight. Okay, then. Now I see. Thanks.

BigPurdy's Avatar
Let's see, some black providers say no African Americans or no Caucasians, some providers say no one under a certain age, you've seen ads or threads that say they don't want to see fat guys or guys over a certain age, or stinky guys. Okay, have it your way, you are wayyyy smarter than the rest of us. It would be ageism or stinkyism or weightism or, you guessed it, racism. You are a shining example of the crux of my argument and the sole reason that we can't move forward out of the doldrums of this idiocy called racism. You, my friend, are the definition of racism. Congratulations big man.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Dude, if I were you I'd delete that last post.

There's not one shred of intelligence in it.

Thuck Fat's Avatar
Ok, since this topic has been brutally beaten to death and the OP was given enough insight, can we all just get back to fucking now?