Let Trump finish out his final 13 days or invoke the 25th Amendment and relieve him of his duties today?

Dreamgurrl's Avatar
I am not going to repeat myself Originally Posted by berryberry

Best news all year!
matchingmole's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
Are you stupid or just ignorant of the truth

"Basically unarmed" is accurate. There were a handful caught carrying a concealed weapon. And there were a handful of pipe bombs found OUTSIDE - not in the capital. 99% of the people that were inside were unarmed - so "BASICALLY UNARMED". All you have to do is check the arrest reports. But I know you leftists hide from the facts.

If this was some "COUP" planned by "TERRORISTS" everyone would have been armed to the teeth. Try thinking for a change

And no one on THIS BOARD or IN CONGRESS defended any violence. Show me one Republican politician or one person here who defended it. Provide links and evidence to back up your BS claims.

Face it, you are inflicted with TDS - it is pathetic. Where do you fall on the TDS scale

As far as Graham and Pence, why would they be traitors? Again, your TDS is not letting you think clearly. Pence did his job.

You need to stop watching CNN and MSNBC. Originally Posted by berryberry

matchingmole's Avatar
LOL - Thanks for admitting you were wrong. It is typical when you can't dispute the facts you have to resort to childish insults.

Again, be a man for a change and back up your claims. Show me one Republican politician or one person here who defended any violence. Provide links and evidence to back up your claims. Originally Posted by berryberry

LOL - Thanks for admitting you were wrong. It is typical when you can't dispute the facts you have to resort to childish insults.

Again, be a man for a change and back up your claims. Show me one Republican politician or one person here who defended any violence. Provide links and evidence to back up your claims. Originally Posted by berryberry
The proof is everywhere MAGA boy. The thing with you MAGA people is that even if proof is provided, you still won't believe it. You MAGA people have a hard time with the truth. As far as "insults"... you all deserve to be insulted and ridiculed for your ridiculous views. They're not based in reality. It's almost like you're a flat earther getting all bent out of shape when you're called uneducated. It's not an insult, it's the truth. You're uneducated. Speaking of MAGA boy... what shape is the Earth in your mind? I think everyone on this board can safely assume you have no interest in the fact that the Earth is a sphere. So, in your mind, is it flat, hexagon, pyramid or some other shape?
Originally Posted by matchingmole
WRONG AGAIN AS USUAL Originally Posted by berryberry
Malignant narcissist who thinks he's always right. Here's the proof. You wanted me to back up my claims, right? Let me guess, you'll be just like your cult leader and say you never said this. SAD.
Originally Posted by matchingmole
Looks like he either shaved his legs or had a waxing.

The vast majority of the crowd was there for the rally and to peacefully protest the results. Unfortunately there were a small group of idiots there who wanted to take things further. Those idiots who caused violence should face penalties under the law just as any BLM idiots who caused violence all summer should have.

But the majority of the crowd was there for the rally and to peacefully protest the stolen election and voter fraud Originally Posted by berryberry

Yeah right!
Keep clutching that pearl!
They were there to subvert the constitution of these United
Intimidate lawmakers and keep them from performing thier constitutional duties!
And of course to conduct a coup!
But the ineptitude of the "coup klux clan", much like "the gang that couldn't sue straight" was glairingly apparent!
Something you don't seem to grasp Berry!
Those people that were there to"peacefully protest "if indeed there were any at all" are all represented by those assholes!
So are you Berry!
Plain and simple!
Much like your dear leader, simple!

But the majority of the crowd was there for the rally and to peacefully protest the stolen election and voter fraud Originally Posted by berryberry

Berry - jump to 17:15 and let it roll. What's the flavor you taste?
berryberry's Avatar
The proof is everywhere MAGA boy. The thing with you MAGA people is that even if proof is provided, you still won't believe it. You MAGA people have a hard time with the truth. As far as "insults"... you all deserve to be insulted and ridiculed for your ridiculous views. They're not based in reality. It's almost like you're a flat earther getting all bent out of shape when you're called uneducated. It's not an insult, it's the truth. You're uneducated. Speaking of MAGA boy... what shape is the Earth in your mind? I think everyone on this board can safely assume you have no interest in the fact that the Earth is a sphere. So, in your mind, is it flat, hexagon, pyramid or some other shape? Originally Posted by NeilArmstrong839125
You still have not provided any links and evidence to back up your claims. You simply resort to throwing out silly insults. It's really sad.
You still have not provided any links and evidence to back up your claims. You simply resort to throwing out silly insults. It's really sad. Originally Posted by berryberry
Whatever Qanon. What is for real sad is a grown man that refuses to acknowledge objective reality. You buy in 100% to lies and conspiracy theories. You have no interest in reality. That's really sad.
berryberry's Avatar
Whatever Qanon. What is for real sad is a grown man that refuses to acknowledge objective reality. You buy in 100% to lies and conspiracy theories. You have no interest in reality. That's really sad. Originally Posted by NeilArmstrong839125
Ha - for someone who wants to talk about reality, you still have not provided any links and evidence to back up the claim you made here.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Ha - for someone who wants to talk about reality, you still have not provided any links and evidence to back up the claim you made here. Originally Posted by berryberry
He doesn’t need to. You provided them for us already.
Ha - for someone who wants to talk about reality, you still have not provided any links and evidence to back up the claim you made here. Originally Posted by berryberry
How is it that you think I owe you links? (Btw, I did provide you a video link. Did you watch it?) And even if I did post them, you would still deny reality. So... what's the point? Actually... and no link is required for this reality... Joe Biden will be sworn in as YOUR President on January 20. That's an objective reality. You can go to Google real quick if you don't believe me.