Just for the record, I fuck around 3 men per week, and they're not random...they're well known and respected hobbyist.
The only exception is when I do a gang bang. I'll be taking a prophylactic tomorrow which I do for each gang bang, and then I'll get checked two weeks after
Originally Posted by milfy2002
oh well that changes everything! no way a well respected and well known john could possibly have anything, after all with all their experience and 100 plus reviews, they certainly are immune from stuff a novice might catch.
and getting tested lets you know that nothings showing right now, even though some virus's can be dormant for years, and some people are just carriers....thank goodness you go to such great lengths....
and you live on $600 a week?? (I fuck around 3 men per week)...I guess you must have started social security early, but you know if you waited til 65, you collect 100%
to each their own