Dallas Weatherman Resigns Over Facebook Comment

Randall Creed's Avatar
odd statement you make, considering black people are disliked in virtually every corner of the globe. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Why hate people that ain't got shit?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why hate people that ain't got shit? Originally Posted by Randall Creed
from what I can deduce, it's behavioral..
Randall Creed's Avatar

My 'thug'.

I honestly had never heard this definition of the word "thug" until I read this post. And I believe the weatherman didn't, either. If there was something in his background that indicated he was racist, then maybe he lied about his intent of using the word...?

Let's say you and I are at a ball game and the home team makes a spectacular play. If I turn to you and say "Boy!!! That was beautiful, wasn't it?!?"
Are you going to be offended? Originally Posted by Prolongus
Of course he will.....Urkel has a fiddy pound chip on his shoulder, he hates white folk but wants to have sex with blue eyed blonde hookers.......and throws a child like tantrum when they're NBA...................it honestly must suck to walk around with that much anger inside, and then have to sell insurance or whatever cubicle job has...........
Randall Creed's Avatar
Aaaaand, another post from a guy who doesn't get ANY pussy...on a board full of hookers.

albundy's Avatar
White folks are something else. The ONLY people on earth to wreak havoc in every corner of the globe then have the nerve to act as the moral standard. Calling protesters thugs by default is calling them the N-word for sure. Originally Posted by Bbond
Yeah, only white people do that. And all of those black on black murders that are an epidemic across the country and account for the overwhelming majority of blacks that are being murdered? Pure media lies.

As for wreaking havoc around the world? That's only white people. No doubt about it. The Muslims sure don't do that. They're all about peace and love and tolerance. I'm sure if we left them alone, they would embrace all ethnic groups, sexual life styles, and religions. It's our fault.

Pfttttt......What the fuck ever, man.
Chung Tran's Avatar

My 'thug'.

Originally Posted by Randall Creed
love the emoji
PeterBota's Avatar
Creed hates being black.
Well, I wouldn't call you nasty names. I'm not a fan of some of what I've seen, but I can't say for sure that those people represent BLM. If so, it's clear they need to clean house. But whether or not we approve, BLM is necessary. They wouldn't exist if their concerns weren't actually valid. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
If their concerns were valid i would be right there with them. But they are protesting criminals being shot while resisting arrest. Only the one police officer in atlanta i think it was deserves to be jailed because he shot a man not posing a threat. Ferguson, Baltimore, Minnesota are all expected results when you fuck with the police. If the Atlanta police officer gets off i will protest.

Maybe if the song said 'Dont fuck with the police' things would be better.

Seems to me the democrats are the new slave owners. I have to work my ass off to pay their high taxes. While they turn around and make poor people overly dependent on their handouts.

We cant get 95% of the country to say we landed on the moon but 95% of the blacks that vote will vote democrat. How can blacks continually vote for democrats for 100 years and have things get worse for them but STILL vote democrat? Wouldnt you try a different road after seeing it under construction for 100 years?
US Olympic swimmers can be thugs. It's not a race thing. It's a stupidly thing!
It's perfectly ok to surrender, noamatter how much damage you've done. Hell, blow up half the Earth and kill 2-3 billion. Just don't forget to give yourself up. You get the live and plead insanity.

But boy, steal some cigars, and .....

Oh, wait. Micheal Brown did throw his hands up. Still dead.

Oh, but he was black, though, so throwing the hands up doesn't count.

A white cat can kill someone, still have the weapon, and not get killed.

Funny how that works. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
are you retarded?