Roll Call

cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 01-03-2010, 05:32 PM
Hello Faith and welcome to the new home
SexyGabrielle's Avatar
Hello Everyone!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
welcome gabrielle .. welcome to all
Billy's Avatar
  • Billy
  • 01-03-2010, 05:48 PM
Hello from Norther NY!!
new member,hey Erica!!
Hi Gabrielle.

This is getting to be more fun then upwrapping presents on Christmas morning. (-:
I'm here ... and now I wish I was there ... namely in upstate NY, where I go to have my fun! Nice to see everyone.
Another long-time lurker "coming out" & hoping to contribute more to this fine community in 2010! glad you came out of the shadows!

Upstate NY rocks!
The move is complete, reporting for duty from the southern tier of NY
Made it!
edr1322's Avatar
HI Hanna might have to take the drive to Roc since we cant get together any more when you come to BUFF.You are one of the best of Roc has to offer. ED glad you came out of the shadows!

Upstate NY rocks! Originally Posted by Hanna
...thanks to an angel who helped me cross over..
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-03-2010, 08:37 PM
Thanks to all for replying to this little thread

PLEASE continue to report in if you are just arriving.

ALSO, if you know of anyone who we may have missed, please get the message to them somehow. It appears that ASPD [sarcasm] in their infinite wisdom [/sarcasm] has decided now that we can no longer make posts with the name ECCIE.NET.
youngatheart's Avatar
Hello all, former aspd member with new name for the new site