Did Christine Blasey Ford Set Back the #Metoo Movement?

I agree.. Avenatti's ridiculous client took away from any possibility Ford would be believable. he seems to have slinked away the past week. what can he possibly say to redeem himself? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
He could resign his credentials to practice law.
TexTushHog's Avatar
He could resign his credentials to practice law. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Never. It’s his meal ticket to publicity, which is more important to,him than doing good for his client. The dumb motherfucker is even talking about running for President. If the disaster with Trump should have taught anything, it’s that relevant political experience is (DUH! An essential Jon requirement.
lustylad's Avatar
Nothing. He’s a two bit huckster. A publicity whore who is more interested in media coverage than his clients. The epitome of what a lawyer shouldn’t be. The sooner he crawls back under whatever rock he crawled out from, the better off we’ll all be... Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Awww gee TushHog, it's uncool to kick your fellow liberal Trump-basher when he's down. Try to show more empathy and compassion for Avenatti. At least you could find the poor schlep a job at the Clinton Foundation or the DNC.
Sorry believers but trump takes the credibility out of this country every time he tweets or speaks. He is amusing as fk though
TexTushHog's Avatar
Awww gee TushHog, it's uncool to kick your fellow liberal Trump-basher when he's down. Try to show more empathy and compassion for Avenatti. At least you could find the poor schlep a job at the Clinton Foundation or the DNC. Originally Posted by lustylad
I don’t think he’s liberal. Just a publicity hound. No reputable lawyer would ever do what he’s done. He strikes me as if the same ilk as Trump. Just a topwater opportunist.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Dumper is just a loud mouthed New Yorker media makes that a credibility issue as for Avenatti just a scum bag attorney going for his 15 minute in the spotlight
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Her testimony was bullshit and she paid by the liberal democrats to make up the allegations. If they were true, then why did she not come forward back in 2003 when then president Bush nominated him for the D.C. curcuit court?
lustylad's Avatar
I don’t think he’s liberal. Just a publicity hound. No reputable lawyer would ever do what he’s done. He strikes me as if the same ilk as Trump. Just a topwater opportunist. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
What's a "reputable lawyer"? You mean like Flea Bailey?

After Bailey was imprisoned for six weeks in 1996 for contempt of court... He was later found guilty of seven counts of attorney misconduct by the Florida Supreme Court, and in 2001 he was disbarred.


"Topwater"? Granted, Stormy D does have a mouth-watering top!

Chung, the beauty of the #metoo movement was for the first time I saw women in mass protest the inappropriate actions of men and not want some kind of pay day for doing so.

The woman who was raped by Mike Tyson had him charged so Tyson wouldn't rape another woman, and she is an amazing, courageous person.

The slut who charged Kobe Bryant was out for and got a payday, and it was that accusation that IMO led to the fiasco at Duke.

The whole purpose of Dr. Ford's testimony was not pure. She didn't want a white man to have power. She and her allies were afraid Kavanaugh might reverse Roe v. Wade, and they went back to their playbook, the same one they went to for Bork and for Thomas. They put up a psychologist who knew how to manipulate a crowd for their own selfish ends and made an accusation so generic it could be used against any man.

For the record, I didn't like Kobe Bryant. I heard he was still screwing around on his wife and was a cheap bastard to boot, and I don't like Kavanugh. He is a lying, executive branch boot licker that Trump put in because he knew Kavanaugh would always rule in his favor. He is not a constiutionalist but a fascist, and it wouldn't surprise me at all that someone with his moral compass did rape or assault a woman.

But I haven't been as pissed about an unfair sex charge since Kobe Bryant so yeah, I would say it did hurt the #metoo movement.
People just want "their side" to win. It's why the GOP held up Merrick Garland's confirmation because they wanted to avoid a centrist/liberal judge being added to the SC. If they had Kavanaugh-level dirt on Garland, they would have used it just like them Dems did. It's why Dems turned over every dumpster and chair they could find on Kavanaugh in hopes of delaying a vote until mid-terms.

It's also why religious conservatives voted for a man that's had 5 kids with 3 wives and has openly admitted to cheating on all of them. Democrats ignored Bill Clinton's infidelities though Democrats have never claimed to represent Christian values or the Moral Majority either...so there's that. Basically, any justification you use to explain support for your team could be flipped back on you.

The key is to vote for whoever is MOST LIKELY to represent your interests. That's why white guys overwhelmingly vote Republican and everyone else votes Democrat. White women seem to go back and forth but are mostly split based on education levels and opportunities for advancement. WW with better career opportunities and more education lean Democrat while those more reliant on their husbands earnings or with less post-secondary education lean GOP.
I’ve long said that you can’t judge someone’s past behavior on current social attitudes. I bet nearly every woman has been taken advantage of sexually, and what we define as rape is much broader now. For example, marital rape wasn’t considered rape by all 50 states until 1993.

Do I think Kav did what Ford accused? I do.
Do I think that in and of itself should disqualify him from SCOTUS? Not necessarily

However, I think his behavior during the Senate hearing speaks volumes about the sort of hothead he is and I don’t think it’s befitting of a Supreme Court Justice.

Original question: I think it helped the #metoo movement because of my first statement. Many women have experienced exactly what Ford has, and we’re not going to accept it as normal behavior anymore.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I’ve long said that you can’t judge someone’s past behavior on current social attitudes. I bet nearly every woman has been taken advantage of sexually, and what we define as rape is much broader now. For example, marital rape wasn’t considered rape by all 50 states until 1993.

Do I think Kav did what Ford accused? I do.
Do I think that in and of itself should disqualify him from SCOTUS? Not necessarily

However, I think his behavior during the Senate hearing speaks volumes about the sort of hothead he is and I don’t think it’s befitting of a Supreme Court Justice.

Original question: I think it helped the #metoo movement because of my first statement. Many women have experienced exactly what Ford has, and we’re not going to accept it as normal behavior anymore. Originally Posted by Tera Paris
I think you are right, given that "taken advantage of" goes in many directions. I think for many years society has tried to define a line, that distinguishes between "going too far", and "boys will be boys, it's not that bad" kind of behavior. but you can't do that.. even mild aggression is an attack, any "advance" knowingly "unwelcomed" is wrong.

I am not convinced Kavanaugh is guilty. there are so many reasons to doubt, from the 36 year gap, to the myriad of reasons Democrats have to make up the tale, no supporting witnesses, etc.. Kavanaugh came off as "believable" in the Senate Hearing. and Avenatti's client looked like a "plant" from the Republicans, her story was so outrageous nobody thought she was even slightly credible.. I think that helped sink Ford's allegation.

I didn't like Kavanaugh's attitude and demeanor, however. and given that this is essentially a job interview for a high position requiring even temperament and balance, that would have garnered a "no" vote from me.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 10-13-2018, 01:12 PM
Me too movement is a joke now and Ford should be used as an example of what not to do.

Lock her up
Me too movement is a joke now and Ford should be used as an example of what not to do.

Lock her up Originally Posted by Aoi
You think she make all that up? I know people that believe that. She got a lot to lose if she caught.
billw1032's Avatar
However, I think his behavior during the Senate hearing speaks volumes about the sort of hothead he is and I don’t think it’s befitting of a Supreme Court Justice. Originally Posted by Tera Paris
I didn't like Kavanaugh's attitude and demeanor, however. and given that this is essentially a job interview for a high position requiring even temperament and balance, that would have garnered a "no" vote from me. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'm not convinced that his demeanor at the final hearing was actually his natural personality. I'm sure he was hurt and angry and probably some of it was, but the media was full of replays of Clarence Thomas' response at his hearing and pundits saying that he had to come off with a similar amount of indignation to have a chance. You can bet he heard that and tried to be "Clarence Thomas-like" to some degree, although he may have overplayed it a bit. To me it doesn't mean that that's his normal temperament.