themystic's Avatar
OK, I haven't villainized him yet, but will now. I voted for him in 2008 and regret it. I should have voted for the Libertarian. McCain never saw a prospective war or foreign entanglement he didn't like. And he was a big government Republican. Obama had me so freaked out, that he was going to fuck people like me if elected, that I felt compelled to vote for McCain.

That said, I have tons of respect for the sacrifices McCain made and hardships he endured in Vietnam. Few of us have suffered so much. Originally Posted by Tiny
Thank you Tiny. McCain being villainized by Trump is very similar to Trump taking sides with Vladimir Putin over the FBI. Trump supporters fuck you in your ass-(not you or Fred). The rest of you pond scum needs to move the fuck on. Your Traitors, Idiots and Un American losers
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
themystic doesn't know McCain.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That said, I have tons of respect for the sacrifices McCain made and hardships he endured in Vietnam. Few of us have suffered so much. Originally Posted by Tiny
Thank you for that. Whether or not anyone views McCain as a hero he did risk his life fighting for the country. I look at anyone who put his or her life on the line in combat for this country as somewhat of a hero.
themystic's Avatar
Thank you for that. Whether or not anyone views McCain as a hero he did risk his life fighting for the country. I look at anyone who put his or her life on the line in combat for this country as somewhat of a hero. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yes there are many who go to war. Few who participate. These cowards on here and elsewhere who are playing along with Trumps anti American rhetoric are the traitors. They should be ashamed. Sure don't see any MAGA hats in public because they fear backlash. Yet the scorn a man who went to Vietnam and actually fought in a war. What a bunch of phony pussies. These modern day "soldiers" are video game "warriors" Lmao at the modern day military
lustylad's Avatar
Yet they scorn a man who went to Vietnam and actually fought in a war. What a bunch of phony pussies. Originally Posted by themystic
You're the one who routinely insults veterans and scorns the US military as a bunch of "losers". Are you now calling yourself a phony pussy? Make up your mind!
themystic's Avatar
You're the one who scorns the US military as a bunch of "losers". Are you now calling yourself a phony pussy? Make up your mind! Originally Posted by lustylad
Todays military are losers. Name one war they won recently. Desert Shield was 35 countries against a depleted Iraq. That would be like a NASCAR car racing a Prius. Superior mechanical edge. No Im calling todays military pussies. And the Trump supporters who are scardy cats and wont wear their MAGA hats outside. Are you one of these Lusty?
lustylad's Avatar
Todays military are losers... No Im calling todays military pussies. Originally Posted by themystic
So lemme get this straight - According to you, Vietnam was a big military success making McCain a hero. But every US military campaign since then (with the exception of Desert Storm/Shield) has been a failure waged by pussies and losers? Did I get it right?

You are really sharp. Your acumen and knowledge as a military historian are most impressive! Maybe you could apply for a teaching position at West Point! (SARCASM ALERT!)
Thank you for that. Whether or not anyone views McCain as a hero he did risk his life fighting for the country. I look at anyone who put his or her life on the line in combat for this country as somewhat of a hero. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I absolutely agree. McCain was a war hero. Is that automatic qualification as good politician and representative of the people. I absolutely say not. McCain became petty in politics. His disdain for Trump over being able to accomplish what he couldn't was very very apparent.
themystic's Avatar
So lemme get this straight - According to you, Vietnam was a big military success making McCain a hero. But every US military campaign since then (with the exception of Desert Storm/Shield) has been a failure waged by pussies and losers? Did I get it right? Originally Posted by lustylad
Vietnam actually had people who fought in battle. Like Mueller. These modern day Video soldiers are just playing video games. I know that our military is superior through technology, not by the people using it. Got it Lusty? Good
Vietnam actually had people who fought in battle. Like Mueller. These modern day Video soldiers are just playing video games. I know that our military is superior through technology, not by the people using it. Got it Lusty? Good Originally Posted by themystic
So I don't see your point. Is it somehow brave not to use technology and go put your head in front a rifle.

I have personally worked with and talked to some of those soldiers responsible for the remote attacks and drone strikes. If you don't think that takes a special mentality to deal with and take those actions, then you really are clueless in today's world.

It's not just a video game experience.
lustylad's Avatar
Vietnam actually had people who fought in battle. Like Mueller. These modern day Video soldiers are just playing video games. I know that our military is superior through technology, not by the people using it. Got it Lusty? Good Originally Posted by themystic
So nobody has actually "fought in battle" anymore since Vietnam? How did we lose thousands of good soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan if no battles were fought and they were "just playing video games"?

It's disgusting that you feel the need to gratuitously insult all veterans in this forum. It's even more pathetic watching you stumble all over your own contradictions and nonsense.
lustylad's Avatar
...then you really are clueless in today's world. Originally Posted by eccielover
You just figured that out about mystic? Welcome to the forum!
themystic's Avatar
So nobody has actually "fought in battle" anymore since Vietnam? How did we lose thousands of good soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan if no battles were fought and they were "just playing video games"?

It's disgusting that you feel the need to gratuitously insult all veterans in this forum. It's even more pathetic watching you stumble all over your own contradictions and nonsense. Originally Posted by lustylad
Aww Lusty chill out. Im just following the lead of Trump. He supports Russia over our own Military and intelligence agencies. He talks down our FBI, CIA and other agencies to support Putin, Saudi Arabi and NK. Why the hate for me when Im just parroting what Trump says. I think there are a few good veterans. I haven't seen any evidence in this forum but Im sure there are a few good ones
themystic's Avatar
You just figured that out about mystic? Welcome to the forum! Originally Posted by lustylad
Don't you live in Pittsburg? You cant even protect people who try to worship in your city. You don't really have much credibility up there. Ill feel safe in my church tomorrow. Sure glad Im safe in Dallas, Texas
I'd love to know how many on this forum who are villainizing McCain today voted for him for POTUS in 2008. Anyone willing to confess? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
On the flip side of that coin, the ones that are singing his praise today voted for Obama, lol.