Gas and inflation affecting the hobby?

Finman22's Avatar
This is absolutely the way to go on everything, quit paying inflated prices on anything- beef, auto prices, home prices, retail goods, vagina, you name it, cut what you’re spending now and shit will change! Originally Posted by ManSlut
Seems like this is starting to happen.
DallasRain's Avatar
I havent raised my prices despite highwr gas prices and higher traveling cost... and i still keep low volume at 2 a day when traveling.
sure my profit is down,but i am still surviving and have a nice corral of regulars who keep me busy.

i just hope that things straighten out soon..
Sunny Kaye's Avatar
Something is effecting the Hobby. I've been out for a few years, and I've been back for a short time, and in that short time. Things have been slow, that it's making me rethink coming back to the hobby!! 😞
pmdelites's Avatar
back to gas, in a way we are lucky here in dallas and texas.

i just got back from sacramento on a business/pleasure trip.
gas is out of sight. it was $6.51 at the airport gas station. good thing i rented a hybrid @ 48mpg.

(is there a way to reuse images previously uploaded here on eccie??)
pmdelites's Avatar
I have a few go to girls ... Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
wile, since most of us eccie-ites know your story, i'll take it upon myself to request on behalf of the crowd ....

* please prefix your posts w/ a note that it really has something to do with the thread.
* if it doesnt, please prefix it with "my story that i've posted a gazillion times. move on if you've already read it."

Wile E Coyote's Avatar
wile, since most of us eccie-ites know your story, i'll take it upon myself to request on behalf of the crowd ....

* please prefix your posts w/ a note that it really has something to do with the thread.
* if it doesnt, please prefix it with "my story that i've posted a gazillion times. move on if you've already read it."

thanks. Originally Posted by pmdelites
LOL. Looking at the thread, there are many folks who have wavered from the actual topic, yet you decide to call me out and no one else. I thought targeting others for attacks was not allowed on this site (maybe it matters who it is). Yes, I may say the same thing, but at least I am consistent instead of professing to have multiple opinions on the same subject just to disagree with other posters.

The only things you know about me is what you and your fellow eccie-ites believe with your conspiracy theories you say as facts on here. It is about as real as a provider taking your word as apposed to a provider that has seen me on what I do BCD. Granted, there are some dumbshit providers that fall for that garbage because, well, they are dumbshits, but most do not as evidenced by my 150+ provider Oks on p411, not to mention the multiple dancers I see OTC regularly and the RMTs that I have on speed dial.

Anyway, back on topic.

Since I rarely see new to me providers save for the SC, all the ladies I do see BCD have me grandfathered in at pre pandemic rates and did not raise them on me, so no, inflation has not effected my hobbying at all.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-06-2022, 12:12 PM
I wanna see what these grandfathered/special rates are, seems to be a major mystery around here.....
Grace Preston's Avatar
I wanna see what these grandfathered/special rates are, seems to be a major mystery around here..... Originally Posted by BLM69

Well that's because everyone is different. Some ladies grandfather clients at their previous rate for a set amount of time. Some ladies grandfather clients at a lower rate than their posted rate. Some ladies don't grandfather at all.

I "generally" grandfather my friends at my previously posted rate-- having said that-- a good chunk of them will still "tip" me up to my current rate. I don't expect nor require it... but many of them do. Some can't-- and that's ok. Part of why I'm pretty generous with my grandfathering is that I know some of my clients just can't afford an increase.
Part of why I'm pretty generous with my grandfathering is that I know some of my clients just can't afford an increase. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
That kind of generosity deserves a Nobel Prize!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-07-2022, 12:12 PM
Gas prices are dropping a bit, it's in the $3.40s near my place, maybe pussy will begin to drop also
My Ram stays in the garage. I been driving my little E car. Beef price still isn’t too bad in Dallas, so I am not hurting much. I still cut back on pay to fuck on uncertainty of tomorrow and keep investing.
Now is a good time to pay off debt, buy extra food, storable food, pet food, guns and ammo, rain barrels, generators, gold and silver coins, extra parts, extra supplies, anything tangible. Now is not the time to be buying pussy.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-07-2022, 04:02 PM
Now is a good time to pay off debt, buy extra food, storable food, pet food, guns and ammo, rain barrels, generators, gold and silver coins, extra parts, extra supplies, anything tangible. Now is not the time to be buying pussy. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
Pussy is essential for me to keep functioning,. I'm a happy Man and get way more done if I'm not thinking about getting my cock drained
Ghostrider's Avatar
My Ram stays in the garage. I been driving my little E car. Beef price still isn’t too bad in Dallas, so I am not hurting much. I still cut back on pay to fuck on uncertainty of tomorrow and keep investing. Originally Posted by AsianP
Finman, you are correct. you may have nailed this in 1 post. Congrats