You Know That You've Been In The Hobby/Biz Too Long

WELL I FOUND OUT SUNDAY exactly what happens when you have been in the business to long.... you have been in the business TOO LONG when a 35 year old man jumps on your bed in a diaper and has a baby bag with baby powder, baby wipes extra diapers pasifire and bottels. YES SIR REE thats when you been in the business to long lol Originally Posted by Majichands

(Thanks, these "special" sessions with you!)
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Your understanding of this t-shirt is probably different from those wearing them:
berkleigh's Avatar
- when I lock eyes with older men in a public place, converse to see if they know the lingo and wait for them to proceed.

- when I am reconized and leaving an appt, walking to the elevator, on the way down I am followed by a man who cant stop gazing and as I ask Valet for my car, he asks how much for my time ... smh (true story)

- when you refer to your "real self" in 3rd person as if you have a split personality

- when your Hobby Life and Reputation take over who you use to be ... and you secretly enjoy it

googol^googol's Avatar
You know you"re in the hobby too long when every girl you see on the street, you mentally rate what their 1 hour fee would be if they provided.
"she's a $$ girl". "that's a $$$ ass" Originally Posted by Bababoeuy
I had never done this before. After reading this thread the idea is in my head and now I can't stop doing it.

I hate you all.
When dating a "civie", you don't feel special seeing his d**k for free.
When doing a "civie", you put the condom on with no hands and are suprised he's never seen it before.
When you post an ad because you're bored and haven't got any in awhile.
When your at your daughter's college orientation "session" and revise the location in a text you drafted to a "meeting" as your daughter and session in the same text just didn't seem right. lol
You know you've been in the hobby too long when you post to a thread that's been goin' on since before the dinosaurs!
Precision45's Avatar
When you decide to take the family to Disneyland and the first thing you do is check P411 in the L.A. area to see who's gonna be available.
I knew I had been in the hobby too long when I didn't receive a response to a P411 appointment request and I was relieved rather than annoyed. It was a fast and cheap way to cross a forgettable name off of my list.