...if you wear a mask, the benefit is primarily for other people, not you, unless maybe it's an N95. ...
Originally Posted by Tiny
Do you not even understand the simple design dynamic of a N95 mask or even what it was created for? An infected person wearing one does, and I emphasize,
NOT A DAMNED THING to prevent spreading any disease. Period(.) It don't stop jack-shit outbound. It has a bypass port(s) for exhale, i.e. not filtered. BTW: what ever it does happen to stop from exiting, due to port size restriction area - stays on your face and gets rebreathed continuously.
Disposable masks, like in hospitals, are designed for use in a
sterile environment and are meant to be changed out frequently. Like every 20-60 minutes. They are not meant for long term use and definitely not meant for reuse or continued use. They are designed to stop unexpected 'big spray' emissions - from either direction and fit poorly on your face, i.e. tons of bypass areas, aka gaps.
Cloth masks are in essence, the worst of the worst of the worst - with honors. They retain moisture, prevent carbon dioxide from exiting, collect and hold contaminates and causes one to rebreath their own breath/germs/emissions as well as those from the other side of the mask. Mold is highly likely to develop within them as well.
The shortcomings in all three are accentuated with continuing "fiddling around" with the fit of the thing and disturbing the built up pestilence, not to mention continued removing/replacing of the same mask, while it is resting over the very places that are inlet portals for the disease.
Wear 'em if you want to. Just try to fathom what their design criteria was versus how you "feel" it achieves your objectives.
Two last thoughts for you to ponder:
- How many 3-micron sized Corona Virus germs cause COVID?
- Does your mask stop less than that number?