Who's your Favorite Showcase On Eccie

Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Here is one of my favorites Angelforu
http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=4780 Originally Posted by texcc
Very nice
funnyboy's Avatar

You can re-vote for Sonya about every 2 weeks as she changes hers so much.

Love taking the time to examine her sexy body!
funnyboy...and what a body to examine! (lol) Love her new avatar too...sexy sexy sexy!
levi tab's Avatar
I like the nipple pic in this showcase...

Sonya Playmate's Avatar
levi tab's Avatar
OMG same socks lol ...WEE

http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=13153 Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
hmmm...she's not wearing socks...

MGS198's Avatar
My votes goes to Lovely Lexi Milf: http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=105624

This chick is pretty hot too, can't believe I've never noticed her: http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=110578

This showcase is hot except for the annoying watermarks: http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=124109
MSG...that's a nice trio! The 2nd one is Jazzietrue...that's Sonya's new doubles partner...very hot!!
Mojojo's Avatar
Damn you Sonya for bringing this up again ..... one day I will see this gorgeous woman!

Why cant Kansas City be close? FML!!

Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Mojojo213~ Hey we can both do her one day~ She freaking HOT [QUOTE=mojojo213;3109704]Damn you Sonya for bringing this up again ..... one day I will see this gorgeous woman!

Why cant Kansas City be close? FML!!

grunt816's Avatar
XXX Karla
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
XXX Karla Originally Posted by goall618

Marcus78's Avatar
Whew! Many, many hot ladies on this thread. I don't really browse the showcases a whole lot, but these two popped up randomly today, and I found them both great.



Although, I wish the former would post more photos. :/ Also, I LOVE black and white photos, but many ladies don't post any B&W photos.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Very nice marcus...;-) Also black and white photos are my FAV....

here is angel she whew hot...
in women there is no woman i would rather taste than sonya as evidenced by my avatar. i think i have spent a full year of my life staring at , examining , jacking off to , admiring, daydreaming to ,her pics and showcase. if i put a quarter away for every time i used her pics as inspiration i could fly to san antonio and enjoy her overnight. if i just walked the time i spend looking at her pics i would be there already. i am still amazed that regular guys actually get to bang that body. just once thts all i ask
Very nice Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate