Tucker done at Fox!!!!

Dreamgurrl's Avatar
They’ve tried, many times, but have always fell on their faces. Normal people don’t want to watch/listen to leftist claptrap and no viewers/listeners = low advertising rates = business failure.

Remember Air America, devised to compete with Limbaugh? They lasted like 4 days before total collapse. Rush had a great time poking fun at that one.

Poor rmg, seems to be the angriest mf’r around. That’s a common theme on the left, always pissed off about something. Must really suck carrying around such seething anger. Get out and golf, ride a dirt bike, coach little league, whatever. Forget about being offended all the time and bring some joy to your life. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Rmg post count a little over 700
Berryberry post count nearly 12000

Who’s the angry one that needs to get out more and stop being offended 24/7?
Do you even hear yourselves?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s the content, not the amount. Every post the dude comes across like he just busted a knuckle trying to get out a rusty bolt.


It’s actually entertaining, like how you can’t help but look at a car wreck with mangled bodies all over the street.
berryberry's Avatar
They’ve tried, many times, but have always fell on their faces. Normal people don’t want to watch/listen to leftist claptrap and no viewers/listeners = low advertising rates = business failure.

Remember Air America, devised to compete with Limbaugh? They lasted like 4 days before total collapse. Rush had a great time poking fun at that one.

Poor rmg, seems to be the angriest mf’r around. That’s a common theme on the left, always pissed off about something. Must really suck carrying around such seething anger. Get out and golf, ride a dirt bike, coach little league, whatever. Forget about being offended all the time and bring some joy to your life. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Indeed. That is why they hate successful people like Tucker Carlson. Not only do they know he exposes their bullshit and tells it like it is but they know there is no intelligent or successful leftist counterpart out there.

And yeah, leftists love to let the hate flow through them. I think many of them live in a state like this

It is amusing though to watch them at times. I almost feel sorry for them living such a hate filled life. Almost.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
It’s the content, not the amount. Every post the dude comes across like he just busted a knuckle trying to get out a rusty bolt.


It’s actually entertaining, like how you can’t help but look at a car wreck with mangled bodies all over the street. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Compare that to the amount of”crazy deranged mentally Ill leftist” etc shit that is the title to at least 90% of berry’s posts.
Your math ain’t Mathing.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What math?
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
What math? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Shoot! My bad I should have known this would be over your head.

“Mathematics is the science and study of quality, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions.”
Jacuzzme's Avatar
So your post, since none of that applies to mine. Your math isn’t mathing tho, but I can tell your trying, an admirable quality.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Indeed. That is why they hate successful people like Tucker Carlson. Not only do they know he exposes their bullshit and tells it like it is but they know there is no intelligent or successful leftist counterpart out there.

And yeah, leftists love to let the hate flow through them. I think many of them live in a state like this

It is amusing though to watch them at times. I almost feel sorry for them living such a hate filled life. Almost. Originally Posted by berryberry
I don’t hate Tucker Carlson. The man is good at his job. His job is to be exactly who he is. He’s an actor.
What is amusing are the people who think his act is real.
berryberry's Avatar
Compare that to the amount of”crazy deranged mentally Ill leftist” etc shit that is the title to at least 90% of berry’s posts.
You’re math ain’t Mathing. Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
It's so cute you like to keep tabs on me. But sorry, no matter how many lies you spread like the one above, to quote that crazy ass leftist AOC, "I really don't want to date you"

Besides, it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread which is Tucker Carlson. The man leftists are jealous of and love to irrationally hate because he is very good at his job.
That's the most delusional thing I've heard on here. Fucker Carlson is a racist, homopobic, transpobic, antisemitic, misogynist, election denying, lying ass piece of shit. But he feeds into the fears, prejudices, and hatred of the jackass assholes that listen to him. He normalized their hatred and prejudices and they suck it up and vomit it back out. He's as anti-American as they come. It shows how many hate-filled enraged morons we have living in this country. It's truly despicable, but they want to be just like him and there favorite ass-clown tRump. Hillary was 100% right when she called them a basket full of deplorables. Originally Posted by rmg_35

Yep. The reasonable people can see this. Those who aren't consumed with irrational fear, anger, or hate.
It’s the content, not the amount. Every post the dude comes across like he just busted a knuckle trying to get out a rusty bolt.


It’s actually entertaining, like how you can’t help but look at a car wreck with mangled bodies all over the street. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

LOL. Do a brief scan of the thread titles in this forum and then tell me who seems like they just busted a knuckle on a rusty bolt. I won't hold my breath. I don't expect you to see or admit the truth.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
It's so cute you like to keep tabs on me. But sorry, no matter how many lies you spread like the one above, to quote that crazy ass leftist AOC, "I really don't want to date you"

Besides, it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread which is Tucker Carlson. The man leftists are jealous of and love to irrationally hate because he is very good at his job. Originally Posted by berryberry
I’m not keeping tabs. The stats are under your profile for all to see.
Has anyone checked this accounts ID? Oh that’s right, it’s only providers who have to submit identification.
HDGristle's Avatar
Besides, it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread which is Tucker Carlson. The man leftists are jealous of and love to irrationally hate because he is very good at his job. Originally Posted by berryberry
He's your hero because he was fired. I like people that weren't fired.

I could have said shitcanned, but it's sensationalist drivel
It's hilariously delusional to think that a single person who's politically to the left of Trump's Right Wing Cult of Ignorance would be jealous of Tucker Carlson.
That's the most delusional thing I've heard on here. Fucker Carlson is a racist, homopobic, transpobic, antisemitic, misogynist, election denying, lying ass piece of shit. But he feeds into the fears, prejudices, and hatred of the jackass assholes that listen to him. He normalized their hatred and prejudices and they suck it up and vomit it back out. He's as anti-American as they come. It shows how many hate-filled enraged morons we have living in this country. It's truly despicable, but they want to be just like him and there favorite ass-clown tRump. Hillary was 100% right when she called them a basket full of deplorables. Originally Posted by rmg_35
My thoughts exactly